INAF-Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali
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- PublicationOpen AccessA Joint Multifractal Approach to Solar Wind TurbulencePrevious studies have shown that solar wind, a plasma medium with turbulent dynamics, exhibits anomalous scaling features, i.e., intermittency, in the inertial domain. This intermittent nature has primarily been investigated through the study of the scaling features of the structure functions of single quantities. We use a novel approach based on joint multifractal analysis in this study to simultaneously investigate the scaling characteristics of both the magnetic field and the plasma velocity in solar wind turbulence. Specifically, we focus on the joint multifractal behavior of magnetic and velocity field fluctuations in both fast and slow solar wind streams observed by the ESA-Ulysses satellite, with the goal of identifying any differences in their joint multifractal characteristics.
53 13 - PublicationOpen AccessModeling Turbulent Fluctuations in High-Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Using Electric Field CSES-01 Observations(2023-09-21)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; High-latitude ionospheric plasma constitutes a very complex environment, which is characterized by turbulent dynamics in the presence of different ion species. The turbulent plasma motion produces statistical features of both electromagnetic and velocity fields, which have been broadly studied over the years. In this work, we use electric field high-resolution observations provided by the China-Seismo Electromagnetic Satellite-01 in order to investigate the properties of plasma turbulence within the Earth’s polar cap. We adopt a model of turbulence in which the fluctuations of the electric field are assimilated to a stochastic process evolving throughout the scales, and we show that such a process (i) satisfies the Markov condition (ii) can be modeled as a continuous diffusion process. These observations enable us to use a Fokker–Planck equation to model the changes in the statistics of turbulent fluctuations throughout the scales. In this context, we discuss the advantages and limitations of the proposed approach in modeling plasma electric field fluctuations.62 18 - PublicationOpen AccessUnveiling the Core Patterns of High-Latitude Electron Density Distribution at Swarm Altitude(2023-09-15)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; The ionosphere has distinctive characteristics under different solar and geomagnetic conditions, as well as throughout the seasons, and has a direct impact on our technological life in terms of radio communication and satellite navigation systems. In the pursuit of developing highly accurate ionospheric models and/or improving existing ones, understanding the various physical mechanisms that influence electron density dynamics is critical. In this study, we apply the Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition (MEMD) method to the electron density distribution in the mid-to-high latitude (above 50 ° magnetic latitude) regions in order to identify the dominant scales at which these mechanisms operate. The data were collected by the Swarm mission in the Northern Hemisphere. MEMD allows us to separate the main intrinsic modes and assess their relative contributions to the original one, thereby identifying the most important modes and the spatial scales at which they exert influence. Our study spanned the period from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2021, which was characterized by low solar activity levels. This choice allowed for a more focused investigation of other variables influencing electron density distribution under similar solar activity conditions. We specifically examined the variations of the resulting modes in relation to different seasons and geomagnetic activity conditions, providing valuable insights into the complex behavior of the ionosphere in response to various external factors.59 14 - PublicationOpen AccessGPS Loss of Lock Events and Their Dependence on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Orientation(2023-06)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The study investigates the influence of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation on loss of lock (LoL) events in GPS signals. We analyzed LoLs recorded on two Swarm satellites between July 2014 and December 2021, examining how the signs of the IMF $B_x$, $B_y$, and $B_z$ components affect the distribution of events at high latitudes. Our results reveal an asymmetric distribution of LoL events over 75° magnetic latitude. In the Northern hemisphere, more events occur in the post-noon sector with negative IMF $B_y$, and in the pre-noon sector with positive IMF $B_y$. Conversely, in the Southern hemisphere, pre-noon events increase with negative IMF $B_y$, while post-noon events increase with positive IMF $B_y$. At lower latitudes (50°-75°), IMF $B_y$ does not significantly affect the event distribution, which mainly concentrates in the night sector for both hemispheres. Additionally, we found a connection between IMF $B_y$ and $B_x$, primarily due to the IMF spiral structure. Finally, we discuss our findings in the context of the SuperDARN data-driven model of ionospheric convection patterns, which shows that LoL events frequently cluster in the cusp region, as well as the area where the two convection cells separate.135 19 - PublicationOpen AccessOn the Electron Temperature in the Topside Ionosphere as Seen by Swarm Satellites, Incoherent Scatter Radars, and the International Reference Ionosphere Model(2021-10-12)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The global statistical median behavior of the electron temperature (Te) in the topside ionosphere was investigated through in-situ data collected by Langmuir Probes on-board the European Space Agency Swarm satellites constellation from the beginning of 2014 to the end of 2020. This is the first time that such an analysis, based on such a large time window, has been carried out globally, encompassing more than half a solar cycle, from the activity peak of 2014 to the minimum of 2020. The results show that Swarm data can help in understanding the main features of Te in the topside ionosphere in a way never achieved before. Te data measured by Swarm satellites were also compared to data modeled by the empirical climatological International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model and data measured by Jicamarca (12.0 S, 76.8 W), Arecibo (18.2 N, 66.4 W), and Millstone Hill (42.6 N, 71.5 W) Incoherent Scatter Radars (ISRs). Moreover, the correction of Swarm Te data recently proposed by Lomidze was applied and evaluated. These analyses were performed for two main reasons: (1) to understand how the IRI model deviates from the measurements; and (2) to test the reliability of the Swarm dataset as a new possible dataset to be included in the underlying empirical dataset layer of the IRI model. The results show that the application of the Lomidze correction improved the agreement with ISR data above all at mid latitudes and during daytime, and it was effective in reducing the mismatch between Swarm and IRI Te values. This suggests that future developments of the IRI Te model should include the Swarm dataset with the Lomidze correction. However, the existence of a quasi-linear relation between measured and modeled Te values was well verified only below about 2200 K, while for higher values it was completely lost. This is an important result that IRI Te model developers should properly consider when using the Swarm dataset.883 16 - PublicationOpen AccessA New Ionospheric Index to Investigate Electron Temperature Small-Scale Variations in the Topside Ionosphere(2021-08-06)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The electron temperature (Te) behavior at small scales (both spatial and temporal) in the topside ionosphere is investigated through in situ observations collected by Langmuir Probes on-board the European Space Agency Swarm satellites from the beginning of 2014 to the end of 2020. Te observations are employed to calculate the Rate Of change of electron TEmperature Index (ROTEI), which represents the standard deviation of the Te time derivative calculated over a window of fixed width. As a consequence, ROTEI provides a description of the small-scale variations of Te along the Swarm satellites orbit. The extension of the dataset and the orbital configuration of the Swarm satellites allowed us to perform a statistical analysis of ROTEI to unveil its mean spatial, diurnal, seasonal, and solar activity variations. The main ROTEI statistical trends are presented and discussed in the light of the current knowledge of the phenomena affecting the distribution and dynamics of the ionospheric plasma, which play a key role in triggering Te small-scale variations. The appearance of unexpected high values of ROTEI at mid and low latitudes for specific magnetic local time sectors is revealed and discussed in association with the presence of Te spikes recorded by Swarm satellites under very specific conditions.906 68 - PublicationOpen AccessForecasting SYM‐H Index: A Comparison Between Long Short‐Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Networks(2021)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Forecasting geomagnetic indices represents a key point to develop warning systems for the mitigation of possible effects of severe geomagnetic storms on critical ground infrastructures. Here we focus on SYM‐H index, a proxy of the axially symmetric magnetic field disturbance at low and middle latitudes on the Earth's surface. To forecast SYM‐H we built two artificial neural network (ANN) models and trained both of them on two different sets of input parameters including interplanetary magnetic field components and magnitude, and differing for the presence or not of previous SYM‐H values. These ANN models differ in architecture being based on two conceptually different neural networks: the Long Short‐Term Memory (LSTM) and the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Both networks are trained, validated and tested on a total of 42 geomagnetic storms among the most intense occurred between 1998 and 2018. Performance comparison of the two ANN models shows that: 1) both are able to well forecast SYM‐H index 1 hour in advance, with an accuracy of more than 95% in terms of the coefficient of determination R2; 2) the model based on LSTM is slightly more accurate than that based on CNN when including SYM‐H index at previous steps among the inputs; 3) the model based on CNN has interesting potentialities being more accurate than that based on LSTM when not including SYM‐H index among the inputs. Predictions made including SYM‐H index among the inputs provide a root mean squared error on average 42% lower than that of predictions made without SYM‐H.482 16 - PublicationOpen AccessDynamical complexity in Swarm electron density time series using Block entropy(2020-11)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Our goal in this study is to investigate the dynamical complexity of the electron density profiles in the topside ionosphere as measured by the Swarm mission, employing the use of symbolic information-theoretic techniques. We perform a Block entropy analysis for a time interval associated with the most intense magnetic storm of solar cycle 24, which occurred on 17 March 2015. We produce entropy maps for varying degrees of magnetospheric disturbance, resolving the different effects that the various geomagnetic activity levels have in the dynamics of the complex magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling system. Understanding the impact of these effects on the ionospheric plasma constitutes a crucial factor for the functionality of the modern technological infrastructure operating around the Earth and, thus, human welfare.321 18 - PublicationOpen AccessCurrent state and perspectives of Space Weather science in Italy(2020-02-28)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Italian teams have been involved many times in Space Weather observational campaigns from space and from the ground, contributing in the advancing of our knowledge on the properties and evolution of the related phenomena. Numerous Space Weather forecasting and now-casting modeling efforts have resulted in a remarkable add-on to the overall progress in the field, at both national and international level. The Italian Space Agency has participated several times in space missions with science objectives related to Space Weather; indeed, an important field for the Italian scientific and industrial communities interested in Heliophysics and Space Weather, is the development of new instrumentation for future space missions. In this paper, we present a brief state-of-the-art in Space Weather science in Italy and we discuss some ideas on a long-term plan for the support of future scientific research in the related disciplines. In the context of the current roadmap, the Italian Space Agency aims to assess the possibility to develop a national scientific Space Weather data centre to encourage synergies between different science teams with interest in the field and to motivate innovation and new mission concept development. Alongside with the proposed recommendations, we also discuss how the Italian expertise could complement international efforts in a wider international Space Weather context.409 51 - PublicationOpen AccessIntermittency and Passive Scalar Nature of Electron Density Fluctuations in the High-Latitude Ionosphere at Swarm Altitude(2020)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Some physical processes due to Sun-Earth interaction can influence the configuration and the dynamics of the high-latitude ionospheric plasma, particularly during geomagnetically disturbed periods. A possible consequence of this interaction is the occurrence of turbulent fluctuations that can be observed both in magnetic and electric fields and plasma density. Here, we focus on the intermittent nature of high-latitude ionospheric electron density fluctuations during geomagnetically disturbed periods as observed by one of the satellites of the ESA-Swarm constellation. The most obvious finding emerging from this study is the strong intermittent character of electron density fluctuations and the existence of an agreement between the anomalous scaling features of electron density fluctuations and those expected from a passive scalar quantity in fluid turbulence. This latter result supports the view of a passive scalar behavior of electron density in the high-latitude ionosphere that can have significant implications in the field of SpaceWeather studies.322 24