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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Geoelectrical investigation for the assessment of groundwater conditions: a case study
    (2005-12) ; ;
    Lashkaripour, G. R.; Department of Geology, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran
    Nakhaei, M.; Department of Geology, University of Tarbiat Moallem, Tehran, Iran
    An electrical resistivity survey involving Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) was carried out in the Shooro Basin in Southeast Iran in order to study groundwater conditions such as depth, thickness and aquifer boundaries. Vertical electrical soundings by Schlumberger array were conducted in this area. The resistivity Schlumberger soundings which have a maximum current electrode spacing (AB) ranging from 200 m to 600 m were carried out at 207 positions in 19 profiles. Interpretation of these soundings indicates the presence of an alluvial aquifer. This aquifer is divided into eastern and western parts by the Shooro River, which comprises a variable thickness and resistivity of deposits. The average permeability coefficient and resistivity in the western part, especially southwest is higher than the eastern part of the aquifer. Therefore, it seems that Shooro River follows a fault zone in the region. The high resistivity of west part is due to the water quality and the existence of alluvial fan with coarse grain materials. Low aquifer resistivities in the east are associated with finer materials and also brackish water infiltration from the adjacent basin mainly in the central part of the aquifer. Furthermore, zones with high yield potential have been determined in this research based on the resistivity data.
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