Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
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- PublicationRestrictedThe intra-orogenic normal Lakes Fault (Sila, Calabria, southern Italy): new insights from geodetic and seismological data(2023-07-25)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The Calabrian Orogenic Arc (COA) is affected by active extensional and strike-slip tectonics as documented by the presence of N-S and NE-SW trending intra-montane basins bordered by faults, whose slip has caused many destructive earthquakes during the last millennium. By focusing on the central sector of the COA (Sila Massif) through the analysis of new seismological and geodetic datasets, we observed some relevant differences (e.g., seismic activity and hypocentral depths, faulting style, geodetic strain, vertical rates) between its western and eastern sector. The transition between the two sectors occurs in the area of the Lakes Fault, a NW-SE striking and west-dipping fault indicated as the causative source of the 8 June 1638 M 6.8 earthquake. By modelling the available geodetic data, we inferred a dislocation plane whose geometry and kinematics (a prevalent dip-slip component coupled with minor left-lateral strike-slip) is compatible with the real fault reported in literature. This fault only accounts for a small amount of the deformation across northern COA and divides the seismically more active western sector from its eastern counterpart with appreciable geodetic strain and moderate seismicity. Results are encouraging and a similar approach can help in other regions where surface evidence of active faults are rare or non-existing and field geological investigations are hence difficult.37 6 - PublicationOpen AccessHow Are You? A Sociological Case Report of the COVID-19 Pandemic from Professionals in ItalyCOVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. The first lockdown occurred in Italy in the spring of 2020, drastically disrupting people’s daily schedules, work schedules, socialisation, and relationships with co-workers, family and friends. To overcome physical isolation, collect impressions and keep a record of the period, the “How are you?” online questionnaire has been designed as a potential conversation among friends during home confinement for all but essential reasons. What impact this situation had on people? The study investigates some of the social and relational consequences the first lockdown in Italy had on a group of professionals in terms of similarities and differences regarding changes and limitations on their work and daily routines, primarily focusing on the emotions felt at that time.
205 7 - PublicationOpen AccessSpatiotemporal Analysis of COVID-19 Incidence Data(1) Background: A better understanding of COVID‐19 dynamics in terms of interactions among individuals would be of paramount importance to increase the effectiveness of containment measures. Despite this, the research lacks spatiotemporal statistical and mathematical analysis based on large datasets. We describe a novel methodology to extract useful spatiotemporal information from COVID‐19 pandemic data. (2) Methods: We perform specific analyses based on mathematical and statistical tools, like mathematical morphology, hierarchical clustering, parametric data modeling and non‐parametric statistics. These analyses are here applied to the large dataset consisting of about 19,000 COVID‐19 patients in the Veneto region (Italy) during the entire Italian national lockdown. (3) Results: We estimate the COVID‐19 cumulative incidence spatial distribution, significantly reducing image noise. We identify four clusters of connected provinces based on the temporal evolution of the incidence. Surprisingly, while one cluster consists of three neighboring provinces, another one contains two provinces more than 210 km apart by highway. The survival function of the local spatial incidence values is modeled here by a tapered Pareto model, also used in other applied fields like seismology and economy in connection to networks. Model’s parameters could be relevant to describe quantitatively the epidemic. (4) Conclusion: The proposed methodology can be applied to a general situation, potentially helping to adopt strategic decisions such as the restriction of mobility and gatherings.
118 20 - PublicationRestrictedThe role of trapped fluids during the development and deformation of a carbonate/shale intra-wedge tectonic mélange (Mt. Massico, Southern Apennines, Italy)(2020-05-18)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Numerous studies exist on exhumed tectonic mélanges along subduction channels whereas, in accretionary wedge interiors, deformation mechanisms and related fluid circulation in tectonic mélanges are still underexplored. We combine structural and microstructural observations with geochemical (stable and clumped isotopes and isotope composition of noble gases in fluid inclusions of calcite veins) and U-Pb geochronological data to define deformation mechanisms and syn-tectonic fluid circulation within the Mt. Massico intra-wedge tectonic mélange, located in the inner part of the central-southern Apennines accretionary wedge, Italy. This mélange developed by shear deformation at the base of a clastic succession. Deformation was characterized by disruption of the primary bedding, mixing, and deformation of relicts of competent olistoliths and strata within a weak matrix of deformed clayey and marly interbeds. Recurrent cycles of mutually overprinting fracturing/veining and pressure-solution processes generated a block-in-matrix texture. The geochemical signatures of syntectonic calcite veins suggest calcite precipitation in a closed system from warm (108°-147 °C) paleofluids, with δ18O vlaues between þ9‰ and 14‰, such as trapped pore waters after extensive 18O exchange with the local limestone host rock and/or derived by clay dehydration processes at T > 120 °C. The 3He/4He ratios in fluid inclusions are lower than 0.1 Ra, indicating that He was exclusively sourced from the crust. We conclude that: (1) intraformational rheological contrasts, inherited trapped fluids, and low-permeability barriers such as marlyshaly matrix, can promote the generation of intra-wedge tectonic mélanges and the development of transient fluid overpressure; (2) clay-rich tectonic mélanges, developed along intra-wedge décollement layers, may generate low-permeability barriers hindering the fluid redistribution within accretionary wedges.790 9