Azzaro, Raffaele
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Azzaro, Raffaele
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113 results
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- PublicationRestrictedFrom Multi-Hazard to Multi-Risk at Mount Etna: Approaches and Strategies of the PANACEA Project(Springer, 2023-04)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The management of multiple hazards simultaneously impacting on a territory is a challenge for effective risk mitigation. This is particularly true on active volcanoes like Mt. Etna, characterized by effusive and explosive eruptions, often coupled with an intense seismic activity. This work aims at presenting the approach of the PANACEA project on the treatment of multi-hazards in terms of risk, which requires a common definition of the exposed elements and their vulnerability. Another aspect emerging from the recent and historical volcanic crises at Etna, is the occurrence of cascading effects and the problem of assessing their short-term interactions. Here we present a risk model taking into account a set of sequences of hazardous events which may result from a volcano unrest to possible impacts to some infrastructural elements. The outcomes of the project are intended to be a significant step towards a more comprehensive resilience to volcanic disasters, leading to a more safe society.71 7 - PublicationRestrictedTowards a Multi-Hazard Assessment at Etna Volcano (Italy): The PANACEA Project(SPRINGER, 2023)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; This work presents the first results of the PANACEA project regarding the assessment of different volcano-related hazards at Mt. Etna (lava and pyroclastic flows, tephra fallout and earthquakes) by exploiting data deriving from the volcano’s history with accurate physical–mathematical models. Volcano-related hazards are distributed differently on Etna—from the deserted summit area down to the densely populated flanks—but must be considered together for long-term territorial planning.57 3 - PublicationOpen AccessRAPPORTO MACROSISMICO SUL TERREMOTO DI GUARDIA (ETNA) DEL 18/05/2023 - ORE 3:22 locali(2023)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Descrizione degli effetti di invertibilità e risentimento del terremoto del 18/05/2023, ML 3.274 38 - PublicationOpen AccessGRUPPO OPERATIVO QUEST RILIEVO MACROSISMICO Mw 5.5 COSTA MARCHIGIANA DEL 9/11/2022 RAPPORTO FINALE DEL 15/11/2022(2022-11)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 252 72 - PublicationOpen AccessFrom seismic damage assessment to a risk volcanic scenarios in the area of Mount Etna (Sicily)(2022-06-23)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Mt. Etna is the largest active volcano in Europe and is well known for its continuous and intense volcanic activity. The assessment of risks at Etna is a multidisciplinary matter: the frequent tephra emissions cause problems to aviation and infrastractures, lava-flows destroy man-made features and invade inhabited zones, recurrent earthquakes damage buildings and infrastructure. Unfortunately, these different typologies of threatening events can occur at the same time, as occurred during the 2001 and 2002 eruptions. In this work we evaluate the possible damage level suffered by the residential buildings as a consequence of the interaction between two different hazards, considered independently or as cascading effects. We hypothesise a seismic event similar to the 2018 one (MW 4.9), which follows a sequence of eruptive phenomena including vigorous ash emission and tephra fall deposit on the building roofs of a densely urbanised area.62 61 - PublicationOpen AccessItalian Macroseismic Database DBMI15, version 4.0(2022-01-24)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 86 17 - PublicationOpen AccessDatabase Macrosismico Italiano DBMI15, versione 4.0(2022-01-24)
57 19 - PublicationOpen AccessDiagnostic Multidisciplinary Investigations for Cultural Heritage at Etna Volcano: A Case Study from the 1669 Eruption in the Mother Church at the Old Settlement of Misterbianco(2022)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;Misterbianco is located on the southern flank of Mt. Etna (Unesco site), in eastern Sicily (Italy). This site, also known as Monasterium Album, has a long and tormented history linked with volcanic activity of Mt. Etna and regional seismicity. This site received much attention in the 2000s when excavation works brought to light a 14th century church remains below the thick layer of the 1669 lava. This study documents the first diagnostic multidisciplinary survey performed at this site 350 years after the eruption: the investigations were performed by using techniques such as ground-penetrating radar, infrared thermography, a terrestrial laser scanner and a drone survey to analyze the site’s topography, to adequately map the hidden structures inside the building and to identify fractures and deformations in the church. Starting from the site history, we present the results of the multidisciplinary approach aimed at reconstructing the historical events that led to the damage in the church.817 23 - PublicationOpen AccessQuantifying the Statistical Relationships Between Flank Eruptions and Major Earthquakes at Mt. Etna Volcano (Italy)(2022)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;At Mt. Etna volcano, flank eruptions are often accompanied by seismic swarms with damaging earthquakes; the most recent case-history is the 2018 flank eruption, associated with a destructive earthquake (Mw 5.0). In this paper, we analyze the earthquake and eruptive catalogs from 1800 to 2018, to produce quantitative estimates of the earthquake rate under the influence of flank eruptions. We quantify that 30% of the flank eruption onsets precede a major (i.e., damaging, Ix ≥ V–VI EMS) earthquake by 30 days or less; 18% of the major earthquakes follow a flank eruption onset in 30 days or less. Thus, we show that the probability of major earthquakes increases 5–10 times after the onset of flank eruptions and this effect lasts for 30–45 days. This is also observed after the end of the eruptions. Results indicate different relationships depending on the location of the volcano-tectonic systems considered individually (eruptive fissures, seismogenic faults). For instance, we describe a 10–20 times increased probability of earthquakes for 65–70 days after eruptions on the northeastern flank, and of new flank eruptions for 45–70 days after earthquakes of the Pernicana fault.1010 27