Napoli, Rosalba
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Napoli, Rosalba
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Napoli, Rosalba Daniela
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47 results
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- PublicationOpen AccessEvidence of poro-elastic inflation at the onset of the 2021 Vulcano Island (Italy) unrest(2023-09-27)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Thermal and pore-pressure variations induced by the circulation of hydrothermal-magmatic fluids in porous and permeable media contribute to ground deformation in volcanic areas. Here, we use solutions for the calculation of the displacements induced by pore-pressure and temperature changes for simplified geometry sources embedded in an elastic half-space with homogeneous mechanical and porous properties. The analytical solution for a spherical source is reviewed, and a semi-analytical approach for the calculation of the displacement for a cylindrical source is presented. Both models were used for the inversion of the daily deformation data recorded on Vulcano Island (Italy) during the 2021 unrest. Starting from September 2021, Vulcano Island experienced an increase in gas emission, seismic activity, and edifice inflation. The deformation pattern evolution from September until mid-October 2021 is indicative of a spatially stationary source. The modeling of the persistent and continuous edifice inflation suggests a deformation source located below the La Fossa crater at a depth of approximately 800 m from the ground surface undergoing a volume change of approximately 105 m3, linked to the rise in fluids from a deeper magmatic source. Corroborated by other sources of geophysical and geochemical evidence, the modeling results support that thermo-poro-elastic processes are sufficient to explain the observed displacement without necessarily invoking the migration of magma to shallow levels. Our findings demonstrate that thermo-poro-elastic solutions may help interpret ground deformation and gain insights into the evolution of the hydrothermal systems, providing useful implications for hazard assessment during volcanic crises.127 48 - PublicationOpen AccessCO2 Leakage Scenarios in Shale Overburden(2023-07)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;Potential CO2 leakage from deep geologic reservoirs requires evaluation on a site-specific basis to assess risk and arrange mitigation strategies. In this study, a heterogeneous and realistic numerical model was developed to investigate CO2 migration pathways and uprising time in a shaly overburden, located in the Malaysian off-shore. Fluid flow and reactive transport simulations were performed by TOUGHREACT to evaluate the: (1) seepage through the caprock; (2) CO2-rich brine leakage through a fault connecting the reservoir with seabed. The effect of several factors, which may contribute to CO2 migration, including different rock types and permeability, Fickian and Knudsen diffusion and CO2 adsorption in the shales were investigated. Obtained results show that permeability mainly ruled CO2 uprising velocity and pathways. CO2 migrates upward by buoyancy without any important lateral leakages due to poor-connection of permeable layers and comparable values of vertical and horizontal permeability. Diffusive flux and the Knudsen flow are negligible with respect to the Darcy regime, despite the presence of shales. Main geochemical reactions deal with carbonate and pyrite weathering which easily reach saturation due to low permeability and allowing for re-precipitation as secondary phases. CO2 adsorption on shales together with dissolved CO2 constituted the main trapping mechanisms, although the former represents likely an overestimation due to estimated thermodynamic parameters. Developed models for both scenarios are validated by the good agreement with the pressure profiles recorded in the exploration wells and the seismic data along a fault (the F05 fault), suggesting that they can accurately reproduce the main processes occurring in the system.102 26 - PublicationOpen AccessDistributed dynamic strain sensing of very long period and long period events on telecom fiber-optic cables at Vulcano, Italy(2023-03-21)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;Volcano-seismic signals can help for volcanic hazard estimation and eruption forecasting. However, the underlying mechanism for their low frequency components is still a matter of debate. Here, we show signatures of dynamic strain records from Distributed Acoustic Sensing in the low frequencies of volcanic signals at Vulcano Island, Italy. Signs of unrest have been observed since September 2021, with CO2 degassing and occurrence of long period and very long period events. We interrogated a fiber-optic telecommunication cable on-shore and off-shore linking Vulcano Island to Sicily. We explore various approaches to automatically detect seismo-volcanic events both adapting conventional algorithms and using machine learning techniques. During one month of acquisition, we found 1488 events with a great variety of waveforms composed of two main frequency bands (from 0.1 to 0.2 Hz and from 3 to 5 Hz) with various relative amplitudes. On the basis of spectral signature and family classification, we propose a model in which gas accumulates in the hydrothermal system and is released through a series of resonating fractures until the surface. Our findings demonstrate that fiber optic telecom cables in association with cutting-edge machine learning algorithms contribute to a better understanding and monitoring of volcanic hydrothermal systems.399 12 - PublicationOpen AccessInfluence of permeability on the hydrothermal system at Vulcano Island (Italy): inferences from numerical simulations(2021)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Volcano-hydrothermal systems are governed by complex interactions between fluid transport, and geochemical and mechanical processes. Evidence of this close interplay has been testified by distinct spatial and temporal correlations in geochemical and geophysical observations at Vulcano Island (Italy). To understand the interaction between fluid circulation and the geochemical and geophysical manifestations, we perform a parametric study to explore different scenarios by implementing a hydro-geophysical model based on the equations for heat and mass transfer in a porous medium and thermo-poroelastic theory. Numerical simulations allow us to define the controlling role of permeability distribution on the different modeled parameters as well as on the geophysical observables. Changes in the permeability within the highly fractured crater area could be responsible for the fluctuations in gas emission and temperature recorded during the crisis periods, which are accompanied by shallow volcano-seismicity in the absence of significant deformation and gravity variations. Despite the general medium permeability of the volcanic edifice, the presence of more highly permeable pathways, which allow the gas to rapidly escape, as testified by the presence of a well-developed fumarolic field, prevents the pressure buildup at shallow depths.438 12 - PublicationOpen AccessOn the comparison of strain measurements from fibre optics with a dense seismometer array at Etna volcano (Italy)(2021)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; We demonstrate the capability of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) to record volcano-related dynamic strain at Etna (Italy). In summer 2019, we gathered DAS measurements from a 1.5 km long fibre in a shallow trench and seismic records from a conventional dense array comprised of 26 broadband sensors that was deployed in Piano delle Concazze close to the summit area. Etna activity during the acquisition period gives the extraordinary opportunity to record dynamic strain changes ( 108 strain) in correspondence with volcanic events. To validate the DAS strain measurements, we explore array-derived methods to estimate strain changes from the seismic signals and to compare with strain DAS signals. A general good agreement is found between array-derived strain and DAS measurements along the fibre optic cable. Short wavelength discrepancies correspond with fault zones, showing the potential of DAS for mapping local perturbations of the strain field and thus site effect due to small-scale heterogeneities in volcanic settings.431 37 - PublicationOpen AccessMagnetic signatures of subsurface faults on the northern upper flank of Mt Etna (Italy)(2021)
; ; ; ; ; A ground magnetic study was performed on the northern upper flank of Mt. Etna to provide new insights into subsurface volcano-tectonic structures. The high resolution magnetic survey was focused on the main structures of Piano delle Concazze, a large flat area dominated by the North- East crater and bounded by the rim of the Valle del Leone depression and the extremity of the North-East Rift. More than 2,500 measurements were gathered with a sampling step of about 3 m covering an area of about 0.2 km2. The total-intensity anomaly field shows the presence of intense South-North aligned maxima related to shallow geological structures affecting this area. Filtering techniques and 2.5D modeling have been applied for the determination of the magnetic source parameters. In order to distinguish the near surface structure, filters of the vertical derivatives, Butterworth high-pass and the tilt derivative were used. The 3D Euler deconvolution has been applied to estimate the depth and the structural indices of the causative sources. The calculated structural indices, that express the geometrical nature of the source, are in agreement with forward modeling. They show that the area is mainly affected by subvertical normal fault and the estimated depth of magnetic sources ranges between 10 m and 40 m. Our total field magnetic survey shows that characteristic magnetic anomalies are related to fault zones in the Piano delle Concazze that are well consistent with the local tectonics. The subsurface structures that have been detected allowed to delineate the general structural framework of the area. In particular, it was possible to clarify that these structures seem to be not deep rooted and consequently they can hardly act as preferential pathways for magma ascent.478 63 - PublicationOpen AccessEvent Tree-like conceptual model for Mount Etna(2020-12-09)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Considering the peculiarities of the open conduit activity at Mount Etna, here we focused in the development of a dedicated event-tree-like conceptual model including all the potential activities that may occur at Mount Etna, including both central and lateral eruptions. This conceptual model represents the base for a further development of an exclusive dedicated probabilistic model, a study already ongoing in multiple Italian projects (e.g., AshResilience and IMPACT Projects).The general conceptual model presented here for the Etna eruptions, has been developed within the WP11 of the European project EUROVOLC.147 46 - PublicationOpen AccessImaging the Salinelle Mud Volcanoes (Sicily, Italy) using integrated geophysical and geochemical surveys(2020)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Geochemical and geophysical prospecting methods (including measurements of soil heat flux and soil CO2 flux, gravimetry, self-potential and geomagnetism) are used to produce an integrated data set aimed at imaging the migration of fluids in the sub-surface at the Salinelle mud volcanoes, located on the lower southwestern flank of Mt Etna (Sicily, Italy). This area was affected by magmatic eruptions from local volcanic centers between about 48 and 27 ka. Today, only pseudo-volcanic phenomena due to over-pressured multiphase pore fluids there occur. Carbon dioxide of magmatic origin, mixed with biogenic hydrocarbons, warm hypersaline waters and mud, are constantly released at the surface through the main conduits of mud volcanoes, whose activity is characterized by alternation of mild gas bubbling periods and strong paroxysmal phases. The latter produce violent gas eruptions that eject warm water (T ≈ 50° C) to a height up to about 1 m. Surface distribution of the geophysical and geochemical parameters have been investigated to detect the main pathways through which fluids move toward the shallow crust. Integration of geochemical, geophysical and geological maps allowed for the tracing of the fluid flow in the shallowest (a few tens of meters below the surface) part of the local hydrothermal system. Our results showed that the rising of fluids from a deep reservoir is controlled by the main structural and geological features of the area and their temporal and spatial evolution depends on pressure conditions inside the hydrothermal system.1068 57 - PublicationOpen AccessEffects of hydrothermal unrest on stress and deformation: insights from numerical modeling and application to Vulcano Island (Italy)(2017)
; ; ; ; ; ; ;A numerical approach is proposed to evaluate stress and deformation fields induced by hydrothermal fluid circulation and its influence on volcano-flank stability. The numerical computations have been focused on a conceptual model of Vulcano Island, where geophysical, geochemical, and seismic signals have experienced several episodes of remarkable changes likely linked to the hydrothermal activity. We design a range of numerical models of hydrothermal unrest and computed the associated deformation and stress field arising from rock-fluid interaction processes related to the thermoporoelastic response of the medium. The effects of model parameters on deformation and flank stability are explored considering different multilayered crustal structures constrained by seismic tomography and stratigraphy investigations. Our findings highlight the significant role of model parameters on the response of the hydrothermal system and, consequently, on the amplitudes and the timescale of stress and strain fields. Even if no claim is made that the model strictly applies to the crisis episodes at Vulcano, the numerical results are in general agreement with the pattern of monitoring observations, characterized by an enhancing of gas emission and seismic activity without significant ground deformation.The conceptual model points to a pressurization and heating of the shallow hydrothermal system (1–0.25 km bsl) fed by fluid of magmatic origin. However, for the assumed values of model material and source parameters (rate of injection, fluid composition, and temperature), the pressure and temperature changes do not affect significantly the flank stability, which is mainly controlled by the gravitational force.495 41 - PublicationOpen AccessLearning about Hydrothermal Volcanic Activity by Modeling Induced Geophysical ChangesMotivated by ongoing efforts to understand the nature and the energy potential of geothermal resources, we devise a coupled numerical model (hydrological, thermal, mechanical), which may help in the characterization and monitoring of hydrothermal systems through computational experiments. Hydrothermal areas in volcanic regions arise from a unique combination of geological and hydrological features which regulate the movement of fluids in the vicinity of magmatic sources capable of generating large quantities of steam and hot water. Numerical simulations help in understanding and characterizing rock-fluid interaction processes and the geophysical observations associated with them. Our aim is the quantification of the response of different geophysical observables (i.e., deformation, gravity, and magnetic fields) to hydrothermal activity on the basis of a sound geological framework (e.g., distribution and pathways of the flows, the presence of fractured zones, caprock). A detailed comprehension and quantification of the evolution and dynamics of the geothermal systems and the definition of their internal state through a geophysical modeling approach are essential to identify the key parameters for which the geothermal system may fulfill the requirements to be exploited as a source of energy. For the sake of illustration only, the numerical computations are focused on a conceptual model of the hydrothermal system of Vulcano Island by simulating a generic 1-year unrest and estimating different geophysical changes. We solved (i) the mass and energy balance equations of flow in porous media for temperature, pressure and density changes, (ii) the elastostatic equation for the deformation field and (iii) the Poisson’s equations for gravity and magnetic potential fields. Under the model assumptions, a generic unrest of 1-year engenders on the ground surface low amplitude changes in the investigated geophysical observables, that, being above the accuracies of the modern state-of-the-art instruments, could be traced by continuously running multi-parametric monitoring networks. Devising multidisciplinary and easy-to-use computational experiments enable us to learn how the hydrothermal system responds to unrest and which fingerprints it may leave in the geophysical signals.
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