Contrafatto, Danilo
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Contrafatto, Danilo
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- PublicationOpen AccessLa rete sismica temporanea FXLand: contribuito al Progetto Fiber Optic Cable Use For Seafloor Studies Of Earthquake - FOCUS(2024-01-31)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Nel 2018 è stato avviato il progetto FOCUS - Fiber Optic Cable Use For Seafloor Studies Of Earthquake - coordinato da Marc-André Gutscher del Laboratoire Géosciences Océan dell’Università di Brest, in Francia. Questo progetto indaga la sismicità e la struttura crostale del Mar Ionio attraverso l’analisi e l’interpretazione di dati raccolti da strumentazione sottomarina e da reti di monitoraggio disponibili o appositamente installate nelle zone di costa. In tale contesto, l’Osservatorio Nazionale Terremoti (ONT) e l’Osservatorio Etneo (OE), entrambe Sezioni dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), e il Laboratorio di Sismologia dell'Università della Calabria (UniCal), hanno contribuito al progetto con l’installazione di una rete sismica temporanea lungo la costa ionica calabro-siciliana a integrazione della rete permanente presente nell’area dello Stretto di Messina. La rete temporanea, costituita da 13 stazioni, ha acquisito dal mese di dicembre 2021 al mese di giugno 2023. Nel gennaio 2022, i partner internazionali del progetto FOCUS hanno installato una rete temporanea di sismometri OBS e sensori di pressione per fondali marini. La grande quantità di dati raccolta e la loro integrazione, consentirà di migliorare il monitoraggio sismico e le conoscenze relative alla struttura terrestre dell’area con particolare attenzione alle strutture sismogenetiche con un dettaglio mai raggiunto fino a ora. Tutte le istituzioni coinvolte in FOCUS collaborano per l’acquisizione e l’elaborazione dei dati, l’imaging dell’interno della Terra attraverso l’utilizzo di tecniche avanzate, l’interpretazione e la modellazione dei dati. Il presente lavoro descrive la progettazione, la realizzazione e la gestione della rete temporanea a terra definita FXland, fornendo indicazioni relative sul suo generale funzionamento e sulle caratteristiche del dataset acquisito.407 29 - PublicationOpen Access
58 80 - PublicationOpen AccessIntegration of microseism, wavemeter buoy, HF radar and hindcast data to analyze the Mediterranean cyclone Helios(2024)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; In this work, we study a Mediterranean cyclone, Helios, which took place during 9–11 February 2023 in the southeastern part of Sicily and Malta, by a multiparametric approach combining microseism results with sea state and meteorological data provided by wavemeter buoy, HF radar, hindcast maps and satellite SEVIRI images. The sub-tropical system Helios caused heavy rainfall, strong wind gusts and violent storm surges with significant wave heights greater than 5 m. We deal with the relationships between such a system and the features of microseism (the most continuous and ubiquitous seismic signal on Earth) in terms of spectral content, space–time variation of the amplitude and source locations tracked by means of two methods (amplitude-based grid search and array techniques). By comparing the location of the microseism sources and the area affected by significant storm surges derived from sea state data, we note that the microseism location results are in agreement with the real position of the storm surges. In addition, we are able to obtain the seismic signature of Helios using a method that exploits the coherence of continuous seismic noise. Hence, we show how an innovative monitoring system of the Mediterranean cyclones can be designed by integrating microseism information with other techniques routinely used to study meteorological phenomena.135 37 - PublicationOpen AccessMultiparametric Monitoring System of Mt. Melbourne Volcano (Victoria Land, Antarctica)(2023-09-01)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Volcano monitoring is the key approach in mitigating the risks associated with volcanic phenomena. Although Antarctic volcanoes are characterized by remoteness, the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption and the 2022 Hunga eruption have reminded us that even the farthest and/or least-known volcanoes can pose significant hazards to large and distant communities. Hence, it is important to also develop monitoring systems in the Antarctic volcanoes, which involves installing and maintaining multiparametric instrument networks. These tasks are particularly challenging in polar regions as the instruments have to face the most extreme climate on the Earth, characterized by very low temperatures and strong winds. In this work, we describe the multiparametric monitoring system recently deployed on the Melbourne volcano (Victoria Land, Antarctica), consisting of seismic, geochemical and thermal sensors together with powering, transmission and acquisition systems. Particular strategies have been applied to make the monitoring stations efficient despite the extreme weather conditions. Fumarolic ice caves, located on the summit area of the Melbourne volcano, were chosen as installation sites as they are protected places where no storm can damage the instruments and temperatures are close to 0 °C all year round. In addition, the choice of instruments and their operating mode has also been driven by the necessity to reduce energy consumption. Indeed, one of the most complicated tasks in Antarctica is powering a remote instrument year-round. The technological solutions found to implement the monitoring system of the Melbourne volcano and described in this work can help create volcano monitoring infrastructures in other polar environments.70 10 - PublicationOpen AccessExperimentation of new technologies for volcano gravimetry at Mt. Etna(2023-07-16)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Among the geophysical techniques used to monitor volcanic unrest, only gravimetry can supply direct information on changes in the distribution of underground mass over time and can thus provide unique insight into processes such as magma accumulation in void space or gas segregation at shallow depths. Despite its great potential, time-variable volcano gravimetry is not widely adopted, mainly due to the high cost of instrumentation and the difficulty in assessing the relatively small volcano-related gravity changes against unfavorable environmental conditions. Several past studies from Mt. Etna have highlighted the value of gravity observation for improving our understanding of how volcanoes work and characterizing volcanic hazards. In the early stages of application at Mt. Etna, time-lapse and continuous gravity measurements were accomplished using spring gravimeters. Successively, gravimeters based on different technologies have been employed, including superconducting and quantum devices. In most cases, these applications were world firsts at an active volcano. Here, results from different gravimeter types, that have been used to monitor and study Mt. Etna, are presented. Furthermore, the perspectives opened by emerging technologies are highlighted.13 3 - PublicationOpen AccessANALYSIS OF 20-YEAR TERRESTRIAL GRAVITY AND GROUND DEFORMATION CHANGES COLLECTED AT MT. ETNA: COMPARISON WITH SATELLITE DATA(2023-07-11)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; We present a preliminary comparison between satellite and terrestrial gravity and GNSS data collected in a twenty-year period (2002-2022) at Mt. Etna volcano, with the aim of investigating the capabilities of this integrated approach to study the dynamics of volcanic phenomena over time-scales of months to years. The terrestrial gravity data were collected through absolute and relative spring gravimeters in the framework of almost monthly campaigns. Instead, GNSS measurements are continuously collected for monitoring purposes. Regarding satellite data, we used the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data and GRACE Follow-On L3 solutions, that can provide high-quality information about mass distribution at regional and global scales in a long-term interval. After being corrected for the known effects, reduced terrestrial gravity and GNSS height variations were compared with satellite data. The comparison reveals long-term correlations between the analyzed time series which could represent volcano-scale variations.77 44 - PublicationOpen AccessComparison between a 20-year terrestrial and satellite gravity data at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy)(2023-04-24)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Gravity measurements are increasingly used for high-precision and high-resolution Earth investigation. Recent times highlight the intention to combine both terrestrial and satellite data in order to reach higher accuracy for several purposes such as geological structures determination and geoid models construction. Here we present results of a comparison between a twenty-year (2002-2022) relative and absolute gravity data collected through the Microg LaCoste FG5#238 absolute gravimeter (AG), in the framework of repeated measurements in one station at about 1750 m above sea level and the satellite gravity data provided by CNES/GRGS RL05 Earth gravity field models, from GRACE and SLR data. The comparison allows to estimate the long-term correlation between the two dataset and a remarkably good fit was found in the long-term trend, revealing gravity changes most likely due to hydrological and volcanological effects. Our study shows how the combination of terrestrial and satellite data can be used to obtain a fuller and more accurate picture of the temporal characteristics of the studied processes. The combined use of these dataset results crucial especially in a harsh, unsteady and changing environment as well as the Etna volcano.74 33 - PublicationOpen AccessMachine Learning and Microseism as a Tool for Sea Wave Monitoring(Copernicus {GmbH}, 2023-04-23)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;; ;; ;; Monitoring the state of the sea is a fundamental task for economic activities in the coastal zone, such as transport, tourism and infrastructure design. In recent years, regular wave height monitoring for marine risk assessment and mitigation has become unavoidable as global warming impacts in more intense and frequent swells.In particular, the Mediterranean Sea has been considered as one of the most responsive regions to global warming, which may promote the intensification of hazardous natural phenomena as strong winds, heavy precipitation and high sea waves. Because of the high density population along the Mediterranean coastlines, heavy swells could have major socio-economic consequences. To reduce the impacts of such scenarios, the development of more advanced monitoring systems of the sea state becomes necessary.In the last decade, it has been demonstrated how seismometers can be used to measure sea conditions by exploiting the characteristics of a part of the seismic signal called microseism. Microseism is the continuous seismic signal recorded in the frequency band of 0.05 and 0.4 Hz that is likely generated by interactions of sea waves together and with seafloor or shorelines.In this work, in the framework of i-WaveNET INTERREG project, we performed a regression analysis to develop a model capable of predicting the sea state in the Sicily Channel (Italy) using microseism, acquired by onshore instruments installed in Sicily and Malta. Considering the complexity of the relationship between spatial sea wave height data and seismic data measured at individual stations, we used supervised machine learning (ML) techniques to develop the prediction model. As input data we used the hourly Root Mean Squared (RMS) amplitude of the seismic signal recorded by 14 broadband stations, along the three components, and in different frequency bands, during 2018 - 2021. These stations, belonging to the permanent seismic networks managed by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology INGV and the Department of Geosciences of the University of Malta, consist of three-component broadband seismometers that record at a sampling frequency of 100 Hz.As for the target, the significant sea wave height data from Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) for the same period were used. Such data is the hindcast product of the Mediterranean Sea Waves forecasting system, with hourly temporal resolution and 1/24° spatial resolution. After a feature selection step, we compared three different kinds of ML algorithms for regression: K-Nearest-Neighbors (KNN), Random Forest (RF) and Light Gradient Boosting (LGB). The hyperparameters were tuned by using a grid-search algorithm, and the best models were selected by cross-validation. Different metrics, such as MAE, R2 and RMSE, were considered to evaluate the generalization capabilities of the models and special attention was paid to evaluate the predictive ability of the models for extreme wave height values.Results show model predictive capabilities good enough to develop a sea monitoring system to complement the systems currently in use.16 13 - PublicationOpen AccessAbsolute gravity and deformation measurements for a multi-disciplinary study in Central Italy(2023-02-07)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Since 2018, INGV funded 3 projects aimed to detect ground deformations and gravity variations over different timescale in the area where the recent seismic events of L’Aquila (2009, Mw 6.3) and Amatrice-Norcia (2016, Mw 6.1 and 6.5) took place. The consequent static deformation field reached several centimetres and the modelled impact of such events could have modified the gravity field up to 170 μGal. Furthermore, the medium-long-term gravity and ground deformation variations related to post-seismic relaxation are expected as consequence of vertical deformation of the Earth surface and/or of the internal boundaries separating layers at depth with different densities. In addition, the L’Aquila area is affected by deformations induced by ground water level changes in the aquifers. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach carrying out joint measurements of deformation and gravity is fundamental to understand the role of each geophysical process. To this aim, a network of 3 (Terni, Popoli, Sant’Angelo Romano) new non-permanent GNSS stations was realized outside the buildings hosting the absolute gravity stations. At L’Aquila, a permanent GNSS station managed by the Italian Space Agency (AQUI) is continuously working on the rooftop terrace of the Science Faculty, and positioned vertically with respect to the gravimetric station (AQUIg), which is located 4 floors below. Since 4 absolute gravimetric sites are located indoor, the precise coordinates of the gravity benchmark have been obtained by classical topographic surveys, connecting the indoor site to the outdoor GNSS reference point. Here we present the gravity and ground deformation variations observed in the period 2018-2022 after five measurement campaigns.65 43 - PublicationOpen AccessThe first absolute gravity and height reference network in Sicily(2023-02-07)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; In this poster we present the realization and the surveys performed to establish a new reference gravity and elevation network in Sicily with the aim to provide new reference systems useful for all the scientific and technological activities related to the gravity field and to the proper definition of a modern height system in this region. This network belongs to the under construction new Italian Reference Gravity Network (G0) that is part of the INGV Project Pianeta Dinamico, Task S2, during the period 2019-2022. The Sicilian network encloses 5 stations (Catania, Centuripe, Milazzo, Noto, and Palermo), evenly distributed forming a large mesh network which roughly covers the entire Sicily (Fig.1). All absolute stations are hosted inside structures that guarantee protection for the instrumentation during the measurements and the necessary power supply. In addition to the absolute gravity value, at each station, the vertical gravity gradient and the gravity difference (Δg) between the indoor absolute gravity and an outdoor satellite station were also measured. Gravity measurements were carried out between the end of 2021 and the 2022 with the Microg LaCoste FG5#238 and the Scintrex CG-6 gravimeters for absolute and relative measurements, respectively. Gravity data have been corrected for known effects ensuring the reliability and accuracy at the µGal level. The coordinates and the orthometric heights were at the same time measured with mixed terrestrial and satellite local networks at each site. The precise coordinates obtained after the adjustments were useful to post-process the absolute gravity data and to refer all the gravity measurements presented in this work to the equipotential surface of the gravity field. Since three of the five selected stations were measured in the past, it was also possible to evaluate the long-term stability of the gravity values at these stations.100 93
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