Tibaldi, Alessandro
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Tibaldi, Alessandro
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- PublicationOpen AccessThe Erasmus+ BridgET project: A European partnership to renew teaching in marine geosciences(EGU, 2023-04)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Recent advances in underwater and airborne robotic systems and ocean technologies have opened new perspectives in marine geology and its applications in the context of coastal and marine economic activities, whose sustainable development is increasingly acknowledged as a pillar for the new blue economy. BridgET (Bridging the gap between the land and the sea in a virtual Environment for innovative Teaching and community involvement in the science of climate change-induced marine and coastal geohazard) is an EU ERASMUS+ project designed to develop innovative and inclusive teaching methods to address a growing demand for strategic skills and scientific expertise in the field of 3D geological mapping of coastal environments. Seamless integration of the wide variety of multisource and multiscale onshore, nearshore and offshore geospatial data is indeed one of the main areas for improvement in the implementation of efficient management practices in coastal regions, where climate change, rising sea level, and geohazards are considerable environmental issues. BridgET involves a partnership consisting of six European universities with outstanding expertise in the study of geological hazards, and climate impacts in marine and coastal areas (i.e., University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, Arctic University of Tromsø/CAGE - Norway, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Greece, Kiel University, Germany, University of Liege – Belgium, and the University of Malta), two Italian research institutes (INGV and INAF) and a German company (Orthodrone GmvH) specialized in UAS-based LiDAR and photogrammetry data acquisition services and analyses. Project implementation relies on delivering learning and teaching activities through dedicated summer schools for MSc students by efficiently combining the partner’s expertise. Schools focus on giving students a hands-on experience with the variety of methods and procedures adopted in geospatial data acquisition and processing, including the use of drones (Uncrewed Aerial System – UAS), acoustic remote sensing techniques and underwater robotic systems, together with the progress made by computer visions and digital image analysis by using Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are also introduced to the opportunity to easily examine multiple viewing angles of the seabed and coastal 3D surfaces by using immersive and nonimmersive Virtual Reality (VR), to bring them closer to a more straightforward observation of geomorphological data and geological phenomena. The first Summer School was held in Santorini between the 3rd and 14th of October, 2022. It was attended by 26 students coming from 13 different countries. Teaching and learning activities included several classrooms, fieldwork, laboratory sessions, and seven seminars and cultural visits dealing with transversal topics, allowing students to approach an integrated understanding of human interaction with physical processes from social and economic perspectives. In this presentation, we give examples of course content used to allow students to develop a deeper understanding of theoretical and practical knowledge of climate-induced coastal and marine geohazards. Participants' opinions on the quality of the offered learning/training activities of the Erasmus+ BridgET Santorini Summer School (collected through a dedicated questionnaire) will also be presented. Erasmus+ BridgET Team: Varvara Antoniou, Fabio Luca Bonali, Clara Drummer, Theynushya Esalingam, Luca Fallati, Susanna Falsaperla, Felix Gross, Hans-Balder havenith, Juri Klusak, Sebastian Krastel, Iver Martens, Aaron Micallef, Paraskevi Nomikou, Giuliana Panieri, Danilo Reitano, Julian Teege, Alessandro Tibaldi, Andrea Giulia Varzi, Fabio Vitello, Othonas Vlasopoulos30 3 - PublicationOpen AccessThe use of immersive virtual reality for teaching fieldwork skills in complex structural terrains(2022-08-13)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Innovations in virtual reality (VR) technology have led to exciting possibilities in teaching earth sciences, allowing students to experience complex geological sites that, due to cost and logistical reasons, they would not normally be able to experience. The need for high quality online digital learning resources and blended learning was brought to the forefront during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, as courses with a traditional physical field work component were forced to move online and provide alternatives to students. While it is unlikely that virtual field trips (VFT) would be accepted by students as a replacement of real-world fieldwork moving out of the pandemic, research shows promise that using IVR experiences can lead to enhanced learning outcomes in geosciences, warranting its inclusion on the curricula. This paper presents the outputs of a project to improve student learning in complex geological environments using VR. Here we outline a workflow that was developed to collect high resolution imagery using remote sensing to create digital outcrop models (DOM) of complex geological sites. Using this framework, this paper will then explore the use of VR for an investigation of the Husavik Triple Junction, a complex structural site in northern Iceland, explaining how the drone data was converted to a 3D DOM and demonstrating how VR can be used to simulate real world field mapping. Finally, we describe how these IVR activities have been integrated into taught modules at postgraduate level and discuss how the use of IVR experiences can complement existing geoscience curriculum design.188 28 - PublicationOpen AccessImmersive Virtual Reality for Geo-education: feedback from students, academics and the lay public(egusphere-egu22-1151, 2022, 2022-05-23)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Field-based classes in geological sciences are crucial components of geoscience education and research. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, such activities became problematic due to limitations such as travel restrictions and lockdown periods: this motivated the geoeducational community to tailor new ways to engage people in field activities. As a result, we adopted Immersive Virtual Reality as a tool to involve students, academics, and the lay public in field exploration, thus making geological exploration accessible also to people affected by permanent or temporary motor disabilities. In particular, we evaluated how users perceive the usefulness of this approach as applied to Earth Science learning and teaching, through nine outreach events, where a total of 459 participants were involved, with different ages and cultural backgrounds. The participants explored, in an immersive mode, four geological landscapes, defined as virtual geological environments, which have been reconstructed by cutting-edge, unmanned aerial system-based photogrammetry techniques. They include: Santorini (Greece), the North Volcanic Zone (Iceland), and Mt. Etna (Italy). After the exploration, each participant filled in an anonymous questionnaire. The results show that the majority would be willing to repeat the experience, and, most importantly, the majority of the students and Earth Science academics who took part in the navigation confirmed the usefulness of this technique for geo-education purposes. Our approach can be considered as a groundbreaking tool and an innovative democratic way to access information and experiences, as well as to promote inclusivity and accessibility in geo-education, while reducing travel costs, saving time, and decreasing the carbon footprint. This work has been carried out in the framework of the following projects: i) ACPR15T4_ 00098 “Agreement between the University of Milan Bicocca and the Cometa Consortium for the experimentation of cutting-edge interactive technologies for the improvement of science teaching and dissemination” of Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (ARGO3D - https://argo3d.unimib.it/); ii) Erasmus+ Key Action 2 2017-1-UK01-KA203- 036719 “3DTeLC – Bringing the 3D-world into the classroom: a new approach to Teaching, Learning and Communicating the science of geohazards in terrestrial and marine environments” (http://3dtelc.lmv.uca.fr/; https://www.3dtelc.com/); iii) 2018 EGU Public Engagement Grants (https://www.egu.eu/outreach/peg/).78 20 - PublicationOpen AccessA New Way to Explore Volcanic Areas: QR-Code-Based Virtual Geotrail at Mt. Etna Volcano, Italy(2022-03-03)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; In this body of work, we showcase a historic virtual geotrail on the eastern flank of the iconic Mt. Etna volcano (Italy), along a series of outstanding geological sites and features subsequent to an important eruption that took place in 1928. A geohistoric account of such a major eruption, is of great interest, since it is the only event since 1669 to have caused the destruction of a town (Mascali) in the Etna region. Volcanologists, educators, the lay public, tourists and volcano explorers can now access a series of “virtual geostops” belonging to this virtual geotrail, such that “visitors” can virtually fly above these sites by scanning a QR code on the printed or electronic version of the present manuscript, as well as on the poster provided as additional material for this manuscript. The virtual geostops that comprise the virtual geotrail were developed using the structure-frommotion (SfM) photogrammetry technique from images captured by using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The main result of our work is the virtual geotrail, subdivided in two parts and composed of eight geostops, each showing outstanding examples of geological features resulting from volcanic phenomena that took place also during 1979. Our approach is designed to support classical field trips, and it can undoubtedly become complementary to traditional field teaching in earth sciences, both now and in the future.304 31 - PublicationOpen AccessSurface deformation during the 1928 fissure eruption of Mt. Etna (Italy): Insights from field data and FEM numerical modelling(2022)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; The 1928 CE volcanic activity on eastern Etna, Italy, produced wide surface deformation and high effusion rates along fissures, with excess volumes of about 50 million m3 of lavas. This, in conjunction with the low elevation of the main eruptive vents (1150 m a.s.l.), caused the destruction of the Mascali town. Our research focuses on a multidisciplinary study from field observations and Finite Element Method modelling through COMSOL Multiphysics ®, with the aim of reconstructing the geometry, kinematics and origin of the system of faults and fissures formed during the 1928 event. We collected quantitative measurements from 438 sites of azimuth values, opening direction and aperture amount of dry fissures, and attitude and vertical offsets of faults. From west to east, four volcanotectonic settings have been identified, related to dike propagation in the same direction: 1) a sequence of 8 eruptive vents, surrounded by a 385-m wide graben, 2) a 2.5-km long single eruptive fissure, 3) a half-graben as wide as 74 m and a symmetric, 39-m-wide graben without evidence of eruption, 4) alignment of lower vents along the pre-existing Ripe della Naca faults. Field data, along with historical aerial photos, became inputs to FEM numerical models. The latter allowed us to investigate the connection between diking and surface deformation during the 1928 event, subject to a range of overpressure values (1–20 MPa), host rock properties (1–30 GPa) and geometrical complexity (stratigraphic sequence, layer thickness). In addition, we studied the distribution of tensile and shear stresses above the dike tip and gained insights into dike-induced graben scenarios. Our multidisciplinary study reports that soft (e.g. tuff) layers can act as temporary stress barriers and control the surface deformation scenarios (dike-induced graben, single fracture or eruptive fissures) above a propagating dike by suppressing the distribution of shear stresses towards the surface.825 7 - PublicationOpen AccessHow Academics and the Public Experienced Immersive Virtual Reality for Geo-Education(2022-01)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Immersive virtual reality can potentially open up interesting geological sites to students, academics and others who may not have had the opportunity to visit such sites previously. We study how users perceive the usefulness of an immersive virtual reality approach applied to Earth Sciences teaching and communication. During nine immersive virtual reality-based events held in 2018 and 2019 in various locations (Vienna in Austria, Milan and Catania in Italy, Santorini in Greece), a large number of visitors had the opportunity to navigate, in immersive mode, across geological landscapes reconstructed by cutting-edge, unmanned aerial system-based photogrammetry techniques. The reconstructed virtual geological environments are specifically chosen virtual geosites, from Santorini (Greece), the North Volcanic Zone (Iceland), and Mt. Etna (Italy). Following the user experiences, we collected 459 questionnaires, with a large spread in participant age and cultural background. We find that the majority of respondents would be willing to repeat the immersive virtual reality experience, and importantly, most of the students and Earth Science academics who took part in the navigation confirmed the usefulness of this approach for geo-education purposes.265 25 - PublicationOpen AccessMultidisciplinary analyses for mapping and evaluating kinematics and stress/strain field at active faults and fissures at NE Rift, Mt Etna (Italy)(2021-04-26)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Strategies for disaster risk reduction in volcanic areas are mostly driven by multidisciplinary analyses, which offer effective and complementary information on complex geomorphological and volcano-tectonic environments. For example, quantification of the offset at active faults and fissures is of paramount importance to shed light on the kinematics of zones prone to deformation and/or seismic activity. This provides key information for the assessment of seismic hazard, but also for the identification of conditions that may favor magma uprising and opening of eruptive fissures. Here we present the results of a study encompassing detailed geological, structural and seismological observations focusing on part of the NE Rift at Etna volcano (Italy). The area is situated at an elevation ranging between 2700 and 1900 m a.s.l. where harsh meteorological conditions and difficult logistics render classical field work a troublesome issue. In order to bypass these difficulties, high-resolution (2.8 cm) UAV survey has been recently completed. The survey highlights the presence of 250 extension fractures, 20 normal fault segments, and 54 eruptive fissures. The study allows us to quantify the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, obtaining an extension rate of 1.9 cm/yr for the last 406 yr. With a total of 432 structural data collected by UAV along with SfM photogrammetry, this work also demonstrates the suitability of the application of such surveys for the monitoring of hazardous zone.51 12 - PublicationOpen AccessMassive data collection in volcanic areas owing to photogrammetryderived models: a key example from the NE Rift, Mt Etna (Italy).(2021-04-23)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The collection of a conspicuous amount of data in volcanic areas is a key for a deeper understanding of the relationships between faulting, diking and superficial volcanic processes. A way to quickly collect huge amounts of data is to analyse photogrammetry-derived models (Digital surface models, orthomosaics and 3D models) using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to collect all necessary pictures obtaining final models with a texture ground resolution up to 2-3 cm/pix. In this work, we describe our approach to build up models of a broad area located in the NE Rift of Mt. Etna, which is affected by continuous ground deformation linked to gravity sliding of the eastern flank of the volcano and dyke injection. The area is characterized by the presence of eruptive craters and fissures, extension fractures, and normal faults, as well as by historical lava flows. The goal was to quantify the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, integrating the latter with seismological data to reconstruct the stress field acting in this peculiar sector of the volcano. By the point of view of UAV surveying, the test area is challenging since it is located at an altitude ranging between 2700 and 1900 m a.s.l., and it is affected by extreme weather conditions, like a strong wind. Resulting models, in the form of DSM and orthomosaic, are characterised by a resolution of 11.86 and 2.97 cm/pix, respectively, obtained from the elaboration of 4018 photos and covering an area of 2.2 km2. Thanks to these models, we recognized the presence of 20 normal fault segments, 250 extension fractures, and 54 single eruptive fissures. Considering all the above mention data, we quantified the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, obtaining an extension rate of 1.9 cm/yr for the last 406 yr.90 11 - PublicationOpen AccessMapping and evaluating kinematics and the stress and strain field at active faults and fissures: a comparison between field and drone data at the NE rift, Mt Etna (Italy)(2021-04-13)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; We collected drone data to quantify the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, integrated this information with seismological data to reconstruct the stress field, and critically compared the results with previous fieldwork to assess the best practice. As a key site, we analyzed a sector of the northeast rift of Mt Etna, an area affected by continuous ground deformation linked to gravity sliding of the volcano’s eastern flank and dike injections. The studied sector is characterized also by the existence of eruptive craters and fissures and lava flows. This work shows that this rift segment is affected by a series of NNE- to NE-striking, parallel extensional fractures characterized by an opening mode along an average N105.7 vector. The stress field is characterized by a Hmin trending northwest–southeast. Normal faults strike parallel to the extensional fractures. The extensional strain obtained by cumulating the net offset at extensional fractures with the fault heave gives a stretching ratio of 1.003 in the northeastern part of the study area and 1.005 in the southwestern part. Given a maximum age of 1614 CE for the offset lavas, we obtained an extension rate of 1.9 cm yr1 for the last 406 years. This value is consistent with the slip along the Pernicana Fault system, confirming that the NE rift structures accommodate the sliding of the eastern flank of the volcano.934 41 - PublicationOpen AccessMultiple hazards and paths to eruptions: A review of the volcanic system of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy)(2020)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Vulcano is one of the 7 volcanic islands and 6 seamounts forming the Aeolian volcanic district (Italy). Vulcano has a long eruptive record, and its last eruption (1888–90 AD) originated the definition of the Vulcanian eruptive style. Like most volcanic islands, Vulcano generates many potentially interconnected hazards, determining a potentially high risk. Here, we review the state of knowledge on its geology, eruptive activity, historical accounts, structural setting, geophysical and geochemical surveillance, and available hazard assessment, in order to have an updated picture of the state knowledge on volcanic hazard. We follow a prototypal reviewing scheme, based on three standardized steps: i) review of the volcanic system; ii) review of available eruptive and noneruptive hazard quantifications; iii) development of a conceptual interpretative model. We find that, while a rather vast literature is dedicated to the volcanic system of Vulcano and the reconstruction of past events, few quantitative hazard assessments exist. In addition, the range of natural variability considered for each hazard is potentially underestimated (e.g. limited range of considered eruption magnitude and style and of vent position), as it is the potential effect of multi-hazard impact. The developed conceptual model for the feeding system provides a synthetic picture of the present knowledge about the system, as emerged from the review. In addition, it allows for the identification of potential paths-to-eruption and provides a first order link among the main hazards. This review provides an up-to-date snapshot of existing knowledge on volcanic hazard at Vulcano on which to build future hazard quantifications as well as to support present and future decision making.1714 149