Severi, Paolo
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- PublicationOpen AccessSources and migration pathways of methane and light hydrocarbons in the subsurface of the Southern Po River Basin (Northern Italy)(2023)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;This paper presents new chemical and isotopic data on gases from deep oil and gas fields, bubbling gases, dissolved gases in groundwaters and dry seeps of the Southern Po River Basin (Emilia-Romagna, Italy), aiming to (i) characterize and differentiate the various types of deep natural gases; (ii) identify the source(s) of methane and light hydrocarbons in shallow aquifers and surface gas-rich emissions; (iii) propose a conceptual model of natural fluid migration pathways in the sedimentary prism of the Southern Po River Basin. Based on the isotopic composition of CH4 and C2–C4 n-alkanes, CH4/(C2H6+C3H8) ratio, relative proportion of the C7 hydrocarbons and relative concentration of cyclic compounds with respect to the total cyclic abundance, three main deep reservoirs of hydrocarbons are identified in the subsurface of the Southern Po River Basin: (1) microbial gas hosted in Pliocene-Pleistocene marine sediments, (2) thermogenic gas hosted in Miocene deposits and (3) thermogenic gas produced in Triassic carbonates. Helium isotopes of these deep fluids indicate an almost pure crustal origin (Rc/Ra values = 0.014–0.04), with negligible contributions from mantle-derived helium. A variable contribution of atmosphere-derived fluids is highlighted by low 4He/20Ne (down to 5.42) and 40Ar/36Ar (≤319.5) values. Comparison of chemical and isotopic signatures of deep and surficial hydrocarbon occurrences suggests that methane in shallow groundwaters or gas seeps is sourced by microbial gas migrating upward from deep Plio-Pleistocene reservoirs, with no detectable contributions of Triassic or Miocene thermogenic hydrocarbons. At shallow depths (roughly around 20–50 m.b.g.l.), Plio-Pleistocene microbial methane appears to be mainly stored in anoxic aquifers. However, where CH4 further migrates upwards and reaches aerobic environments (e.g., aquifers or soils), it readily undergoes a process of exothermic microbial oxidation mediated by methanotrophic bacteria. Where the structural architecture of the sedimentary sequence favors the migration of fluids, the methanotrophic biofilter is bypassed and CH4 is discharged through soil diffuse degassing or gas bubbling at water wells. We argue that microbial consumption might be able to bio-sequester significant amounts of Plio-Pleistocene deep-sourced methane in the form of CO2 and biomass. Such process might be widespread in the subsurface of the Southern Po River Basin and, possibly, in other foreland basins worldwide.465 89 - PublicationOpen AccessSoil deformation analysis through fluid-dynamic modelling and DInSAR measurements: a focus on groundwater withdrawal in the Ravenna area (Italy)(2021)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;This study aims at assessing the deformation processes affecting an area NW of the city of Ravenna (northern Italy), caused by groundwater withdrawal activities. In-situ data, geologic and structural maps, piezometric measurements, underground water withdrawal volumes, and satellite C-band SAR data were used to jointly exploit two different techniques: 1) fluid-dynamic and geomechanical modelling (by RSE S.p.A), and 2) Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) analysis (by CNR - IREA). The results of the comparative analysis presented in this work brought new evidence about the contribution of groundwater withdrawal to the total subsidence affecting the area during the 2000-2017 time interval. In particular, they show an increase of the subsidence from year 2000 to 2010 and a decrease from year 2010 to 2017. These results are generally in line with groundwater withdrawal data that report a reduction of the extracted water volumes during the considered temporal interval. Meantime, they show a delay effect in the subsidence process, partially recovered during the 2010-2017 thanks to a stabilisation of the extracted groundwater volumes. The presented results shade new light on the groundwater withdrawal contribution to the subsidence of the analysed zone, although further investigations are foreseen to better clarify the ongoing scenario.145 73 - PublicationOpen AccessInterpreting the deformation phenomena triggered by the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence on the Canale Diversivo di Burana banks(2015)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;L’ articolo descrive uno studio riguardante i fenomeni deformativi osservati dopo il sisma dell’Emilia del maggio 2012 lungo un tratto di argine del Canale Diversivo di Burana che ricade nell’abitato di Scortichino, frazione del comune di Bondeno (FE). In questa porzione del rilevato arginale sono state edificate oltre un centinaio di abitazioni ed alcune strutture di medio-piccole dimensioni adibite ad attività produttive o a deposito, molte delle quali sono risultate pesantemente danneggiate e dichiarate inagibili proprio a causa delle deformazioni e del sistema di fratture longitudinali presenti nel terreno in seguito al terremoto. Il contributo qui presentato si prefigge di analizzare la risposta sismica dell’argine durante la sequenza sismica del 2012, comprendere le cause dei dissesti nonché individuare le necessarie azioni di mitigazione e gli eventuali interventi di messa in sicurezza nei confronti di terremoti futuri. A questo scopo è stata condotta un’ampia campagna sperimentale di indagini in sito e in laboratorio, finalizzata alla ricostruzione di un accurato modello geotecnico per la valutazione delle condizioni di stabilità dell’argine in condizioni sismiche, portando in conto anche l’eventuale insorgenza di fenomeni di liquefazione nei terreni sabbiosi superficiali costituenti la fondazione del corpo arginale. L’ analisi illustrata è il risultato dell’attività di indagine svolta per più di un anno dal Gruppo di Lavoro Argini (GdLA), costituitosi nel luglio 2012 in seguito ad un accordo fra la Regione Emilia-Romagna e l’Associazione Geotecnica Italiana per la verifica delle condizioni di stabilità dei rilevati arginali nelle aree colpite dal terremoto.194 150