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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Subsidence due to peatland oxidation in the Venice Lagoon catchment
    (CORILA. Consorzio per la Ges tione del Centro di Coordinamento delle Ricerche Inerenti il Sistema Lagunare di Venezia. Stampa “Multigraf” Spinea, Venezia 2005, 2005) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Gambolati, Giuseppe
    Putti, Mario
    Teatini, Pietro
    Bonardi, Maurizio
    Camporese, Matteo
    Ferraris, Stefano
    Gasparetto-Stori, Giuseppe
    Nicoletti, Vincenzo
    Rizzetto, Federica
    Salandin, Paolo
    Silvestri, Sonia
    Tosi, Luigi
    Campostrini, Pierpaolo
    Abstract. The Venice Lagoon is characterized by a fast morphodynamics appreciable not only over the geological scale but also in historical and modern times. The lagoon environment proves very sensitive to even minor modifications of the natural and anthropogenic controlling factors. An important human endeavor accomplished in the past century is the reclamation of the southernmost lagoon area that has been turned into a fertile farmland. The reclaimed soil is reach in organic matter (peat) that may oxidize with release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The continuous loss of carbon is causing a pronounced settlement of the farmland that lies below the present sea/lagoon level. This enhances the flood hazard and impacts noticeably on the maintenance and operational costs of the drainage system. Total peatland subsidence is estimated at 1.5 m over the last 70 years with a current rate of 1.5-2 cm/year. The geochemical reaction is primarily controlled by soil water content and temperature, and is much influenced by agricultural practices, crop rotation, and depth to the water table. A small (24 km2) controlled catchment located in the area has been instrumented for accurately monitoring the basic parameters and recording the ground motion. The in situ measurements have been integrated with the combined use of remote sensing data to help cast light on the process and identify the mitigation strategies.
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