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Authors: Speranza, F.* 
Minelli, L.* 
Title: Ultra-thick Triassic dolomites control the rupture behavior of the central Apennine seismicity: Evidence from magnetic modeling of the L’Aquila fault zone
Journal: Journal of geophysical research - solid earth 
Series/Report no.: 9/119 (2014)
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Issue Date: 2014
DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011199
Keywords: L’Aquila earthquake
seismic tomography
magnetic anomalies
magnetic modelling
Subject Classification04. Solid Earth::04.05. Geomagnetism::04.05.04. Magnetic anomalies 
Abstract: High-resolution tomography from the 2009 L’Aquila extensional seismic sequence has shown that the Mw 6.1 main shock and most of the aftershocks occurred within a high velocity body (6.6≤Vp≤6.8 Km/s), located between depths of 3 and 12 km. The nature of the high Vp-body has remained speculative, although exhumed mafic deep crustal and upper mantle rocks (serpentinites) have been favoured. We used 3D magnetic anomaly modelling to investigate the plausibility of these favoured sources for the L’Aquila body. The modelling does not support the presence of high-velocity serpentinites with a 30-50% serpentinization degree and gabbros. Accordingly, we conclude that the high Vp-body may represent non-magnetic upper Triassic and possibly lower Liassic dolomites that have been drilled in neighbouring wells for 2-4 km. This conclusion is also consistent with the lack of a coherent gravity anomaly for the body. We speculate that ultra-thick Triassic dolomites reaching a thickness of 8 km may have been deposited in syntectonic wedges formed at the northern margin of the Ionian Sea, where oceanic spreading occurred in mid-late Triassic times.
Appears in Collections:Article published / in press

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