Human colonization and volcanic activity in the eastern Campania Plain (Italy) between the Eneolithic and Late Roman periods
Obiettivo Specifico
2.3. TTC - Laboratori di chimica e fisica delle rocce
3.5. Geologia e storia dei vulcani ed evoluzione dei magmi
3.10. Storia ed archeologia applicate alle Scienze della Terra
JCR Journal
JCR Journal
Peer review journal
Title of the book
/303 (2013)
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Elsevier Science Limited
Pages (printed)
Issued date
Archaeological and volcanological studies conducted in the Naples area have revealed that numerous
high-intensity explosive eruptions that occurred in the past 10 ka caused damage and victims in the
human communities living in the plain surrounding the Neapolitan volcanoes. These catastrophic events
were interspersed by hundred to thousand year long periods of quiescence, usually exceeding a human
During the Early Bronze Age in particular, the Campania Plain was densely inhabited due to favourable
climatic conditions and soil fertility. The archaeological and volcanological investigation of the sequences
found in archaeological excavations has permitted the detailed reconstruction of the effects of eruptions
and deposition mechanisms of their products on settlements. This paper discusses the example of Nola-
Palma Campania during a most interesting, though poorly known, period of activity bracketed by the
Vesuvian Pomici di Avellino (Early Bronze Age) and Pollena (AD 472) Plinian eruptions. Through this timespan
the Plainwas variably inhabited, crossed by long-lived roads and subject to agricultural exploitation.
Eruptions caused significant breaks in the occupation of the area, but also maintained the plain’s extraordinary
fertility. During this period, at least eight other eruptions occurred: the Pomici di Pompei Plinian
event (AD 79), two sub-Plinian to phreato-Plinian events, and five violent Strombolian to Vulcanian events.
Thin and poorly developed to thicker and mature palaeosols or erosional unconformities separate the
various pyroclastic deposits. Almost all the eruptions and related phenomena interacted with human
settlements in the Campania Plain, and in their sequences many traces of the displacement of people
during the eruptions may be seen, as well as land reclamation and re-utilization soon afterwards.
Despite the various kinds of hazard posed by volcanic and related phenomena, humans nevertheless
found good reasons for settlement in the Campania Plain and flourished there. A multidisciplinary
approach has yielded detailed information regarding the evolution of the area and the effects of eruptions
on settlements. These data are of paramount importance for an improved understanding of past
events and in evaluating the hazard of eruptions and related phenomena.
high-intensity explosive eruptions that occurred in the past 10 ka caused damage and victims in the
human communities living in the plain surrounding the Neapolitan volcanoes. These catastrophic events
were interspersed by hundred to thousand year long periods of quiescence, usually exceeding a human
During the Early Bronze Age in particular, the Campania Plain was densely inhabited due to favourable
climatic conditions and soil fertility. The archaeological and volcanological investigation of the sequences
found in archaeological excavations has permitted the detailed reconstruction of the effects of eruptions
and deposition mechanisms of their products on settlements. This paper discusses the example of Nola-
Palma Campania during a most interesting, though poorly known, period of activity bracketed by the
Vesuvian Pomici di Avellino (Early Bronze Age) and Pollena (AD 472) Plinian eruptions. Through this timespan
the Plainwas variably inhabited, crossed by long-lived roads and subject to agricultural exploitation.
Eruptions caused significant breaks in the occupation of the area, but also maintained the plain’s extraordinary
fertility. During this period, at least eight other eruptions occurred: the Pomici di Pompei Plinian
event (AD 79), two sub-Plinian to phreato-Plinian events, and five violent Strombolian to Vulcanian events.
Thin and poorly developed to thicker and mature palaeosols or erosional unconformities separate the
various pyroclastic deposits. Almost all the eruptions and related phenomena interacted with human
settlements in the Campania Plain, and in their sequences many traces of the displacement of people
during the eruptions may be seen, as well as land reclamation and re-utilization soon afterwards.
Despite the various kinds of hazard posed by volcanic and related phenomena, humans nevertheless
found good reasons for settlement in the Campania Plain and flourished there. A multidisciplinary
approach has yielded detailed information regarding the evolution of the area and the effects of eruptions
on settlements. These data are of paramount importance for an improved understanding of past
events and in evaluating the hazard of eruptions and related phenomena.
Albore Livadie, C., Vecchio, G., Mastrolorenzo, G., Castaldo, N., 2001. Effetti delle
eruzioni del Somma-Vesuvio sul territorio di Nola. Tephras, 119e128.
Albore Livadie, C., Castaldo, N., Lubritto, C., Terrasi, F., Vecchio, G., 2004. Eruzioni
protostoriche e reinsedimaneti umani nell’area nolana: nuovi dati archeologici
e cronologici. In: Preecidings, Conference Siti archeologici ed effetti delle eruzioni
in Campania. I vulcani distruttori e preservatori degli antichi insediamenti
umani, October 19 2004, Ravello.
Albore Livadie, C., Vecchio, G., Castaldo, E., Castaldo, N., Delle Donne, M., Minieri, L.,
Pizzano, N., 2005. Il villaggio di Nola e Croce di Papa (Napoli) nel quadro della
facies culturale di Palma Campania (Bronzo antico). In: XL Riunione Scientifica
dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, December 2005. Lit. Sicignano,
Pompei (NA), p. 54.
Albore Livadie, C., Vecchio, G., Castaldo, N., 2007. L’età del Bronzo a San Paolo Belsito
(Nola e Napoli). In: Atti della XL Riunione Scientifica e Strategie di insediamento
fra Lazio e Campania in età preistorica e protostorica. Istituto Italiano di
Preistoria e Protostoria, Firenze.
Andronico, D., Cioni, R., 2002. Contrasting styles of Mount Vesuvius activity in the
period between the Avellino and Pompeii Plinian eruptions, and some implications
for assessment of future hazards. Bulletin of Volcanology 64, 372e391.
Barbera, C., Leuci, G., Virgili, A., 1991. Mammiferi quaternari del miglio della Schiava,
Nola, in L’Appennino meridionale, Napoli.
Barberi, F., Innocenti, F., Lirer, L., Munno, R., Pescatore, T.S., Santacroce, R., 1978. The
Campanian ignimbrite: a major prehistoric eruption in the Neapolitan area
(Italy). Bulletin of Volcanology 41 (1), 1e22.
Colucci Pescatori, G., . Osservazioni su Abellinum tardo-antica e sull’eruzione del
472 d.C. In: Tremblements de terre, éruptions volcaniques et vie des hommes
dans la Campanie antique, Roma.
de Vita, S., Orsi, G., Civetta, L., Carandente, A., D’Antonio, M., Di Cesare, T., Di Vito, M.,
Fisher, R.V., Isaia, R.,Marotta, E., Ort, M., Pappalardo, L., Piochi, M., Southon, J.,1999.
The Agnano-Monte Spina eruption (4,100 years BP) in the restless Campi Flegrei
caldera (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 91, 269e301.
de Vita, S., Sansivero, F., Orsi, G., Marotta, E., Piochi, M., 2010. Volcanological and
structural evolution of the Ischia resurgent caldera (Italy) over the past 10 ka.
In: Groppelli, G., Viereck, L. (Eds.), Stratigraphy and Geology in Volcanic Areas.
Geological Society of America Book Series, Special Paper 464, pp. 193e239.
De Vivo, B., Rolandi, G., Gans, P.B., Calvert, A., Bohrson, W.A., Spera, F.J., Belkin, H.E.,
2001. New constraints on the pyroclastic eruptive history of the Campanian
volcanic Plain (Italy). Mineralogy and Petrology 73, 47e65.
Di Lorenzo, H., Di Vito, M.A., Talamo, P., Bishop, J., Castaldo, N., de Vita, S., Nave, R.,
Pacciarelli, M. The impact of the Pomici di Avellino Plinian eruption of Vesuvius
on Early and Middle Bronze Age human settlement in Campania (Southern
Italy). In: Proceedings of the 4th Archaeological Conference of Central Germany:
1600-Cultural change in the shadow of the Thera eruption? International
Conference in Halle (Saale), October, 2011, in press.
Di Vito, M.A., Sulpizio, R., Zanchetta, G., 1998. I depositi ghiaiosi della valle dei
torrenti Clanio e Acqualonga (Campania centro-orientale): significato stratigrafico
e ricostruzione paleombientale. Il Quaternario, Italian Journal of Quaternary
Sciences 11 (2), 273e286.
Di Vito, M.A., Zanella, E., Gurioli, L., Lanza, R., Sulpizio, R., Bishop, J., Tema, E.,
Boenzi, G., Laforgia, E., 2009. The Afragola settlement near Vesuvius, Italy: the
destruction and abandonment of a Bronze Age village revealed by archaeology,
volcanology and rock-magnetism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277,
Fisher, R.V., Orsi, G., Ort, M., Heiken, G., 1993. Mobility of large-volume pyroclastic
flow e emplacement of the Campanian Ignimbrite, Italy. Journal of Volcanology
and Geothermal Research 56, 205e220.
Follieri, M., Giardini, M., Magri, D., Sadori, L., 1998. Palynostratigraphy of the last
glacial period in the volcanic region of central Italy. Quaternary International
47e48, 3e20.
Gurioli, L., Pareschi, M.T., Zanella, E., Lanza, R., Deluca, E., Bisson, M., 2005. Interaction
of pyroclastic density currents with human settlements: evidence from
ancient Pompeii. Geology 33, 441e444.
Laforgia, E., Boenzi, G., Amato, L., Bishop, J., Di Vito, M.A., Fattore, L., Stanzione, M.,
Viglio, F., 2009. The Vesuvian “Pomici di Avellino” eruption and Early Bronze
Age settlements in the middle Clanis valley. Mèditerranèé 112, 101e107.
Marzocchella, A., 2000. Storie di contadini alle falde del Vesuvio. Archeo 182,
Mastrolorenzo, G., Palladino, D.M., Vecchio, G., Taddeucci, J., 2002. The 472 ADPollena
eruption of Somma-Vesuvius (Italy) and its environmental impact at the end of
Roman Empire. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 113, 19e36.
Mastrolorenzo, G., Petrone, P., Pappalardo, L., Sheridan, M., 2006. The Avellino 3780-
yr-B.P. catastrophe as a worst-case scenario for a future eruption at Vesuvius.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (12), 4366e4370.
Mele, D., Sulpizio, R., Dellino, P., La Volpe, L., 2011. Stratigraphy and eruptive dynamics
of a pulsating Plinian eruption of Somma-Vesuvius: the Pomici di
Mercato (8900 years B.P.). Bulletin of Volcanology 73 (3), 257e278.
Nava, M.L., Giampaola, D., Laforgia, E., Boenzi, G., 2007. Tra Clanis e il Sebeto: nuovi
dati sull’occupazione della piana campana tra il Neolitico e l’età del Bronzo. In:
Preceedings Atti della XL Riunione Scientifica e Strategie di insediamento fra
Lazio e Campania in età preistorica e protostorica. Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e
Protostoria, Firenze.
Orsi, G., de Vita, S., Di Vito, M.A., 1996. The restless resurgent Campi Flegrei nested
caldera (Italy): constraints on its evolution and configuration. Journal of Volcanology
and Geothermal Research 74, 179e214.
Orsi, G., Di Vito, M.A., Isaia, R., 2004. Volcanic hazard assessment at the restless
Campi Flegrei caldera. Bulletin of Volcanology 66, 514e530.
Pappalardo, L., Civetta, L., de Vita, S., Di Vito, M., Orsi, G., Carandente, A., Fisher, R.V.,
2002. Timing of magma extraction during the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption
(Campi Flegrei caldera). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 114,
Passariello, I., Albore Livadie, C., Talamo, P., Lubritto, C., D’Onofrio, A., Terrasi, F.,
2009. 14C chronology of Avellino pumices eruption and timing of human
reoccupation of the devastated region. Radiocarbon 51 (2), 1e14.
Patacca, E., Scandone, P., 2007. Geology of the Southern Apennines. Bollettini
Società Geologica Italiana (Special Issue 7), 75e119.
Rolandi, G., Barrella, A.M., Borrelli, A., 1993. The 1631 eruption of Vesuvius. Journal
of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 58, 183e201.
Rosi, M., Principe, C., Vecci, R., 1993. The 1631 eruption of Vesuvius reconstructed
from the review of chronicles and study of deposits. Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research 58, 151e182.
Rosi, M., Vezzoli, L., Aleotti, P., De Cenzi, M., 1996. Interaction between caldera
collapse and eruptive dynamics during the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption,
Phlegraean Fields, Italy. Bulletin of Volcanology 57, 541e554.
Santacroce, R., Cioni, R., Marianelli, P., Sbrana, A., Sulpizio, R., Zanchetta, G.,
Donahue, D.J., Joron, J.L., 2008. Age and whole rockeglass compositions of
proximal pyroclastics from the major explosive eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius:
a review as a tool for distal tephrostratigraphy. Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research 177, 1e18.
Sigurdsson, H., Carey, S., Cornell, W., Pescatore, T., 1985. The eruption of Vesuvius in
A.D. 79. National Geographic Research 1, 332e387.
Smith, V.C., Isaia, R., Pearce, N.J.G., 2011. Tephrostratigraphy and glass compositions
of post-15 ka Campi Flegrei eruptions: implications for eruption history and
chronostratigraphic markers. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 3638e3660.
Sulpizio, R.,Mele, D., Dellino, P., LaVolpe, L., 2005.Acomplex, Subplinian-type eruption
from low-viscosity, phonolitic to tephri-phonolitic magma: the AD 472 (Pollena)
eruption of Somma-Vesuvius, Italy. Bulletin of Volcanology 67, 743e767.
Sulpizio, R., Zanchetta, G., Demi, F., Di Vito, M.A., Pareschi, M.T., Santacroce, R., 2006.
The Holocene syneruptive volcaniclastic debris flows in the Vesuvian area:
geological data as a guide for hazard assessment. In: Siebe, C., Macías, J.L.,
Aguirre-Díaz, G.J. (Eds.), NeogeneeQuaternary Continental Margin Volcanism:
a Perspective from México. Geological Society of America Special Paper 402,
Penrose Conference Series, pp. 217e235.
Sulpizio, R., Bonasia, R., Dellino, P., Di Vito, M.A., La Volpe, L., Mele, D., Zanchetta, G.,
Sadori, L., 2008. Discriminating the-long distance dispersal of fine ash from
sustained columns or near ground ash clouds: the example of the Pomici di Avellino eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal
Research 177, 263e276.
Sulpizio, R., Bonasia, R., Dellino, P., Mele, D., Di Vito, M.A., La Volpe, L., 2010a. The
Pomici di Avellino eruption of Somma-Vesuvius (3.9 ka BP) part II: sedimentology
and physical volcanology of pyroclastic density current deposits.
Bulletin of Volcanology 72, 559e577.
Sulpizio, R., Cioni, R., Di Vito, M.A.,Mele, D., Bonasia, R., Dellino, P., 2010b. The Pomici di
Avellino eruption of Somma-Vesuvius (3.9 ka BP) part I: stratigraphy, compositional
variability and eruptive dynamics. Bulletin of Volcanology 72, 539e558.
Talamo, P., Ruggini, C., . Il territorio campano al confine con la Puglia nell’età del
Bronzo. In: Gravina, A. (Ed.), Atti 25 Convegno sulla Preistoria e Protostoria
della Daunia. San Severo 2004, San Severo, pp. 171e188.
Vezzani, V., Festa, A., Ghisetti, F.C., 2010. Geology and tectonic evolution of the
Central-Southern Apennines, Italy. In: Geological Society of America Special
Paper, vol. 469, 58 pp.
Zanchetta, G., Sulpizio, R., Di Vito, M.A., 2004. The role of volcanic activity and
climate in alluvial fan growth at volcanic areas: an example from southern
Campania (Italy). Sedimentary Geology 168, 249e280.
eruzioni del Somma-Vesuvio sul territorio di Nola. Tephras, 119e128.
Albore Livadie, C., Castaldo, N., Lubritto, C., Terrasi, F., Vecchio, G., 2004. Eruzioni
protostoriche e reinsedimaneti umani nell’area nolana: nuovi dati archeologici
e cronologici. In: Preecidings, Conference Siti archeologici ed effetti delle eruzioni
in Campania. I vulcani distruttori e preservatori degli antichi insediamenti
umani, October 19 2004, Ravello.
Albore Livadie, C., Vecchio, G., Castaldo, E., Castaldo, N., Delle Donne, M., Minieri, L.,
Pizzano, N., 2005. Il villaggio di Nola e Croce di Papa (Napoli) nel quadro della
facies culturale di Palma Campania (Bronzo antico). In: XL Riunione Scientifica
dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, December 2005. Lit. Sicignano,
Pompei (NA), p. 54.
Albore Livadie, C., Vecchio, G., Castaldo, N., 2007. L’età del Bronzo a San Paolo Belsito
(Nola e Napoli). In: Atti della XL Riunione Scientifica e Strategie di insediamento
fra Lazio e Campania in età preistorica e protostorica. Istituto Italiano di
Preistoria e Protostoria, Firenze.
Andronico, D., Cioni, R., 2002. Contrasting styles of Mount Vesuvius activity in the
period between the Avellino and Pompeii Plinian eruptions, and some implications
for assessment of future hazards. Bulletin of Volcanology 64, 372e391.
Barbera, C., Leuci, G., Virgili, A., 1991. Mammiferi quaternari del miglio della Schiava,
Nola, in L’Appennino meridionale, Napoli.
Barberi, F., Innocenti, F., Lirer, L., Munno, R., Pescatore, T.S., Santacroce, R., 1978. The
Campanian ignimbrite: a major prehistoric eruption in the Neapolitan area
(Italy). Bulletin of Volcanology 41 (1), 1e22.
Colucci Pescatori, G., . Osservazioni su Abellinum tardo-antica e sull’eruzione del
472 d.C. In: Tremblements de terre, éruptions volcaniques et vie des hommes
dans la Campanie antique, Roma.
de Vita, S., Orsi, G., Civetta, L., Carandente, A., D’Antonio, M., Di Cesare, T., Di Vito, M.,
Fisher, R.V., Isaia, R.,Marotta, E., Ort, M., Pappalardo, L., Piochi, M., Southon, J.,1999.
The Agnano-Monte Spina eruption (4,100 years BP) in the restless Campi Flegrei
caldera (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 91, 269e301.
de Vita, S., Sansivero, F., Orsi, G., Marotta, E., Piochi, M., 2010. Volcanological and
structural evolution of the Ischia resurgent caldera (Italy) over the past 10 ka.
In: Groppelli, G., Viereck, L. (Eds.), Stratigraphy and Geology in Volcanic Areas.
Geological Society of America Book Series, Special Paper 464, pp. 193e239.
De Vivo, B., Rolandi, G., Gans, P.B., Calvert, A., Bohrson, W.A., Spera, F.J., Belkin, H.E.,
2001. New constraints on the pyroclastic eruptive history of the Campanian
volcanic Plain (Italy). Mineralogy and Petrology 73, 47e65.
Di Lorenzo, H., Di Vito, M.A., Talamo, P., Bishop, J., Castaldo, N., de Vita, S., Nave, R.,
Pacciarelli, M. The impact of the Pomici di Avellino Plinian eruption of Vesuvius
on Early and Middle Bronze Age human settlement in Campania (Southern
Italy). In: Proceedings of the 4th Archaeological Conference of Central Germany:
1600-Cultural change in the shadow of the Thera eruption? International
Conference in Halle (Saale), October, 2011, in press.
Di Vito, M.A., Sulpizio, R., Zanchetta, G., 1998. I depositi ghiaiosi della valle dei
torrenti Clanio e Acqualonga (Campania centro-orientale): significato stratigrafico
e ricostruzione paleombientale. Il Quaternario, Italian Journal of Quaternary
Sciences 11 (2), 273e286.
Di Vito, M.A., Zanella, E., Gurioli, L., Lanza, R., Sulpizio, R., Bishop, J., Tema, E.,
Boenzi, G., Laforgia, E., 2009. The Afragola settlement near Vesuvius, Italy: the
destruction and abandonment of a Bronze Age village revealed by archaeology,
volcanology and rock-magnetism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277,
Fisher, R.V., Orsi, G., Ort, M., Heiken, G., 1993. Mobility of large-volume pyroclastic
flow e emplacement of the Campanian Ignimbrite, Italy. Journal of Volcanology
and Geothermal Research 56, 205e220.
Follieri, M., Giardini, M., Magri, D., Sadori, L., 1998. Palynostratigraphy of the last
glacial period in the volcanic region of central Italy. Quaternary International
47e48, 3e20.
Gurioli, L., Pareschi, M.T., Zanella, E., Lanza, R., Deluca, E., Bisson, M., 2005. Interaction
of pyroclastic density currents with human settlements: evidence from
ancient Pompeii. Geology 33, 441e444.
Laforgia, E., Boenzi, G., Amato, L., Bishop, J., Di Vito, M.A., Fattore, L., Stanzione, M.,
Viglio, F., 2009. The Vesuvian “Pomici di Avellino” eruption and Early Bronze
Age settlements in the middle Clanis valley. Mèditerranèé 112, 101e107.
Marzocchella, A., 2000. Storie di contadini alle falde del Vesuvio. Archeo 182,
Mastrolorenzo, G., Palladino, D.M., Vecchio, G., Taddeucci, J., 2002. The 472 ADPollena
eruption of Somma-Vesuvius (Italy) and its environmental impact at the end of
Roman Empire. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 113, 19e36.
Mastrolorenzo, G., Petrone, P., Pappalardo, L., Sheridan, M., 2006. The Avellino 3780-
yr-B.P. catastrophe as a worst-case scenario for a future eruption at Vesuvius.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (12), 4366e4370.
Mele, D., Sulpizio, R., Dellino, P., La Volpe, L., 2011. Stratigraphy and eruptive dynamics
of a pulsating Plinian eruption of Somma-Vesuvius: the Pomici di
Mercato (8900 years B.P.). Bulletin of Volcanology 73 (3), 257e278.
Nava, M.L., Giampaola, D., Laforgia, E., Boenzi, G., 2007. Tra Clanis e il Sebeto: nuovi
dati sull’occupazione della piana campana tra il Neolitico e l’età del Bronzo. In:
Preceedings Atti della XL Riunione Scientifica e Strategie di insediamento fra
Lazio e Campania in età preistorica e protostorica. Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e
Protostoria, Firenze.
Orsi, G., de Vita, S., Di Vito, M.A., 1996. The restless resurgent Campi Flegrei nested
caldera (Italy): constraints on its evolution and configuration. Journal of Volcanology
and Geothermal Research 74, 179e214.
Orsi, G., Di Vito, M.A., Isaia, R., 2004. Volcanic hazard assessment at the restless
Campi Flegrei caldera. Bulletin of Volcanology 66, 514e530.
Pappalardo, L., Civetta, L., de Vita, S., Di Vito, M., Orsi, G., Carandente, A., Fisher, R.V.,
2002. Timing of magma extraction during the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption
(Campi Flegrei caldera). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 114,
Passariello, I., Albore Livadie, C., Talamo, P., Lubritto, C., D’Onofrio, A., Terrasi, F.,
2009. 14C chronology of Avellino pumices eruption and timing of human
reoccupation of the devastated region. Radiocarbon 51 (2), 1e14.
Patacca, E., Scandone, P., 2007. Geology of the Southern Apennines. Bollettini
Società Geologica Italiana (Special Issue 7), 75e119.
Rolandi, G., Barrella, A.M., Borrelli, A., 1993. The 1631 eruption of Vesuvius. Journal
of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 58, 183e201.
Rosi, M., Principe, C., Vecci, R., 1993. The 1631 eruption of Vesuvius reconstructed
from the review of chronicles and study of deposits. Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research 58, 151e182.
Rosi, M., Vezzoli, L., Aleotti, P., De Cenzi, M., 1996. Interaction between caldera
collapse and eruptive dynamics during the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption,
Phlegraean Fields, Italy. Bulletin of Volcanology 57, 541e554.
Santacroce, R., Cioni, R., Marianelli, P., Sbrana, A., Sulpizio, R., Zanchetta, G.,
Donahue, D.J., Joron, J.L., 2008. Age and whole rockeglass compositions of
proximal pyroclastics from the major explosive eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius:
a review as a tool for distal tephrostratigraphy. Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research 177, 1e18.
Sigurdsson, H., Carey, S., Cornell, W., Pescatore, T., 1985. The eruption of Vesuvius in
A.D. 79. National Geographic Research 1, 332e387.
Smith, V.C., Isaia, R., Pearce, N.J.G., 2011. Tephrostratigraphy and glass compositions
of post-15 ka Campi Flegrei eruptions: implications for eruption history and
chronostratigraphic markers. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 3638e3660.
Sulpizio, R.,Mele, D., Dellino, P., LaVolpe, L., 2005.Acomplex, Subplinian-type eruption
from low-viscosity, phonolitic to tephri-phonolitic magma: the AD 472 (Pollena)
eruption of Somma-Vesuvius, Italy. Bulletin of Volcanology 67, 743e767.
Sulpizio, R., Zanchetta, G., Demi, F., Di Vito, M.A., Pareschi, M.T., Santacroce, R., 2006.
The Holocene syneruptive volcaniclastic debris flows in the Vesuvian area:
geological data as a guide for hazard assessment. In: Siebe, C., Macías, J.L.,
Aguirre-Díaz, G.J. (Eds.), NeogeneeQuaternary Continental Margin Volcanism:
a Perspective from México. Geological Society of America Special Paper 402,
Penrose Conference Series, pp. 217e235.
Sulpizio, R., Bonasia, R., Dellino, P., Di Vito, M.A., La Volpe, L., Mele, D., Zanchetta, G.,
Sadori, L., 2008. Discriminating the-long distance dispersal of fine ash from
sustained columns or near ground ash clouds: the example of the Pomici di Avellino eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal
Research 177, 263e276.
Sulpizio, R., Bonasia, R., Dellino, P., Mele, D., Di Vito, M.A., La Volpe, L., 2010a. The
Pomici di Avellino eruption of Somma-Vesuvius (3.9 ka BP) part II: sedimentology
and physical volcanology of pyroclastic density current deposits.
Bulletin of Volcanology 72, 559e577.
Sulpizio, R., Cioni, R., Di Vito, M.A.,Mele, D., Bonasia, R., Dellino, P., 2010b. The Pomici di
Avellino eruption of Somma-Vesuvius (3.9 ka BP) part I: stratigraphy, compositional
variability and eruptive dynamics. Bulletin of Volcanology 72, 539e558.
Talamo, P., Ruggini, C., . Il territorio campano al confine con la Puglia nell’età del
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