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dc.contributor.authorallPolemio, M.; CNR-IRPI, Italyen
dc.contributor.authorallLimoni, P. P.; CNR-IRPI, Italyen
dc.contributor.authorallZuffiano', L. E.; CNR-IRPI, Italyen
dc.contributor.authorallSantaloia, F.; CNR-IRPI, Italyen
dc.contributor.editorallSilva Jr., G. C.en
dc.contributor.editorallMontenegro, S. M. G. L.en
dc.description.abstractThe coastal carbonate Apulian aquifers, located in southern Italy, feed numerous coastal cold springs and constitute the main local source of high quality water. The group of Santa Cesarea springs constitutes the unique occurrence of thermal groundwater outflow, observed in partially submerged coastal caves. The spring water is rich of hydrogen sulfide; temperature ranges from 25 to 33 C°. For their properties, spring waters are used for spa activities from several decades. Hydrogeological spring conceptualisations proposed up now were not able to justify water geochemical peculiarities or were not completely confirmed up now. To reduce these uncertainties, a complex hydrogeological survey has been defined. Geological and structural surveys, chemical and isotopic groundwater analyses, spring and well discharge measurements, well loggings, multi-parameters spring automatized measurements, and cave explorations are ongoing. All available data have been used to improve the knowledge of groundwater flow system, including the valuable deep aquifer, the origin of the thermal waters, and to investigate the possibility of using low-enthalpy geothermal fluids to fulfil the thermal needs of the town of Santa Cesarea Terme.en
dc.relation.ispartof22nd SWIMen
dc.subjectCarbonate aquiferen
dc.subjectsulphur groundwateren
dc.subjectthermal springsen
dc.subjectcoastal aquiferen
dc.titleSanta Cesarea coastal thermal springs (southern Italy)en
dc.typeConference paperen
dc.subject.INGV05. General::05.08. Risk::05.08.02. Hydrogeological risken
dc.description.ConferenceLocationArmacao dos Buzios (Brazil)en
dc.relation.referencesBogli, A., 1964. Mischungskorrosion ein Beitrag zum Verkastungsproblem. Erkunde 18, 83-92. Calò, G., & Tinelli, R., 1995. Systematic hydrogeological study of a hypothermal spring (S. Cesarea Terme, Apulia), Italy. Journal of Hydrology, vol 165, pp 185 – 205. Calò, G., Spizzico, M., Tinelli, R., & Zezza, F., 1983. Hydrogeological investigations on the area sourroundig santa Cesarea Terme Springs (Southern Apulia), Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia, vol XVIII, pp 129 – 144. Craig, H., 1963. Isotopic variations in meteoric waters. Science 123, 1702–1703. Gatt, J.R., & Carmi, I. 1970. Evolution of the isotopic composition of atmospheric waters in the Mediterranean Sea area. J. Geophys. Res. 75, 3032 – 3048. Gonfiantini, R., 1986. Environmental isotopes in lake studies. In: Fritz, P., Fontes, J.Ch. (Eds.). Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry, Elsevier. pp. 113–168. Maggiore, M., & Pagliarulo, P., 2004. Circolazione idrica ed equilibri idrogeologici negli acquiferi della Puglia. Geologi e territorio, n. 1/2004. pp. 13-35 Visintin, B., 1944. Studio dell’acqua della grotta Gattulla delle Terme demaniali di S. Cesare. Rendiconto Istituto Superiore Sanità, vol. VII, p. II. Zezza, F., 1980. Le sorgenti ipotermali solfuree di Santa Cesarea Terme. Azienda di cura e soggiorno e turismo Santa Cesarea Terme. Estratto dalla rivista quadrimestrale di cultura e civiltà salentina “Salentum” - Anno III nn. 1–2 – edita dall’E.p.t. di Lecce.en
dc.description.obiettivoSpecifico4.4. Scenari e mitigazione del rischio ambientaleen
dc.contributor.authorPolemio, M.en
dc.contributor.authorLimoni, P. P.en
dc.contributor.authorZuffiano', L. E.en
dc.contributor.authorSantaloia, F.en
dc.contributor.departmentCNR-IRPI, Italyen
dc.contributor.departmentCNR-IRPI, Italyen
dc.contributor.departmentCNR-IRPI, Italyen
dc.contributor.departmentCNR-IRPI, Italyen
item.openairetypeConference paper-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.grantfulltextopen-, Italy-
crisitem.classification.parent05. General-
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