Geochemistry of volcanic fluids : A special issue of the Bulletin of Volcanology in honour of Yuri A. Taran
Obiettivo Specifico
1.2. TTC - Sorveglianza geochimica delle aree vulcaniche attive
2.4. TTC - Laboratori di geochimica dei fluidi
JCR Journal
JCR Journal
Peer review journal
Title of the book
Pages (printed)
Issued date
May 17, 2011
This special issue is dedicated to Yuri Taran's outstanding
contributions to gas geochemistry that began in the early
1980s with his work on deuterium and 18O compositions of
geothermal waters in the Mutnovsky (Kamchatka) region and
continues to this day with work on the Kamchatka volcanic
volatile budget, carbon isotopes of hydrocarbons, and new
insights into the geochemistry of El Chichón volcano,
Chiapas. Yuri has contributed greatly to the field of volcanic
gas geochemistry and was the first to recognize the distinct
deuterium and oxygen isotopic composition of fumarole
condensates from volcanoes in Kamchatka (Taran et al.
1987a). The shift in δD and δ18O to significantly heavier
values compared to local meteoric water led Yuri to introduce
the term “andesitic water” (Taran et al. 1989a, b) which has
since been recognized at subduction zone volcanoes globally.
This distinct isotopic composition is evidence that volcanoes
release water that ultimately originates as subducted seawater
and is recycled through the mantle wedge back to the earth's
surface. Yuri's early work on the gas emissions from
Kamchatka and Kurile Islands volcanoes also included the
development and testing of gas geothermometers (Taran
1986) and investigating hydrothermal alteration using isotopic
data (Taran et al. 1987b). His curiosity remained focused
on the isotope systematics of volcanic gases discharging from
Kamchatka and the Kuriles through the late 1980s and 1990s
with publications on the gas compositions of Klyuchevskoi
(Taran et al. 1991), Mutnovsky (Taran et al. 1992),
Avachinsky and Koryaksky (Taran et al. 1997). Yuri was
involved in the discovery of a pure and unique rhenium
mineral on Kudryavy volcano (Korzhinsky et al. 1994) and
provided one of the most detailed chemical studies of high
temperature (up to 950°C) fumaroles to date of any volcano
(Taran et al. 1995). His 1995 paper on Kudryavy remains
highly cited and provides the highest quality volcanic gas
data which also include trace elements from a subduction
zone. Such data are crucial when we attempt to interpret
lower temperature volcanic gas compositions or calculate rare
metal fluxes from volcanoes worldwide. His most recent
publication on Kamchatka-Kurile volcanic emissions provides
a detailed analysis of the total gas flux from these
volcanoes (Taran 2009).
contributions to gas geochemistry that began in the early
1980s with his work on deuterium and 18O compositions of
geothermal waters in the Mutnovsky (Kamchatka) region and
continues to this day with work on the Kamchatka volcanic
volatile budget, carbon isotopes of hydrocarbons, and new
insights into the geochemistry of El Chichón volcano,
Chiapas. Yuri has contributed greatly to the field of volcanic
gas geochemistry and was the first to recognize the distinct
deuterium and oxygen isotopic composition of fumarole
condensates from volcanoes in Kamchatka (Taran et al.
1987a). The shift in δD and δ18O to significantly heavier
values compared to local meteoric water led Yuri to introduce
the term “andesitic water” (Taran et al. 1989a, b) which has
since been recognized at subduction zone volcanoes globally.
This distinct isotopic composition is evidence that volcanoes
release water that ultimately originates as subducted seawater
and is recycled through the mantle wedge back to the earth's
surface. Yuri's early work on the gas emissions from
Kamchatka and Kurile Islands volcanoes also included the
development and testing of gas geothermometers (Taran
1986) and investigating hydrothermal alteration using isotopic
data (Taran et al. 1987b). His curiosity remained focused
on the isotope systematics of volcanic gases discharging from
Kamchatka and the Kuriles through the late 1980s and 1990s
with publications on the gas compositions of Klyuchevskoi
(Taran et al. 1991), Mutnovsky (Taran et al. 1992),
Avachinsky and Koryaksky (Taran et al. 1997). Yuri was
involved in the discovery of a pure and unique rhenium
mineral on Kudryavy volcano (Korzhinsky et al. 1994) and
provided one of the most detailed chemical studies of high
temperature (up to 950°C) fumaroles to date of any volcano
(Taran et al. 1995). His 1995 paper on Kudryavy remains
highly cited and provides the highest quality volcanic gas
data which also include trace elements from a subduction
zone. Such data are crucial when we attempt to interpret
lower temperature volcanic gas compositions or calculate rare
metal fluxes from volcanoes worldwide. His most recent
publication on Kamchatka-Kurile volcanic emissions provides
a detailed analysis of the total gas flux from these
volcanoes (Taran 2009).
Capaccioni B, Taran Y, Macias JL, Tassi F, Vaselli O, Mangani G
(2004) Source conditions and degradation processes of light
hydrocarbons in volcanic gases: an example from El Chichon
volcano (Chiapas State, Mexico). Chem Geol 206:81–96
Gonzalez-Hernandez G, Taran YA (2005) Transport of elements by
high-temperature and highly oxidized gases from Colima
volcano. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 69:A733
Korzhinsky MA, Tkachenko SI, Shmulovich KI, Taran YA, Steinberg
GS (1994) Discovery of a pure rhenium mineral at Kudriavy
volcano. Nature 369:51–52
Mazot A, Taran Y (2009) CO2 flux from the volcanic lake of El
Chichón (Mexico). Geofis Int 48:73–83
Mazot A, Bernard A, Taran Y (2007) Carbon dioxide degassing and
estimation of thermal energy release from volcanic lakes. Geochim
Cosmochim Acta 71:A643
Osadchii EG, Lunin SE, Korzhinskii MA, Tkachenko SI, Taran YA
(1997) fO(2) and fS(2) measurements by electrochemical sensors
in high-temperature fumaroles of active volcanoes. Geokhimiya
Ostrooumov M, Taran Y, Arellano-Jimenez M, Ponce A, Reyes-Gasga
J (2009) Colimaite, K3VS4 - a new potassium-vanadium sulfide
mineral from the Colima volcano, State of Colima (Mexico). Rev
Mex Cienc Geol 26:600–608
Rouwet D, Taran Y, Inguaggiato S, Varley N, Santiago JAS (2008)
Hydrochemical dynamics of the "lake-spring" system in the
crater of El Chichon volcano (Chiapas, Mexico). J Volcanol
Geotherm Res 178:237–248
Rouwet D, Inguaggiato S, Taran Y, Varley N, Santiago JA (2009)
Chemical and isotopic compositions of thermal springs,
fumaroles and bubbling gases at Tacana Volcano (Mexico-
Guatemala): implications for volcanic surveillance. Bull
Volcanol 71:319–335
Taran YA (1986) Gas geothermometers for hydrothermal systems.
Geochem Int 23:111–126
Taran YA (2003) Light hydrocarbons in volcanic and hydrothermal
fluids. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 67:A477
Taran YA (2005) A method for determination of the gas-water ratio in
bubbling springs. Geophys Res Lett 32:L23403. doi:10.1029/
Taran YA (2009) Geochemistry of volcanic and hydrothermal fluids
and volatile budget of the Kamchatka-Kuril subduction zone.
Geochim Cosmchim Acta 73:1067–1094
Taran Y, Cienfuegos E (2008) Inverse carbon isotopic trend in
hydrocarbons from hydrothermal fluids of Socorro Island,
Mexico. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 72:A935
Taran Y, Rouwet D (2008) Estimating thermal inflow to El
Chichón crater lake using the energy-budget, chemical and
isotope balance approaches. J Volcanol Geotherm Res
Taran YA, Kirsanova TP, Vakin EA, Esikov AD, Cheshko AL (1987a)
Isotopic composition of water of fumarole gases of volcanoes
of Kamchatka. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Seriya
Geologicheskaya 9:124–127
Taran YA, Pokrovsky BG, Glavatskikh SF (1987b) Conditions of
hydrothermal alteration of rocks of the Mutnovskaya geothermal
system deduced from isotopic data. Geokhimiya 11:1569–
1579 Taran YA, Pokrovsky BG, Dubik (1989a) Isotopic composition and
the origin of water from andesitic magmas. Trans Acad Sci
USSR 304:440–443
Taran YA, Pokrovsky BG, Esikov AD (1989b) Deuterium and
oxygen-18 in fumarolic steam and amphiboles from some
Kamchatka volcanoes: "andesitic waters". Dokl Akad Nauk
SSSR 304:440–443
Taran YA, Rozhkov AM, Serafimova EK, Esikov AD (1991)
Chemical and isotopic composition of magmatic gases from the
1988 eruption of Klyuchevskoi volcano, Kamchatka. J Volcanol
Geotherm Res 46:255–263
Taran YA, Pilipenko VP, Rozhkov AM, Vakin EA (1992) A
geochemical model for fumaroles of the Mutnovsky volcano,
Kamchatka, USSR. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 49:269–283
Taran YA, Hedenquist JW, Korzhinsky MA, Tkachenko SI,
Shmulovich KI (1995) Geochemistry of magmatic gases
from Kudriavy volcano, Iturup, Kuril Islands. Geochim
Cosmochim Acta 59:1749–1761
Taran YA, Connor CB, Shapar VN, Ovsyannikov AA, Bilichenko AA
(1997) Fumarolic activity of Avachinsky and Koryaksky volcanoes,
Kamchatka, from 1993 to 1994. Bull Volcanol 58:441–448
Taran Y, Fischer TP, Pokrovsky B, Sano Y, Aurora Armienta M,
Macias JL (1998) Geochemistry of the volcano-hydrothermal
system of El Chichón volcano, Chiapas, Mexico. Bull Volcanol
Taran YA, Fischer TP, Cienfuegos E, Morales P (2002) Geochemistry
of hydrothermal fluids from an intraplate ocean island:
Everman volcano, Socorro Island, Mexico. Chem Geol
Taran YA, Kliger GA, Sevastianov VS (2007) Carbon isotope effects
in the open-system Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Geochim Cosmochim
Acta 71:4474–4487
(2004) Source conditions and degradation processes of light
hydrocarbons in volcanic gases: an example from El Chichon
volcano (Chiapas State, Mexico). Chem Geol 206:81–96
Gonzalez-Hernandez G, Taran YA (2005) Transport of elements by
high-temperature and highly oxidized gases from Colima
volcano. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 69:A733
Korzhinsky MA, Tkachenko SI, Shmulovich KI, Taran YA, Steinberg
GS (1994) Discovery of a pure rhenium mineral at Kudriavy
volcano. Nature 369:51–52
Mazot A, Taran Y (2009) CO2 flux from the volcanic lake of El
Chichón (Mexico). Geofis Int 48:73–83
Mazot A, Bernard A, Taran Y (2007) Carbon dioxide degassing and
estimation of thermal energy release from volcanic lakes. Geochim
Cosmochim Acta 71:A643
Osadchii EG, Lunin SE, Korzhinskii MA, Tkachenko SI, Taran YA
(1997) fO(2) and fS(2) measurements by electrochemical sensors
in high-temperature fumaroles of active volcanoes. Geokhimiya
Ostrooumov M, Taran Y, Arellano-Jimenez M, Ponce A, Reyes-Gasga
J (2009) Colimaite, K3VS4 - a new potassium-vanadium sulfide
mineral from the Colima volcano, State of Colima (Mexico). Rev
Mex Cienc Geol 26:600–608
Rouwet D, Taran Y, Inguaggiato S, Varley N, Santiago JAS (2008)
Hydrochemical dynamics of the "lake-spring" system in the
crater of El Chichon volcano (Chiapas, Mexico). J Volcanol
Geotherm Res 178:237–248
Rouwet D, Inguaggiato S, Taran Y, Varley N, Santiago JA (2009)
Chemical and isotopic compositions of thermal springs,
fumaroles and bubbling gases at Tacana Volcano (Mexico-
Guatemala): implications for volcanic surveillance. Bull
Volcanol 71:319–335
Taran YA (1986) Gas geothermometers for hydrothermal systems.
Geochem Int 23:111–126
Taran YA (2003) Light hydrocarbons in volcanic and hydrothermal
fluids. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 67:A477
Taran YA (2005) A method for determination of the gas-water ratio in
bubbling springs. Geophys Res Lett 32:L23403. doi:10.1029/
Taran YA (2009) Geochemistry of volcanic and hydrothermal fluids
and volatile budget of the Kamchatka-Kuril subduction zone.
Geochim Cosmchim Acta 73:1067–1094
Taran Y, Cienfuegos E (2008) Inverse carbon isotopic trend in
hydrocarbons from hydrothermal fluids of Socorro Island,
Mexico. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 72:A935
Taran Y, Rouwet D (2008) Estimating thermal inflow to El
Chichón crater lake using the energy-budget, chemical and
isotope balance approaches. J Volcanol Geotherm Res
Taran YA, Kirsanova TP, Vakin EA, Esikov AD, Cheshko AL (1987a)
Isotopic composition of water of fumarole gases of volcanoes
of Kamchatka. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Seriya
Geologicheskaya 9:124–127
Taran YA, Pokrovsky BG, Glavatskikh SF (1987b) Conditions of
hydrothermal alteration of rocks of the Mutnovskaya geothermal
system deduced from isotopic data. Geokhimiya 11:1569–
1579 Taran YA, Pokrovsky BG, Dubik (1989a) Isotopic composition and
the origin of water from andesitic magmas. Trans Acad Sci
USSR 304:440–443
Taran YA, Pokrovsky BG, Esikov AD (1989b) Deuterium and
oxygen-18 in fumarolic steam and amphiboles from some
Kamchatka volcanoes: "andesitic waters". Dokl Akad Nauk
SSSR 304:440–443
Taran YA, Rozhkov AM, Serafimova EK, Esikov AD (1991)
Chemical and isotopic composition of magmatic gases from the
1988 eruption of Klyuchevskoi volcano, Kamchatka. J Volcanol
Geotherm Res 46:255–263
Taran YA, Pilipenko VP, Rozhkov AM, Vakin EA (1992) A
geochemical model for fumaroles of the Mutnovsky volcano,
Kamchatka, USSR. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 49:269–283
Taran YA, Hedenquist JW, Korzhinsky MA, Tkachenko SI,
Shmulovich KI (1995) Geochemistry of magmatic gases
from Kudriavy volcano, Iturup, Kuril Islands. Geochim
Cosmochim Acta 59:1749–1761
Taran YA, Connor CB, Shapar VN, Ovsyannikov AA, Bilichenko AA
(1997) Fumarolic activity of Avachinsky and Koryaksky volcanoes,
Kamchatka, from 1993 to 1994. Bull Volcanol 58:441–448
Taran Y, Fischer TP, Pokrovsky B, Sano Y, Aurora Armienta M,
Macias JL (1998) Geochemistry of the volcano-hydrothermal
system of El Chichón volcano, Chiapas, Mexico. Bull Volcanol
Taran YA, Fischer TP, Cienfuegos E, Morales P (2002) Geochemistry
of hydrothermal fluids from an intraplate ocean island:
Everman volcano, Socorro Island, Mexico. Chem Geol
Taran YA, Kliger GA, Sevastianov VS (2007) Carbon isotope effects
in the open-system Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Geochim Cosmochim
Acta 71:4474–4487
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