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Authors: Burton, M.* 
Caltabiano, T.* 
Murè, F.* 
Salerno, G.* 
Randazzo, D.* 
Title: SO2 flux from Stromboli during the 2007 eruption: Results from the FLAME network and traverse measurements
Journal: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 
Series/Report no.: /182 (2009)
Publisher: Elsevier
Issue Date: 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.11.025
Keywords: SO2 flux
Subject Classification04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.01. Gases 
Abstract: SO2 fluxes emitted by Stromboli during the 27th February–2nd April 2007 effusive eruption were regularly measured both by an automatic network of scanning ultraviolet spectrometers and by traverse measurements conducted by boat and helicopter. The results from both methodologies agree reasonably well, providing a validation for the automatic flux calculations produced by the network. Approximately 22,000 t of SO2 were degassed during the course of the 35 day eruption at an average rate of 620 t per day. Such a degassing rate is much higher than that normally observed (150–200 t/d), because the cross-sectional area occupied by ascending degassed magma is much greater than normal during the effusion, as descending, degassed magma that would normally occupy a large volume of the conduit is absent. We propose that the hydrostatically controlled magma level within Stromboli's conduit is the main control on eruptive activity, and that a high effusion rate led to the depressurisation of an intermediate magma reservoir, creating a decrease in the magma level until it dropped beneath the eruptive fissure, causing the rapid end of the eruption. A significant decrease in SO2 flux was observed prior to a paroxysm on 15th March 2007, suggesting that choking of the gas flowing in the conduit may have induced a coalescence event, and consequent rapid ascent of gas and magma that produced the explosion.
Appears in Collections:Article published / in press

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