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Authors: Boni, C. F.* 
Tarragoni, C.* 
Martarelli, L.* 
Pierdominici, S.* 
Title: Hydrogeological study of the monti sibillini north-western sector: a contribution to the official hydrogeologic mapping
Journal: Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment 
Series/Report no.: /1 (2009)
Issue Date: 2009
Keywords: quantitative hydrogeology
hydrogeological mapping
Sibillini Mounts
Subject Classification03. Hydrosphere::03.02. Hydrology::03.02.02. Hydrological processes: interaction, transport, dynamics 
Abstract: This work underlines the importance of experimental data and integrates the hydrogeological mapping methods. The work has analyzed the lithological features of the outcropping rocks and their attitude to be crossed by the meteoric waters. Geologic-structural analysis has allowed to identify elements that can constitute the hydraulic barriers and the hydrogeological complexes that can contain the aquifers. A detailed analysis of base flow was carried out through hydrogeological survey directly performed in the river. The hydrogeological survey has allowed us: 1) to appraise the river's base flow; 2) to identify the punctual and linear springs; 3) to quantify the water resource on average drained; and 4) to determine the discharge regime of springs and rivers. The Conceptual Hydrogeological Model for each individual aquifer have been derived from geologic-structural analysis and hydrogeological studies. The Conceptual Hydrogeological Models allowed us to calculate the Mean Effective Infiltration (Ieff) of every aquifer. The values of Ieff are gathered in classes. All merged information has been used in the preparation of Hydrogeological Complexes and Natural Springs Map. The manifold hydrogeological information cannot be represented in one document only; so the Experimental Hydrogeological Mapping has been prepared as the overlap of different informative levels: Hydrogeological Complexes and Natural Springs Map (principal document), Surface Hydrology Map and Conceptual Hydrogeological Models of several recognized aquifers (complementary elements).
Appears in Collections:Article published / in press

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