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dc.contributor.authorallBagnato, E.; Dipartimento CFTA, Università di Palermo, Via Archirafi 36, 90123 Palermo, Italyen
dc.contributor.authorallAllard, P.; Sciences de la Terre, Laboratoire Pierre Sue, CNRS-CEA, CE-Saclay, 91191 Gif/Yvette, Franceen
dc.contributor.authorallParello, F.; Dipartimento CFTA, Università di Palermo, Via Archirafi 36, 90123 Palermo, Italyen
dc.contributor.authorallAiuppa, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italiaen
dc.contributor.authorallCalabrese, S.; Dipartimento CFTA, Università di Palermo, Via Archirafi 36, 90123 Palermo, Italyen
dc.contributor.authorallHammouya, G.; Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe Le Houëlmont 9711, Gourbeyre, Guadeloupe, Franceen
dc.description.abstractQuantifying mercury (Hg) emissions from active volcanoes is of particular interest for better constraining the global cycle and environmental impact of this highly toxic element. Here we report on the abundance of total gaseous (TGM=Hg0 (g)+HgII (g)) and particulate (Hg(p)) mercury in the summit gas emissions of La Soufrière andesitic volcano (Guadeloupe island, Lesser Antilles), where enhanced degassing of mixed hydrothermalmagmatic volatiles has been occurring since 1992 from the Southern summit crater.We demonstrate that Hg in volcanic plume occurs predominantly as gaseous mercury, with a mean TGM/Hg(p) mass ratio of ~63. Combining the mean TGM/H2S mass ratio of the volcanic plume (~3.2×10−6), measured close to the source vent, with the H2S plume flux (~0.7 t d−1), determined simultaneously, allows us to estimate a gaseous mercury emission rate of 0.8 kg yr−1 from La Soufrière summit dome. Somewhat lower TGM/Stot mass ratio in fumarolic gases from the source vent (4.4×10−7) suggests that plume chemical composition is not well represented by the emission source (fumaroles) due to chemical processes prior to (or upon) discharge. Current mercury emission from La Soufrìere volcano represents a very small contribution to the estimated global volcanic budget for this element.en
dc.relation.ispartofChemical Geologyen
dc.subjectVolcanic plumeen
dc.subjectTrace metalsen
dc.subjectGaseous and particulate mercuryen
dc.subjectEmission rateen
dc.titleMercury gas emissions from La Soufrière Volcano, Guadeloupe Island (Lesser Antilles)en
dc.subject.INGV01. Atmosphere::01.01. Atmosphere::01.01.07. Volcanic effectsen
dc.subject.INGV04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.01. Gasesen
dc.subject.INGV04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.06. Volcano monitoringen
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dc.description.obiettivoSpecifico4.3. TTC - Scenari di pericolosità vulcanicaen
dc.description.obiettivoSpecifico1.2. TTC - Sorveglianza geochimica delle aree vulcaniche attiveen
dc.description.journalTypeJCR Journalen
dc.contributor.authorBagnato, E.en
dc.contributor.authorAllard, P.en
dc.contributor.authorParello, F.en
dc.contributor.authorAiuppa, A.en
dc.contributor.authorCalabrese, S.en
dc.contributor.authorHammouya, G.en
dc.contributor.departmentDipartimento CFTA, Università di Palermo, Via Archirafi 36, 90123 Palermo, Italyen
dc.contributor.departmentSciences de la Terre, Laboratoire Pierre Sue, CNRS-CEA, CE-Saclay, 91191 Gif/Yvette, Franceen
dc.contributor.departmentIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italiaen
dc.contributor.departmentDipartimento CFTA, Università di Palermo, Via Archirafi 36, 90123 Palermo, Italyen
dc.contributor.departmentObservatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe Le Houëlmont 9711, Gourbeyre, Guadeloupe, Franceen
item.fulltextWith Fulltext- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione OV, Napoli, Italia- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione OE, Catania, Italia-à di Palermo, DiSTeM, Italy- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia- C.F.T.A., Palermo University, Palermo/Italy- Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe Le Houëlmont 9711, Gourbeyre, Guadeloupe, France- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia-
crisitem.classification.parent01. Atmosphere-
crisitem.classification.parent04. Solid Earth-
crisitem.classification.parent04. Solid Earth-
crisitem.department.parentorgIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia-
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