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Authors: Pujalte, V.* 
Schmitz, B.* 
Baceta, J. I.* 
Orue-Etxebarria, X.* 
Bernaola, G.* 
Dinarès-Turell, J.* 
Payros, A.* 
Apellaniz, E.* 
Caballero, F.* 
Title: Correlation of the Thanetian-Ilerdian turnover of larger foraminifera and the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum: confirming evidence from the Campo area (Pyrenees, Spain)
Journal: Geologica Acta 
Series/Report no.: 1-2 / 7 (2009)
Issue Date: Mar-2009
DOI: 10.1344/105.000000276
Keywords: PETM
Paleocene-Eocene boundary
Larger foraminifera
Campo section
Subject Classification03. Hydrosphere::03.01. General::03.01.06. Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology 
04. Solid Earth::04.04. Geology::04.04.10. Stratigraphy 
04. Solid Earth::04.05. Geomagnetism::04.05.06. Paleomagnetism 
Abstract: It has long been known that a major larger foraminifera turnover (LFT) occurred at the boundary between the Thanetian and Ilerdian stages, but its possible correlation with the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) was unsuspected until the work of Baceta (1996), and has been controversial ever since. After summarizing the history of this controversy, we present information from three new sections that conclusively resolve the issue, all of them placed less than 2 km to the east of the classical Campo section in the southern Pyrenees. In these three sections, an up to 7 meter-thick intercalation of continental deposits rich in pedogenic carbonate nodules is sandwiched between uppermost Thanetian and lowermost Ilerdian shallow marine carbonates. The δ13C composition of 42 pedogenic nodules collected from two of these sections (San Martín and La Cinglera) ranges between –11.4 and -14.3‰ and averages –12.9‰, values that conclusively represent the PETM and for the first time are recorded in sections where the LFT is clearly represented. Further, a high-resolution lithological correlation between Campo and the three new sections across the P-E interval unquestionably demonstrates that the lowermost marine beds with autochthonous specimens of Alveolina vredenburgi (a tell-tale of the LFT) are laterally interfingered –and are therefore coeval- with the nodule-bearing PETM continental deposits. On the basis of the new evidence, the temporal coincidence of the PETM and the LFT can no longer be doubted.
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