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dc.contributor.authorallGalli, P.; Dipartimento Protezione Civileen
dc.contributor.authorallGaladini, F.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Milano-Pavia, Milano, Italiaen
dc.contributor.authorallPantosti, D.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italiaen
dc.description.abstractItaly has one of the most complete and historically extensive seismic catalogues in the World due to a unique and uninterrupted flow of written sources that have narrated its seismic history since about the end of the Iron Age. Seismic hazard studies have therefore always been mainly based upon this huge mass of data. Nevertheless, the Italian catalogue probably “lacks” many M≥6.5 events, the seismogenetic structures responsible for which are characterized by recurrence times that are longer than the time span covered by our historical sources. For these reasons, and as in other countries, earthquake data that in Italy have been derived from paleoseismological studies should finally become a necessary ingredient in seismic risk assessment. Indeed, over the past 20 years, some hundred trenches have been excavated, supplying reliable and conclusive data on the recent activities of many faults. Through to many robust datings of surface fault events, these studies have provided the ages of several unknown or poorly known M≥6.5 earthquakes. Here, we summarize the state of the art of paleoseismology in Italy, and present a first catalogue of 56 paleoearthquakes (PCI) that occurred mainly in the past 6 kyr. The PCI integrates the historical/instrumental seismic catalogue, and extends it beyond the recurrence time of the seismogenetic faults (2000±1000 yr). We feel confident that the use of the PCI will enhance future probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, and thus contribute to more reliable seismic risk mitigation programs.en
dc.relation.ispartofEarth Science Reviewen
dc.subjectcatalogue of paleoseismicityen
dc.titleTwenty Years of Paleoseismology in Italyen
dc.subject.INGV04. Solid Earth::04.04. Geology::04.04.01. Earthquake geology and paleoseismologyen
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Seismic potential of Italy. Tectonophysics 415, 81–101. Mantenuto, S., Bonci, L., Calcaterra, S., D'Agostino, N., Giuliani, R., Mattone, M., Merli, K., 2007. Analysis of active extension in the Central Apennines (Abruzzo, Italy) using GPS measurements. EGU General assembly, Wien 15–20 April. Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, 04341. McCalpin, J.P. (Ed.), 1996. Paleoseismology. Academic Press, San Diego. xx + 588 pp. Michetti, A.M., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L., Whitney, R.A., 1995a. Seismic hazard assessment from paleoseismological evidence in the Rieti Region (Central Italy). In: Serva, L., Slemmons, D.B. (Eds.), Association of Engineering Geologists, “Perspectives in Paleoseismology” Spec. Publ., vol. 6, pp. 63–82. Michetti, A.M., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L., 1995b. Paleoseismological evidence in the epicentral area of the January 1968 earthquakes, Belice, Southwestern Sicily. In: Serva, L., Slemmons, D.B. (Eds.), Association of Engineering Geologists, “Perspectives in Paleoseismology” Spec. Publ., vol. 6, pp. 127–139. Michetti, A., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L., Vittori, E., 1996. Trench investigations of the 1915 Fucino earthquake fault scarps (Abruzzo, central Italy): geological evidence of large historical events. J. Geoph. Res. 101, 5921–5936. Michetti, A., Ferreli, L., Serva, L., Vittori, E., 1997. Geological evidence for strong historical earthquake in an aseismic region: the Pollino case (southern Italy). J. Geodynamics 24, 67–86. Miyauchi, T., Dai Pra, G., Sylos Labini, S., 1994. Geochronology of Pleistocene marine terraces and regional tectonics in the Tyrrhenian coast of south Calabria, Italy. Il Quaternario 7, 17–34. Molin, D., Galadini, F., Galli, P., Mucci, L., Rossi, A., 1999. Terremoto del Fucino del 13 gennaio 1915. Studio macrosismico. In: Castenetto, S., Galadini, F. (Eds.), q13 gennaio del 1915. Il terremoto nella Marsicaq. Monografia del Servizio Sismico Nazionale, pp. 321–340. Molin, P., Pazzaglia, F., Dramis, F., 2004. Geomorphic expression of active tectonics in a rapidly-deforming forearc, Sila masif, Calabria, southern Italy. Am. J. Sci. 304, 559–589. Montone, P., Amato,A., Pondrelli, S., 1999.Active stressmap of Italy. J.Geophys. Res. 104, 2595–2610. Montone, P., Mariucci, M.T., Pondrelli, S., Amato, A., 2004. An improved stress map for Italy and surrounding regions (central Mediterranean). J. Geophys. Res. 109. doi:10.1029/2003JB002703. Moretti, A., Guerra, I., 1997. Tettonica dal Messiniano ad oggi in Calabria: implicazioni sulla geodinamica del sistema Tirreno-Arco Calabro. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 116, 125–142. Mörner, N.A., 2005. An interpretation and catalogue of paleoseismicity in Sweden. Tectonopysics 408, 265–307. Moro, M., Bosi, V., Galadini, F., Galli, P., Giaccio, B., Messina, P., Sposato, A., 2002. Analisi paleosismologiche lungo la faglia del M. Marine (alta valle dell'Aterno): risultati preliminari. Il Quaternario, Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences 15, 259–270. Oddone, E., 1915. Gli elementi fisici del grande terremoto marsicano-fucense del 13 gennaio 1915. Boll. Soc. Sismol. Ital. 19, 71–216. Onida, M., Galadini, F., Forcella, F., 2001. Application of paleoseismological techniques to the study of Late Pleistocene–Holocene deep-seated gravitational movements at the Mortirolo Pass (central Alps, Italy). Netherlands J. of Geosciences 80, 209–227. Pace, B., Perruzza, L., Lavecchia, G., Bancio, P., 2006. Layered seismogenic source model and probabilistic seismic-hazard analyses in central Italy. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 107–132. Pantosti, D., Valensise, L., 1990. Faulting mechanism and complexity of the November 23, 1980 Campania-Basilicata earthquake. J. Geophys. Res. 95, 15319–15342. Pantosti, D., Sagnotti, L., Valensise, G., 1990. Il ruolo della paleosismologia nella mitigazione del rischio sismico nell'appennino centro-meridionale. Rend. Soc. Geol. Ital. 13, 47–56. Pantosti, D., Schwartz, D.P., Valensise, G., 1993. Paleoseismology along the 1980 surface rupture of the Irpinia fault: Implications for earthquake recurrence in the Southern Apennines, Italy. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 6561–6577. Pantosti, D., D'Addezio, G., Cinti, F.R., 1996. Paleoseismicity of the Ovindoli- Pezza fault, central Apennines, Italy: a history including a large, previously unrecorded earthquake in the Middle Ages (860–1300 A.D.). J. Geophys. Res. 101, 5937–5959. Pantosti, D., De Martini, P.M., Galli, P., Galadini, F., Messina, P., Moro, M., Sposato, A., 1999. Studi paleosismologici attraverso la rottura superficiale prodotta dal terremoto del 14 ottobre 1997 (umbria-marche) Atti 18° Convegno Annuale del G.N.G.T.S., sessione 10 qForti terremoti dell'area mediterraneaq, available on CD, pp. 12. Patacca, E., Scandone, P., 1989. Post-Tortonian mountain building in the Apennines: the role of the passive sinking of a relic lithospheric slab. In: Boriani, A., Bonafede, M., Piccardo, G.B., Vai, G.B. (Eds.), The Lithosphere in Italy: Advance in Earth Science Research. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, pp. 157–176. Peresan, A., Panza, G.F., Gorshkov, A.I., Aoudia, A., 2002. Pattern recognition methodologies and deterministic evaluation of seismic hazard: a strategy to increase earthquake preparedness. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 1, 37–46. Peruzza, L., Pantosti, D., Slejko, D., Valenise, L., 1997. Testing a new hybrid approach to seismic hazard assessment: an application to the Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy). Natural Hazard 14, 113–126. Piccardi, L., 2005. Paleoseismic evidence of legendary earthquakes: the apparition of Archangel Michael at Monte Sant'Angelo (Italy). Tectonophysics 408, 113–128. Pieri, P., Vitale, G., Benedice, P., Dogliosi, C., Gallicchio, S., Giano, S., Loizzo, R., Moretti, M., Prosser, G., Sabato, L., Schiattarella, M., Tramutoli, M., Tropeano, M., 1997. Tettonica quaternaria nell'area bradano-ionica. Il Quaternario 10, 535–542. Piromallo, C., Morelli, A., 2003. P-wave tomography of the top 1000 km under the Alpine-Mediterranean area. J. Geophys. Res. 108, 2065. doi:10.1029/ 2002JB001757. Pirrotta, C., Guarnieri, P., Barbano, M.S., De Martini, P.M., Gerardi, F., Pantosti, D., 2006. Geological evidence of seismically-induced liquefaction features in eastern Sicily. Extended Abstracts of the 25° GNGTS National Congress, Rome 28–30 November 2006, pp. 307–309. Pizzi, A., Falcucci, E., Gori, S., Galadini, F., Messina, F., Di Vincenzo, M., Esestime, P., Giaccio, B., Sposato, A., 2006. Faglie attive nell'area del massiccio della Maiella (Appennino abruzzese, Italia centrale). Extended Giraudi, C., 1995. Considerations on the significance of some post-glacial fault scarps in the Abruzzo Apennines (Central Italy). Quat. Int. 25, 33–45. Giraudi, C., Frezzotti, M., 1995. Paleoseismicity in the Gran Sasso massif (Abruzzo, central Italy). Quat. Int. 25, 81–93. GNS, 2007. New Zealand Active Faults Database. Gori, S., Coltorti, M., Dramis, F., Galadini, F., Galli, P., Giaccio, B., Messina, P., Pizzi, A., Sposato, A., 2006. Large-scale gravitational deformations and quaternary faulting: the case of the south-western side of the Mt. Morrone (central Apennines, Italy). Abstract of the European Geophys. Society, General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, 02–07 April 2006. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, p. 05955. Gorshkov, A.I., Panza, G.F., Soloviev, A.A., Aoudia, A., 2002. Morphostructural zonation and preliminary recognition of seismogenic nodes around the adria margin in peninsular Italy and Sicily. J. Seismol. Earthqu. Eng. 4, 1–24. Gorshkov, A.I., Panza, G.F., Soloviev, A.A., Aoudia, A., 2004. Identification of seismogenic nodes in the Alps and Dinarides. Boll. Soc. Geol. It. 123, 3–18. Grunewald, E.D., Stein, R.S., 2006. New 1649–1884 Catalog of destructive earthquakes near Tokyo and implications for the long-term seismic process. J. Geophys. Res. 111, B12306. doi:10.1029/2005JB004059. Guerrieri, L., Scarascia, G., Vittori, E., 1999. Analisi stratigrafica e geomorfologica della conoide tardo-quaternaria di Campochiaro ed implicazioni per la conca di Bojano in Molise. Il Quaternario 12, 237–247. Guidoboni, E., Comastri, A., Boschi, E., 2005. The “exceptional” earthquake of 3 January 1117 in the Verona area (northern Italy): a critical time review and detection of two lost earthquakes (lower Germany and Tuscany). J. Geophys. Res. 110 (B12), B12309. doi:10.1029/2005JB003683. Hutchinson, J.N., 1995. Deep-seated mass movements on slopes. Mem. Soc. Geol. It. 50, 147–164. Klügel, J.-U., Mualchin, L., Panza, G.F., 2006. A scenario-based procedure for seismic risk analysis. Eng. Geol. 88, 1–22. Jacques, E., Monaco, C., Tapponnier, P., Tortorici, T.,Winter, T., 2001. Faulting and earthquake triggering during the 1783 Calabria seismic sequence. Geophys. J. Int. 147, 499–516. Jenny, S., Goes, S., Giardini, D., Kahle, H.G., 2006. Seismic potential of Italy. Tectonophysics 415, 81–101. Mantenuto, S., Bonci, L., Calcaterra, S., D'Agostino, N., Giuliani, R., Mattone, M., Merli, K., 2007. Analysis of active extension in the Central Apennines (Abruzzo, Italy) using GPS measurements. EGU General assembly, Wien 15–20 April. Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, 04341. McCalpin, J.P. (Ed.), 1996. Paleoseismology. Academic Press, San Diego. xx + 588 pp. Michetti, A.M., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L., Whitney, R.A., 1995a. Seismic hazard assessment from paleoseismological evidence in the Rieti Region (Central Italy). In: Serva, L., Slemmons, D.B. (Eds.), Association of Engineering Geologists, “Perspectives in Paleoseismology” Spec. Publ., vol. 6, pp. 63–82. Michetti, A.M., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L., 1995b. Paleoseismological evidence in the epicentral area of the January 1968 earthquakes, Belice, Southwestern Sicily. In: Serva, L., Slemmons, D.B. (Eds.), Association of Engineering Geologists, “Perspectives in Paleoseismology” Spec. Publ., vol. 6, pp. 127–139. Michetti, A., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L., Vittori, E., 1996. Trench investigations of the 1915 Fucino earthquake fault scarps (Abruzzo, central Italy): geological evidence of large historical events. J. Geoph. Res. 101, 5921–5936. Michetti, A., Ferreli, L., Serva, L., Vittori, E., 1997. Geological evidence for strong historical earthquake in an aseismic region: the Pollino case (southern Italy). J. Geodynamics 24, 67–86. Miyauchi, T., Dai Pra, G., Sylos Labini, S., 1994. Geochronology of Pleistocene marine terraces and regional tectonics in the Tyrrhenian coast of south Calabria, Italy. Il Quaternario 7, 17–34. Molin, D., Galadini, F., Galli, P., Mucci, L., Rossi, A., 1999. Terremoto del Fucino del 13 gennaio 1915. Studio macrosismico. In: Castenetto, S., Galadini, F. (Eds.), q13 gennaio del 1915. Il terremoto nella Marsicaq. Monografia del Servizio Sismico Nazionale, pp. 321–340. Molin, P., Pazzaglia, F., Dramis, F., 2004. Geomorphic expression of active tectonics in a rapidly-deforming forearc, Sila masif, Calabria, southern Italy. Am. J. Sci. 304, 559–589. Montone, P., Amato,A., Pondrelli, S., 1999.Active stressmap of Italy. J.Geophys. Res. 104, 2595–2610. Montone, P., Mariucci, M.T., Pondrelli, S., Amato, A., 2004. An improved stress map for Italy and surrounding regions (central Mediterranean). J. Geophys. Res. 109. doi:10.1029/2003JB002703. Moretti, A., Guerra, I., 1997. Tettonica dal Messiniano ad oggi in Calabria: implicazioni sulla geodinamica del sistema Tirreno-Arco Calabro. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 116, 125–142. Mörner, N.A., 2005. An interpretation and catalogue of paleoseismicity in Sweden. Tectonopysics 408, 265–307. Moro, M., Bosi, V., Galadini, F., Galli, P., Giaccio, B., Messina, P., Sposato, A., 2002. Analisi paleosismologiche lungo la faglia del M. Marine (alta valle dell'Aterno): risultati preliminari. Il Quaternario, Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences 15, 259–270. Oddone, E., 1915. Gli elementi fisici del grande terremoto marsicano-fucense del 13 gennaio 1915. Boll. Soc. Sismol. Ital. 19, 71–216. Onida, M., Galadini, F., Forcella, F., 2001. Application of paleoseismological techniques to the study of Late Pleistocene–Holocene deep-seated gravitational movements at the Mortirolo Pass (central Alps, Italy). Netherlands J. of Geosciences 80, 209–227. Pace, B., Perruzza, L., Lavecchia, G., Bancio, P., 2006. Layered seismogenic source model and probabilistic seismic-hazard analyses in central Italy. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 107–132. Pantosti, D., Valensise, L., 1990. Faulting mechanism and complexity of the November 23, 1980 Campania-Basilicata earthquake. J. Geophys. Res. 95, 15319–15342. Pantosti, D., Sagnotti, L., Valensise, G., 1990. Il ruolo della paleosismologia nella mitigazione del rischio sismico nell'appennino centro-meridionale. Rend. Soc. Geol. Ital. 13, 47–56. Pantosti, D., Schwartz, D.P., Valensise, G., 1993. Paleoseismology along the 1980 surface rupture of the Irpinia fault: Implications for earthquake recurrence in the Southern Apennines, Italy. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 6561–6577. Pantosti, D., D'Addezio, G., Cinti, F.R., 1996. Paleoseismicity of the Ovindoli- Pezza fault, central Apennines, Italy: a history including a large, previously unrecorded earthquake in the Middle Ages (860–1300 A.D.). J. Geophys. Res. 101, 5937–5959. Pantosti, D., De Martini, P.M., Galli, P., Galadini, F., Messina, P., Moro, M., Sposato, A., 1999. Studi paleosismologici attraverso la rottura superficiale prodotta dal terremoto del 14 ottobre 1997 (umbria-marche) Atti 18° Convegno Annuale del G.N.G.T.S., sessione 10 qForti terremoti dell'area mediterraneaq, available on CD, pp. 12. Patacca, E., Scandone, P., 1989. Post-Tortonian mountain building in the Apennines: the role of the passive sinking of a relic lithospheric slab. In: Boriani, A., Bonafede, M., Piccardo, G.B., Vai, G.B. (Eds.), The Lithosphere in Italy: Advance in Earth Science Research. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, pp. 157–176. Peresan, A., Panza, G.F., Gorshkov, A.I., Aoudia, A., 2002. Pattern recognition methodologies and deterministic evaluation of seismic hazard: a strategy to increase earthquake preparedness. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 1, 37–46. Peruzza, L., Pantosti, D., Slejko, D., Valenise, L., 1997. Testing a new hybrid approach to seismic hazard assessment: an application to the Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy). Natural Hazard 14, 113–126. Piccardi, L., 2005. Paleoseismic evidence of legendary earthquakes: the apparition of Archangel Michael at Monte Sant'Angelo (Italy). Tectonophysics 408, 113–128. Pieri, P., Vitale, G., Benedice, P., Dogliosi, C., Gallicchio, S., Giano, S., Loizzo, R., Moretti, M., Prosser, G., Sabato, L., Schiattarella, M., Tramutoli, M., Tropeano, M., 1997. Tettonica quaternaria nell'area bradano-ionica. Il Quaternario 10, 535–542. Piromallo, C., Morelli, A., 2003. P-wave tomography of the top 1000 km under the Alpine-Mediterranean area. J. Geophys. Res. 108, 2065. doi:10.1029/ 2002JB001757. Pirrotta, C., Guarnieri, P., Barbano, M.S., De Martini, P.M., Gerardi, F., Pantosti, D., 2006. Geological evidence of seismically-induced liquefaction features in eastern Sicily. Extended Abstracts of the 25° GNGTS National Congress, Rome 28–30 November 2006, pp. 307–309. Pizzi, A., Falcucci, E., Gori, S., Galadini, F., Messina, F., Di Vincenzo, M., Esestime, P., Giaccio, B., Sposato, A., 2006. Faglie attive nell'area del massiccio della Maiella (Appennino abruzzese, Italia centrale). ExtendedGiraudi, C., 1995. Considerations on the significance of some post-glacial fault scarps in the Abruzzo Apennines (Central Italy). Quat. Int. 25, 33–45. Giraudi, C., Frezzotti, M., 1995. Paleoseismicity in the Gran Sasso massif (Abruzzo, central Italy). Quat. Int. 25, 81–93. GNS, 2007. New Zealand Active Faults Database. Gori, S., Coltorti, M., Dramis, F., Galadini, F., Galli, P., Giaccio, B., Messina, P., Pizzi, A., Sposato, A., 2006. Large-scale gravitational deformations and quaternary faulting: the case of the south-western side of the Mt. Morrone (central Apennines, Italy). Abstract of the European Geophys. Society, General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, 02–07 April 2006. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, p. 05955. Gorshkov, A.I., Panza, G.F., Soloviev, A.A., Aoudia, A., 2002. Morphostructural zonation and preliminary recognition of seismogenic nodes around the adria margin in peninsular Italy and Sicily. J. Seismol. Earthqu. Eng. 4, 1–24. Gorshkov, A.I., Panza, G.F., Soloviev, A.A., Aoudia, A., 2004. Identification of seismogenic nodes in the Alps and Dinarides. Boll. Soc. Geol. It. 123, 3–18. Grunewald, E.D., Stein, R.S., 2006. New 1649–1884 Catalog of destructive earthquakes near Tokyo and implications for the long-term seismic process. J. Geophys. Res. 111, B12306. doi:10.1029/2005JB004059. Guerrieri, L., Scarascia, G., Vittori, E., 1999. Analisi stratigrafica e geomorfologica della conoide tardo-quaternaria di Campochiaro ed implicazioni per la conca di Bojano in Molise. Il Quaternario 12, 237–247. Guidoboni, E., Comastri, A., Boschi, E., 2005. The “exceptional” earthquake of 3 January 1117 in the Verona area (northern Italy): a critical time review and detection of two lost earthquakes (lower Germany and Tuscany). J. Geophys. Res. 110 (B12), B12309. doi:10.1029/2005JB003683. Hutchinson, J.N., 1995. Deep-seated mass movements on slopes. Mem. Soc. Geol. It. 50, 147–164. Klügel, J.-U., Mualchin, L., Panza, G.F., 2006. A scenario-based procedure for seismic risk analysis. Eng. Geol. 88, 1–22. Jacques, E., Monaco, C., Tapponnier, P., Tortorici, T.,Winter, T., 2001. Faulting and earthquake triggering during the 1783 Calabria seismic sequence. Geophys. J. Int. 147, 499–516. Jenny, S., Goes, S., Giardini, D., Kahle, H.G., 2006. Seismic potential of Italy. Tectonophysics 415, 81–101. Mantenuto, S., Bonci, L., Calcaterra, S., D'Agostino, N., Giuliani, R., Mattone, M., Merli, K., 2007. Analysis of active extension in the Central Apennines (Abruzzo, Italy) using GPS measurements. EGU General assembly, Wien 15–20 April. Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, 04341. McCalpin, J.P. (Ed.), 1996. Paleoseismology. Academic Press, San Diego. xx + 588 pp. Michetti, A.M., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L., Whitney, R.A., 1995a. Seismic hazard assessment from paleoseismological evidence in the Rieti Region (Central Italy). In: Serva, L., Slemmons, D.B. (Eds.), Association of Engineering Geologists, “Perspectives in Paleoseismology” Spec. Publ., vol. 6, pp. 63–82. Michetti, A.M., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L., 1995b. Paleoseismological evidence in the epicentral area of the January 1968 earthquakes, Belice, Southwestern Sicily. In: Serva, L., Slemmons, D.B. (Eds.), Association of Engineering Geologists, “Perspectives in Paleoseismology” Spec. Publ., vol. 6, pp. 127–139. Michetti, A., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L., Vittori, E., 1996. Trench investigations of the 1915 Fucino earthquake fault scarps (Abruzzo, central Italy): geological evidence of large historical events. J. Geoph. Res. 101, 5921–5936. Michetti, A., Ferreli, L., Serva, L., Vittori, E., 1997. Geological evidence for strong historical earthquake in an aseismic region: the Pollino case (southern Italy). J. Geodynamics 24, 67–86. Miyauchi, T., Dai Pra, G., Sylos Labini, S., 1994. Geochronology of Pleistocene marine terraces and regional tectonics in the Tyrrhenian coast of south Calabria, Italy. Il Quaternario 7, 17–34. Molin, D., Galadini, F., Galli, P., Mucci, L., Rossi, A., 1999. Terremoto del Fucino del 13 gennaio 1915. Studio macrosismico. In: Castenetto, S., Galadini, F. (Eds.), q13 gennaio del 1915. Il terremoto nella Marsicaq. Monografia del Servizio Sismico Nazionale, pp. 321–340. Molin, P., Pazzaglia, F., Dramis, F., 2004. Geomorphic expression of active tectonics in a rapidly-deforming forearc, Sila masif, Calabria, southern Italy. Am. J. Sci. 304, 559–589. Montone, P., Amato,A., Pondrelli, S., 1999.Active stressmap of Italy. J.Geophys. Res. 104, 2595–2610. Montone, P., Mariucci, M.T., Pondrelli, S., Amato, A., 2004. An improved stress map for Italy and surrounding regions (central Mediterranean). J. Geophys. Res. 109. doi:10.1029/2003JB002703. Moretti, A., Guerra, I., 1997. Tettonica dal Messiniano ad oggi in Calabria: implicazioni sulla geodinamica del sistema Tirreno-Arco Calabro. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 116, 125–142. Mörner, N.A., 2005. An interpretation and catalogue of paleoseismicity in Sweden. Tectonopysics 408, 265–307. Moro, M., Bosi, V., Galadini, F., Galli, P., Giaccio, B., Messina, P., Sposato, A., 2002. Analisi paleosismologiche lungo la faglia del M. Marine (alta valle dell'Aterno): risultati preliminari. Il Quaternario, Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences 15, 259–270. Oddone, E., 1915. Gli elementi fisici del grande terremoto marsicano-fucense del 13 gennaio 1915. Boll. Soc. Sismol. Ital. 19, 71–216. Onida, M., Galadini, F., Forcella, F., 2001. Application of paleoseismological techniques to the study of Late Pleistocene–Holocene deep-seated gravitational movements at the Mortirolo Pass (central Alps, Italy). Netherlands J. of Geosciences 80, 209–227. Pace, B., Perruzza, L., Lavecchia, G., Bancio, P., 2006. Layered seismogenic source model and probabilistic seismic-hazard analyses in central Italy. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 107–132. Pantosti, D., Valensise, L., 1990. Faulting mechanism and complexity of the November 23, 1980 Campania-Basilicata earthquake. J. Geophys. Res. 95, 15319–15342. Pantosti, D., Sagnotti, L., Valensise, G., 1990. Il ruolo della paleosismologia nella mitigazione del rischio sismico nell'appennino centro-meridionale. Rend. Soc. Geol. Ital. 13, 47–56. Pantosti, D., Schwartz, D.P., Valensise, G., 1993. Paleoseismology along the 1980 surface rupture of the Irpinia fault: Implications for earthquake recurrence in the Southern Apennines, Italy. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 6561–6577. Pantosti, D., D'Addezio, G., Cinti, F.R., 1996. Paleoseismicity of the Ovindoli- Pezza fault, central Apennines, Italy: a history including a large, previously unrecorded earthquake in the Middle Ages (860–1300 A.D.). J. Geophys. Res. 101, 5937–5959. Pantosti, D., De Martini, P.M., Galli, P., Galadini, F., Messina, P., Moro, M., Sposato, A., 1999. Studi paleosismologici attraverso la rottura superficiale prodotta dal terremoto del 14 ottobre 1997 (umbria-marche) Atti 18° Convegno Annuale del G.N.G.T.S., sessione 10 qForti terremoti dell'area mediterraneaq, available on CD, pp. 12. Patacca, E., Scandone, P., 1989. Post-Tortonian mountain building in the Apennines: the role of the passive sinking of a relic lithospheric slab. In: Boriani, A., Bonafede, M., Piccardo, G.B., Vai, G.B. (Eds.), The Lithosphere in Italy: Advance in Earth Science Research. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, pp. 157–176. Peresan, A., Panza, G.F., Gorshkov, A.I., Aoudia, A., 2002. 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Galli et al. / Earth-Science Reviews xx (2008) xxx–xxx ARTICLE IN PRESS Please cite this article as: Galli, P., et al., Twenty years of paleoseismology in Italy, Earth-Sci. Rev. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2008.01.001en
dc.description.obiettivoSpecifico3.2. Tettonica attivaen
dc.description.journalTypeJCR Journalen
dc.contributor.authorGalli, P.en
dc.contributor.authorGaladini, F.en
dc.contributor.authorPantosti, D.en
dc.contributor.departmentDipartimento Protezione Civileen
dc.contributor.departmentIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione Milano, Milano, Italiaen
dc.contributor.departmentIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italiaen
item.fulltextWith Fulltext- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia- Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia-
crisitem.classification.parent04. Solid Earth-
crisitem.department.parentorgIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia-
crisitem.department.parentorgIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia-
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