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Authors: Pagliuca, N. M.* 
Badiali, L.* 
Cattaneo, M.* 
Delladio, A.* 
Demartin, M.* 
Lukaya, F.* 
Lisi, A.* 
Marzocchi, W.* 
Monachesi, A.* 
Marchetti, A.* 
Mavonga, G.* 
Garcia, A.* 
Sgroi, T.* 
Tedesco, D.* 
Title: Preliminary results from seismic monitoring at Nyiragongo Volcano through telemetered seismic network, Goma Volcano Observatory (Gvo, Democratic Republic Of Congo).
Editors: DEL PEZZO, E. 
Issue Date: 14-Nov-2007
Keywords: Niragongo, Nyamuragira, Kivu, Forecasting, Volcano
Subject Classification05. General::05.02. Data dissemination::05.02.02. Seismological data 
Abstract: Following the catastrophic eruption of Volcano Nyiragongo on January 17, 2002, a great effort has been devoted to the seismic surveillance of volcanoes Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira located at the North of Lake Kivu in the Western branch of the east African rift. The relatively small loss of life in the January 2002 eruption (less than 100 deaths in a population of 500,000) was remarkable, and psychological stress was reportedly the main health consequence in the aftermath of the eruption. In fact, after 2002 january eruption, which was triggered by tectonic spreading of the Kivu rift causing the ground to fracture and allow lava to flow from ground fissures out of the crater lava lake and possibly from a deeper conduit nearer Goma, was installed a telemetered seismic network of 6 permanent stations. Scientists agree that volcano monitoring and contingency planning are essential for forecasting and responding to future trends.
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