Major eruptive style changes induced by structural modifications of a shallow conduit system: the 2007–2012 Stromboli case
Obiettivo Specifico
3V. Dinamiche e scenari eruttivi
JCR Journal
JCR Journal
Peer review journal
Title of the book
Electronic ISSN
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Pages (printed)
Issued date
June 19, 2014
Stromboli is known for its mild, persistent explosive
activity from the vents located within the summit crater
depression at the uppermost part of the Sciara del Fuoco (SdF)
depression. Effusive activity (lava flows) at this volcano normally
occurs every 5–15 years, involving often the opening of
eruptive fissures along the SdF, and more rarely overflows
from the summit crater. Between the end of the 2007 effusive
eruption and December 2012, the number of lava flows inside
and outside the crater depression has increased significantly,
reaching a total of 28, with an average of 4.8 episodes per year.
An open question is why this activity has become so frequent
during the last 6 years and was quite rare before. In this paper,
we describe this exceptional activity and propose an interpretation
based on the structural state of the volcano, changed
after the 2002–2003 and even more after the 2007 flank
effusive eruption. We use images from the Stromboli fixed
cameras network, as well as ground photos, plume SO2 and
CO2 fluxes released by the summit crater, and continuous
fumarole temperature recording, to unravel the interplay
between magma supply, structural and morphology
changes, and lava flow output. Our results might
help forecast the future behaviour and hazard at
Stromboli and might be applicable to other openconduit
activity from the vents located within the summit crater
depression at the uppermost part of the Sciara del Fuoco (SdF)
depression. Effusive activity (lava flows) at this volcano normally
occurs every 5–15 years, involving often the opening of
eruptive fissures along the SdF, and more rarely overflows
from the summit crater. Between the end of the 2007 effusive
eruption and December 2012, the number of lava flows inside
and outside the crater depression has increased significantly,
reaching a total of 28, with an average of 4.8 episodes per year.
An open question is why this activity has become so frequent
during the last 6 years and was quite rare before. In this paper,
we describe this exceptional activity and propose an interpretation
based on the structural state of the volcano, changed
after the 2002–2003 and even more after the 2007 flank
effusive eruption. We use images from the Stromboli fixed
cameras network, as well as ground photos, plume SO2 and
CO2 fluxes released by the summit crater, and continuous
fumarole temperature recording, to unravel the interplay
between magma supply, structural and morphology
changes, and lava flow output. Our results might
help forecast the future behaviour and hazard at
Stromboli and might be applicable to other openconduit
partially supported by the Project
INGV-DPC Paroxysm V2/03, 2007–2009 funded by the Istituto
Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and the Italian Civil Protection
INGV-DPC Paroxysm V2/03, 2007–2009 funded by the Istituto
Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and the Italian Civil Protection
Acocella V, Neri M (2009) Dike propagation in volcanic edifices: overview
and possible developments. Tectonophysics 471:67–77. doi:
Acocella V, Neri M, Scarlato P (2006) Understanding shallow magma
emplacement at volcanoes: orthogonal feeder dikes during the
2002–2003 Stromboli (Italy) eruption. Geophys Res Lett 33
(L17310). doi:10.1029/2006GL026862
Aiuppa A, Federico C (2004) Anomalous magmatic degassing prior to
the 5th April 2003 paroxysm on Stromboli. Geophys Res Lett 31
(L14607). doi:10.1029/2004GL020458
Aiuppa A, Federico C, Giudice G, Giuffrida G, Guida R, Gurrieri S,
Liuzzo M, Moretti R, Papale P (2009) The 2007 eruption of
Stromboli volcano: insights from real-time measurement of the
volcanic gas plume CO2/SO2 ratio. J Volcanol Geoth Res 182:
221–230. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.09.013
Aiuppa A, Bertagnini A, Métrich N, Moretti R, Di Muro A, Liuzzo M,
Tamburello G (2010) A model of degassing for Stromboli volcano.
Earth Planet Sci Lett 295:195–204. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.03.040
Allard P, Carbonnelle J,Métrich N, Loyer H, Zettwoog P (1994) Sulphur
output and magma degassing budget of Stromboli volcano. Nature
Anderson T (1905) On certain recent changes in the crater of Stromboli.
Geogr J 25:123–138
Andronico D, Pistolesi M (2010) The November 2009 paroxysmal explosions
at Stromboli. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 196:120–125. doi:
Andronico D, Taddeucci J, Cristaldi A, Miraglia L, Scarlato P, Gaeta M
(2013) The 15 March 2007 paroxysm of Stromboli: videoimage
analysis, and textural and compositional features of the
erupted deposit. Bull Volcanol 75:733. doi:10.1007/s00445-
Barberi F, Innocenti F, Ferrara G, Keller J, Villari L (1974) Evolution of
Eolian Arc volcanism (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea). Earth Planet Sci
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Barberi F, Rosi M, Sodi A (1993) Volcanic hazard assessment at
Stromboli based on review of historical data. Acta Vulcanol 3:
Bertagnini A, Coltelli M, Landi P, Pompilio M, Rosi M (1999) Violent
explosions yield new insights into dynamics of Stromboli volcano.
EOS Am Geophys Union Trans 80:633–636
Bertolaso G, Bonaccorso A, Boschi E (2008) Scientific community and
civil protection synergy during the Stromboli 2002–2003 eruption.
In: Calvari S, Inguaggiato S, Puglisi G, Ripepe M, RosiM(eds) The
Stromboli Volcano: an integrated study of the 2002–2003 eruption.
AGU Geophys Monogr Ser 182:387–397. doi:10.1029/182GM31
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Geophys Res Lett 30(18):1941–1944
Bonaccorso A, Gambino S,Guglielmino F,Mattia M, PuglisiG, Boschi E
(2008) Stromboli 2007 eruption: deflation modeling to infer
shallow-intermediate plumbing system. Geophys Res Lett 35
(L06311). doi:10.1029/2007GL032921
Bonaccorso A, Calvari S, Linde A, Sacks S, Boschi E (2012) Dynamics
of the shallow plumbing system investigated from borehole
strainmeters and cameras during the 15 March 2007 Vulcanian
paroxysm at Stromboli volcano. Earth Planet Sci Lett 357–358:
249–256. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.09.009
Burton MR, Calvari S, Spampinato L, Lodato L, Pino NA, Marchetti E,
Murè F (2008) Volcanic and seismic activity at Stromboli preceding
the 2002–2003 eruption. In: Calvari S, Inguaggiato S, Puglisi G,
Ripepe M, RosiM(eds) The Stromboli Volcano: an integrated study
of the 2002–2003 eruption. AGU Geophys Monogr Ser 182:93–
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analysis, and textural and compositional features of the
erupted deposit. Bull Volcanol 75:733. doi:10.1007/s00445-
Barberi F, Innocenti F, Ferrara G, Keller J, Villari L (1974) Evolution of
Eolian Arc volcanism (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea). Earth Planet Sci
Lett 21:269–276
Barberi F, Rosi M, Sodi A (1993) Volcanic hazard assessment at
Stromboli based on review of historical data. Acta Vulcanol 3:
Bertagnini A, Coltelli M, Landi P, Pompilio M, Rosi M (1999) Violent
explosions yield new insights into dynamics of Stromboli volcano.
EOS Am Geophys Union Trans 80:633–636
Bertolaso G, Bonaccorso A, Boschi E (2008) Scientific community and
civil protection synergy during the Stromboli 2002–2003 eruption.
In: Calvari S, Inguaggiato S, Puglisi G, Ripepe M, RosiM(eds) The
Stromboli Volcano: an integrated study of the 2002–2003 eruption.
AGU Geophys Monogr Ser 182:387–397. doi:10.1029/182GM31
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of the December 2002 flank failure and tsunami at Stromboli volcano
inferred by volcanological and geophysical observations.
Geophys Res Lett 30(18):1941–1944
Bonaccorso A, Gambino S,Guglielmino F,Mattia M, PuglisiG, Boschi E
(2008) Stromboli 2007 eruption: deflation modeling to infer
shallow-intermediate plumbing system. Geophys Res Lett 35
(L06311). doi:10.1029/2007GL032921
Bonaccorso A, Calvari S, Linde A, Sacks S, Boschi E (2012) Dynamics
of the shallow plumbing system investigated from borehole
strainmeters and cameras during the 15 March 2007 Vulcanian
paroxysm at Stromboli volcano. Earth Planet Sci Lett 357–358:
249–256. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.09.009
Burton MR, Calvari S, Spampinato L, Lodato L, Pino NA, Marchetti E,
Murè F (2008) Volcanic and seismic activity at Stromboli preceding
the 2002–2003 eruption. In: Calvari S, Inguaggiato S, Puglisi G,
Ripepe M, RosiM(eds) The Stromboli Volcano: an integrated study
of the 2002–2003 eruption. AGU Geophys Monogr Ser 182:93–
104. doi:10.1029/182GM09
Burton MR, Caltabiano T, Murè F, Salerno GG, Randazzo D (2009) SO2
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