Perez, Nemesio M.
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Perez, Nemesio M.
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20 results
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- PublicationOpen AccessTemporal variability of explosive activity at Tajogaite volcano, Cumbre Vieja (Canary Islands), 2021 eruption from ground-based infrared photography and videography(2023-09-12)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;The 2021 eruption at Tajogaite (Cumbre Vieja) volcano (La Palma, Spain) was characterized by Strombolian eruptions, Hawaiian fountaining, white gasdominated and grey ash-rich plumes, and lava effusion from multiple vents. The variety of eruptive styles displayed simultaneously and throughout the eruption presents an opportunity to explore controls on explosivity and the relationship between explosive and effusive activity. Explosive eruption dynamics were recorded using ground-based thermal photography and videography. We show results from the analysis of short (<5 min) near-daily thermal videos taken throughout the eruption from multiple ground-based locations and continuous time-lapse thermal photos over the period November 16 to November 26. We measure the apparent radius, velocity, and volume flux of the high-temperature gas-and-ash jet and lava fountaining behaviors to investigate the evolution of the explosive activity over multiple time scales (seconds-minutes, hours, and daysweeks). We find fluctuations in volume flux of explosive material that correlate with changes in volcanic tremor and hours-long increases in explosive flux that are immediately preceded by increases in lava effusion rate. Correlated behavior at multiple vents suggests dynamic magma ascent pathways connected in the shallow (tens to hundreds of meters) sub-surface. We interpret the changes in explosivity and the relative amounts of effusive and explosivity to be the result of changes in gas flux and the degree of gas coupling.176 52 - PublicationOpen AccessThe Explosive Activity of the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain)(2023-06)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The explosive activity of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption eludes pigeonholing into well-defined eruption styles, with a variety of pyroclast ejection modes occurring both alternately and simultaneously at multiple vents. Visually, we defined four endmembers of explosive activity, referred to as fountaining, spattering, ash-poor jets and ash-rich jets. To capture the physical parameters of these activities, we deployed a camera array including one high-speed camera and three high-definition cameras in two field campaigns. Transitions between and fluctuations within activity occurred at the time scale of minutes to hours, likely driven by the same shallow conduit and vent processes controlling Strombolian activity at other volcanoes, but at higher gas and magma fluxes. From a physical standpoint, mean pyroclast rise velocity ranged 5–50 m/s, maximum ejection velocity 10–220 m/s, and sub-second mass flux of lapilli to bomb-sized pyroclasts at the vent 0.2–200 × 103 kg/s. The largest mass flux occurred during fountaining, which contributed by far more than other activities to cone building. All explosive activity exhibited well-defined pyroclast ejection pulses, and we found a positive correlation between the occurrence rate of ejection pulses and maximum pyroclast ejection velocity. Despite orders of magnitude variations, physical parameters shift gradually with no boundary from one activity endmember to another. As such, attributing this explosive activity specifically to any currently defined style variations is arbitrary and potentially misleading. The highly variable explosive activity of the Tajogaite eruption recalls previous definitions of violent Strombolian eruptions, an eruption style whose pyroclast ejection dynamics, however, were so far largely undefined.44 18 - PublicationOpen AccessExceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago(2023)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Alkaline mafic magmas forming intra-plate oceanic islands are believed to be strongly enriched in CO2 due to low-degree partial melting of enriched mantle sources. However, until now, such CO2 enhancement has not been verified by measuring CO2 degassing during a subaerial eruption. Here, we provide evidence of highly CO2-rich gas emissions during the 86-day 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma Island, in the Canary archipelago. Our results reveal sustained high plume CO2/SO2 ratios, which, when combined with SO2 fluxes, melt inclusion volatile contents and magma production rates at explosive and effusive vents, imply a magmatic CO2 content of 4.5 ± 1.5 wt%. The amount of CO2 released during the 2021 eruptive activity was 28 ± 14 Mt CO2. Extrapolating to the volume of alkaline mafic magmas forming La Palma alone (estimated as 4000 km3 erupted over 11 Ma), we infer a maximum CO2 emission into the ocean and atmosphere of 1016 moles of CO2, equivalent to 20% of the eruptive CO2 emissions from a large igneous province eruption, suggesting that the formation of the Canary volcanic archipelago produced a CO2 emission of similar magnitude as a large igneous province.8 7 - PublicationOpen AccessThe noble gas signature of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands)(2023)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;Here, we characterize the temporal evolution of volatiles during the Tajogaite eruption by analyzing the elemental (He-Ar-CO2-N2) and isotopic (He-Ar-Ne) composition of fluid inclusions (FI) in phenocrysts (olivine+ pyroxene) identified in erupted lavas. Our 2021 lava samples identify substantial temporal variations in volatile composition. We show that, during the 2021 Tajogaite eruption, the He-CO2-N2 concentrations in FI increased since October 15th; this increase was accompanied by increasing 40Ar/36Ar ratios (from ~300 to >500), and paralleled a major shift in bulk lava chemistry, with increasing Mg contents (Mg#, from 47 to 52 to 55–59), CaO/Al2O3 (from 0.65 to 0.74 to 0.75–0.90), Ni and Cr, and decreasing TiO2, P2O5 and incompatible elements. The olivine core composition also became more forsteritic (from Mg# = 80–81 to Mg# = 84–86). Mineral thermobarometry and FI barometry results indicate that the eruption was sustained by magmas previously stored in at least two magma accumulation zones, at respectively ~6–12 km and 15–30 km, corroborating previous seismic and FI evidence. We therefore propose that the compositional changes seen throughout the eruption can be explained by an increased contribution - since early/mid-October - of more primitive, less degassed magma from the deeper (mantle) reservoir. Conversely, Rc/Ra values (3He/4He ratios corrected for atmospheric contamination) remained constant throughout the whole eruption at MORB-like values (7.38 ± 0.22 Ra, 1σ), suggesting an isotopically homogeneous magma feeding source. The Tajogaite He isotope signature is within the range of values observed for the 1677 San Antonio lavas (7.37 ± 0.17Ra, 1σ), but is more radiogenic than the 3He/4He values (>9 Rc/Ra) observed in the Caldera de Taburiente to the north. The 3He/4He ratios (6.75 ± 0.20 Ra, 1σ) measured in mantle xenoliths from the San Antonio volcano indicate a relatively radiogenic nature of the mantle beneath the Cumbre Vieja ridge. Based on these results and mixing modeling calculations, we propose that the homogeneous He isotopic signatures observed in volatiles from the Tajogaite/San Antonio lavas reflect three component mixing between a MORB-like source, a radiogenic component and small additions (6–15%) of a high 3He/4He reservoir-derived (>9Ra) fluid components. The simultaneous occurrence of high 3He/4He (>9Ra)- and MORB-like He signatures in northern and southern La Palma is interpreted to reflect small-scale heterogeneities in the local mantle, arising from spatially variable proportions of MORB, radiogenic, and high 3He/4He components.45 41 - PublicationOpen AccessHigh-resolution Digital Surface Model of the 2021 eruption deposit of Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Spain(2022-07-28)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Identifying accurate topographic variations associated with volcanic eruptions plays a key role in obtaining information on eruptive parameters, volcano structure, input data for volcano processes modelling, and civil protection and recovery actions. The 2021 eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano is the largest eruptive event in the recorded history for La Palma Island. Over the course of almost 3 months, the volcano produced profound morphological changes in the landscape affecting both the natural and the anthropic environment over an area of tens of km2. We present the results of a UAS (Unoccupied Aircraft System) survey consisting of >12,000 photographs coupled with Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry that allowed us to produce a very-high-resolution (0.2 m/pixel) Digital Surface Model (DSM). We characterised the surface topography of the newly formed volcanic landforms and produced an elevation difference map by differencing our survey and a pre-event surface, identifying morphological changes in detail. The present DSM, the first one with such a high resolution to our knowledge, represents a relevant contribution to both the scientific community and the local authorities.443 93 - PublicationOpen AccessThe initial phase of the 2021 Cumbre Vieja ridge eruption (Canary Islands): Products and dynamics controlling edifice growth and collapse(2022)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; Tajogaite cone in the Cumbre Vieja ridge (La Palma, Canary Islands) erupted between 19 September and 13 December 2021. The tephra and lava sourced from the newly formed fissure rapidly built a pyroclastic cone. During the early days of eruption and after several small-scale landslides, the west flank of the edifice partially collapsed on 25 September, breaching the cone and emplacing a prominent raft-bearing lava flow. Our research combines direct observations, digital elevation models, thermal and visible imaging, and textural and compositional investigation of the explosive products to describe and characterize the edifice growth and collapse. The cone built over a steep slope (26◦) and its failure occurred after an intense phase of lava fountaining (up to 30 m3 s 1) that produced rapid pyroclastic accumulation. We suggest that an increased magma supply, to an ascent rate of 0.30 m s 1, led to the rapid growth of the cone (at 2.4 × 106 m3 day 1). Simultaneously, the SW lava flow reactivated and formed a lava ‘seep’ that undercut the flank of the cone, triggering a lateral collapse via rotational rockslide that moved at minimum speeds of 34–70 m h 1. The lateral collapse formed a ~ 200 m wide scar, involving 5.5 × 106 m3 of material, and covered 1.17 km2 with decametric edifice portions and raft-bearing lava. The collapse produced a modest change in the vent geometry, but did not affect eruptive activity long term. A short pause in the eruption after the collapse may have been favored by rapid emptying of the shallower magma system, reducing ascent rates and increasing crystallization times. These results reveal the complex chain of events related to the growth and destruction of newly formed volcanic cones and highlight hazards when situated close to inhabited areas.439 32 - PublicationOpen AccessRecycled crustal carbon in the depleted mantle source of El Hierro volcano, Canary Islands(2021-08)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The Canary Islands, in the eastern Atlantic, are among the most enigmatic Oceanic Island provinces on Earth, as the mantle source feeding its volcanism exhibits wide spatial heterogeneity and a multiplicity of sources. Multiisotope whole-rock studies have long revealed the presence of a recycled oceanic crust/lithosphere component in the mantle source. However, noble gas systematics have been more challenging to interpret, and the available carbon isotope data is limited and cannot support/dismiss this interpretation. Here, we present the very first isotopic characterisation of CO2 and noble gases (He-Ne-Ar) in fluid inclusions (FI) in minerals hosted in mantle xenoliths from El Hierro, the youngest and westernmost island of the Canary volcanic archipelago. Six fresh xenoliths from El Julan cliff valley were analysed (3 spinel lherzolites and 3 spinel harzburgites). We find carbon isotopic compositions of CO2 in FI (δ13C) ranging from 2.38 to 1.23‰ in pyroxenes and from 0.19 to +0.96‰ in olivines. These unusually positive δ13C values, well above the typical mantle range ( 8‰ < δ13C < 4‰), prove, for the first time, the presence of a recycled crustal carbon component in the local source mantle. We interpret this 13C-rich component as inherited from a mantle metasomatism event driven by fluids carrying carbon from C. In contrast, our El Hierro xenoliths identify a depleted mantle-like He signature, with an average Rc/Ra ratio (3He/4He normalised to air ratio and corrected for atmospheric contamination) of 7.45 ± 0.26 Ra. The involvement of depleted mantle-like fluids, variably admixed with air-derived components (possibly recycled via paleo-subduction event(s)), is corroborated by Ne-Ar isotopic compositions. The depleted mantle-like He signature suggests instead the involvement of a primordial He source in the local lithospheric mantle and indicates a marginal role played by past subduction events in modifying the local mantle He budget. When put in the context of previous 3He/4He measurements in FI and surface gases along the Canary archipelago, our results confirm an overall west-to-east decrease of Rc/Ra ratios, which may be interpreted as due to increasing contributions from the African sub-continental mantle, the addition of radiogenic 4He during magma migration in the oceanic crust (whose thickness increases eastward) and/or magma ageing.635 21 - PublicationOpen AccessSatellite and Ground Remote Sensing Techniques to Trace the Hidden Growth of a Lava Flow Field: The 2014-15 Effusive Eruption at Fogo Volcano (Cape Verde)(2018-07-12)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Fogo volcano erupted in 2014–2015 producing an extensive lava flow field in the summit caldera that destroyed two villages, Portela and Bangaeira. The eruption started with powerful explosive activity, lava fountains, and a substantial ash column accompanying the opening of an eruptive fissure. Lava flows spreading from the base of the eruptive fissure produced three arterial lava flows. By a week after the start of the eruption, a master lava tube had already developed within the eruptive fissure and along the arterial flow. In this paper, we analyze the emplacement processes based on observations carried out directly on the lava flow field, remote sensing measurements carried out with a thermal camera, SO2 fluxes, and satellite images, to unravel the key factors leading to the development of lava tubes. These were responsible for the rapid expansion of lava for the ~7.9 km length of the flow field, as well as the destruction of the Portela and Bangaeira villages. The key factors leading to the development of tubes were the low topography and the steady magma supply rate along the arterial lava flow. Comparing time-averaged discharge rates (TADR) obtained from satellite and Supply Rate (SR) derived from SO2 flux data, we estimate the amount and timing of the lava flow field endogenous growth, with the aim of developing a tool that could be used for hazard assessment and risk mitigation at this and other volcanoes.278 108 - PublicationRestrictedLava flow hazard modeling during the 2014–2015 Fogo eruption, Cape Verde(2016-03-18)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Cappello, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia ;Ganci, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia ;Calvari, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia ;Perez, N. M. ;Hernandez, P. A. ;Silva, S. V. ;Cabral, J. ;Del Negro, C.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia; ; ; ; ; ; ;Satellite remote sensing techniques and lava flow forecasting models have been combined to enable a rapid response during effusive crises at poorly monitored volcanoes. Here we used the HOTSAT satellite thermal monitoring system and the MAGFLOW lava flow emplacement model to forecast lava flow hazards during the 2014–2015 Fogo eruption. In many ways this was one of the major effusive eruption crises of recent years, since the lava flows actually invaded populated areas. Combining satellite data and modeling allowed mapping of the probable evolution of lava flow fields while the eruption was ongoing and rapidly gaining as much relevant information as possible. HOTSAT was used to promptly analyze MODIS and SEVIRI data to output hot spot location, lava thermal flux, and effusion rate estimation. This output was used to drive the MAGFLOW simulations of lava flow paths and to continuously update flow simulations. We also show how Landsat 8 OLI and EO-1 ALI images complement the field observations for tracking the flow front position through time and adding considerable data on lava flow advancement to validate the results of numerical simulations. The integration of satellite data and modeling offers great promise in providing a unified and efficient system for global assessment and real-time response to effusive eruptions, including (i) the current state of the effusive activity, (ii) the probable evolution of the lava flow field, and (iii) the potential impact of lava flows.489 43 - PublicationOpen AccessLava flow hazard at Fogo Volcano, Cabo Verde, before and after the 2014-2015 eruption(2016)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;; ; ; ; ;Lava flow simulations help to better understand volcanic hazards and may assist emergency preparedness at active volcanoes. We demonstrate that at Fogo Volcano, Cabo Verde, such simulations can explain the 2014–2015 lava flow crisis and therefore provide a valuable base to better prepare for the next inevitable eruption. We conducted topographic mapping in the field and a satellite-based remote sensing analysis. We produced the first topographic model of the 2014–2015 lava flow from combined terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) and photogrammetric data. This high-resolution topographic information facilitates lava flow volume estimates of 43.7 ± 5.2 × 106 m3 from the vertical difference between pre- and posteruptive topographies. Both the pre-eruptive and updated digital elevation models (DEMs) serve as the fundamental input data for lava flow simulations using the well-established DOWNFLOW algorithm. Based on thousands of simulations, we assess the lava flow hazard before and after the 2014–2015 eruption. We find that, although the lava flow hazard has changed significantly, it remains high at the locations of two villages that were destroyed during this eruption. This result is of particular importance as villagers have already started to rebuild the settlements. We also analysed satellite radar imagery acquired by the German TerraSAR-X (TSX) satellite to map lava flow emplacement over time. We obtain the lava flow boundaries every 6 to 11 days during the eruption, which assists the interpretation and evaluation of the lava flow model performance. Our results highlight the fact that lava flow hazards change as a result of modifications of the local topography due to lava flow emplacement. This implies the need for up-to-date topographic information in order to assess lava flow hazards. We also emphasize that areas that were once overrun by lava flows are not necessarily safer, even if local lava flow thicknesses exceed the average lava flow thickness. Our observations will be important for the next eruption of Fogo Volcano and have implications for future lava flow crises and disaster response efforts at basaltic volcanoes elsewhere in the world.309 77