Pignone, Maurizio
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Pignone, Maurizio
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- PublicationOpen AccessGiornata ONT 2023 - Proceedings Volume(2024-05-10)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The “Giornata ONT 2023” arises from the will to let know within INGV how many activities do people from the Osservatorio Nazionale Terremoti (ONT), and how strong is their contribution to the INGV missions: Research, Services, Education, Communication. In the nearly seven years of the current management the ONT has experienced a continuous evolutionary, sometimes complex, path. But it is always a straight path to pursue the objective of a continuous growth of the ONT. During these years the ONT has changed its name (from Centro Nazionale Terremoti – CNT, to ONT); it has experienced the coming out of some employees that moved to create the Irpinia new Section; it has lived the novelty of incoming people (example from the Centro Allerta Tsunami). It has also faced the need to overcome the limitations due to the worldwide pandemic emergency COVID19, either for the h24 services or for the research activities. Therefore in 2020 and 2021 we have only remotely attended the ONT days. The drive to be “in presenza” comes from this latter issue. We strongly want to meet, to talk face to face, to “Welcome” the young colleagues who are the injection of new ideas and perspectives, that are the necessary fuel to evolve the knowledge. As a matter of fact it emerges from the DNA of the ONT, i.e. the inclusiveness and the multidisciplinarity. This latter is widely testified by the ONT activities that are shared among the three Departments and their strategic objectives. The agenda of the “Giornata ONT 2023” has specifically emphasized the variety of the technical and scientific contents, that for sake of simplicity have been collected in the following themes: • Infrastructures, DataSharing and Laboratories • Analysis, Modelling, Interpretation of Geophysical Phenomena • National and International Projects (Research Results and Products from Completed Projects; Ongoing Projects) • Society Communication, Dissemination, Emergency Management • Seismic Surveillance And Tsunami Warning Overall, the contributions have been 100, most of which are posters (77) and the remaining (23) in different exhibit formats. The wide interest about the proposed contents and the positive feedback from the attendance, pushed the decision to collect and publish the contributions in a Miscellanea INGV, where the documents can be easily found. And we are finally ready to make the Miscellanea available to the reader. I would warmly thank the Authors for their enthusiastic acceptance to contribute, the Conveners of the “Giornata ONT 2023” Sessions for their availability to organise and manage the submitted poster/exhibits, the Editorial Board members for their hidden work that led to this Miscellanea. In conclusion, let me spend a few words about my personal journey as Director of the ONT. After 2504 days it has come to an end and the “Giornata ONT 2023” and the Miscellanea are, somehow, the cherry on top. It is really difficult to say “Thanks” one by one to the people who helped me along this complex and long path. So, please, let me simply say Grazie a tutti voi! Salvatore Stramondo - Director ONT (2017-2023)215 45 - PublicationOpen AccessRelazione dell’attività 2023 del Gruppo di Lavoro INGVterremoti(2024-03)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; In questa relazione vengono descritte le attività principali svolte nel 2023 relativamente ai diversi canali web istituzionali e alla piattaforma INGVterremoti, fornendo anche, ove possibile, dati statistici utili per la valutazione.45 32 - PublicationOpen AccessRelazione dell’attività 2022 del Gruppo di Lavoro INGVterremoti(2023-03)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; In questo report vengono descritte le attività principali svolte nel 2022 relativamente ai diversi canali web istituzionali e alla piattaforma INGVterremoti, fornendo anche, ove possibile, dati statisticiutili per la valutazione.32 12 - ProductOpen AccessSequenza sismica vicino Siena, 8 febbraio 2023(2023-02)
; ; ; ; ; Dalla serata di ieri, 8 febbraio 2023, la Rete Sismica Nazionale ha registrato una serie di eventi sismici localizzati nelle vicinanze della città di Siena. Il terremoto di magnitudo maggiore, il primo della sequenza, è avvenuto alle ore 21:51 italiane, ML 3.5, ed è stato nettamente avvertito dalla cittadinanza. Si presenta un inquadramento della storia sismica dell'area.29 27 - PublicationOpen AccessEarthquakes and story mapsSince 2013, the Earthquake Department of INGV has used story maps as a new communication and information channel on seismicity and seismic risk of the national territory. Numerous story maps have been developed to tell the various aspects of the earthquakes that have struck in the past, and in recent years, our country by integrating descriptive, photographic and multimedia information with georeferenced data from the INGV seismological and seismotectonic databases [Pignone , 2015]. A story maps is an integrated set of digital maps, related content (legend, text, photos, videos, etc.) and interaction features (pan / zoom, pop-up, query, select, etc.) that make it an easily understandable and an immediate information and communication product. For this reason, they have also become a very valid tool in the dissemination events that INGV promotes using touch screens that allow you to create real exhibits with which to interact with the public, demonstrating the potential of geographic information in risk communication. After the creation of the story maps, it was decided to also use the web applications of the dashboards type that allow you to make various tools for viewing the datasets and related attributes available, in order to create simple infographics, very effective for communication and information for inexperienced users. ESRI ArcGIS online technology (https://www.arcgis.com/) was used to create story maps and dashboard, a cloud-based sharing platform that allows you to build web maps by integrating your datasets with a rich collection of basic geographic data with worldwide coverage. With these web maps it is possible to create, using appropriate templates available, different types of web applications, publish them and share them on the web. From 2013 to today, over 25 story maps and dashboards have been published to tell about some of the most important earthquakes and tsunamis of the past in Italy and the Mediterranean but also to analyze some of the recent seismic sequences that have affected the Italian territory. There were about 110 thousand views of the story maps and dashboards published (Fig. 1).
42 21 - PublicationOpen AccessSotto i nostri piedi: i movimenti della Terra ieri e oggi. Un esempio di applicazione cloud-gis per la divulgazione scientifica(2023)
; ; ; ; ; “Sotto i nostri piedi: i movimenti della Terra ieri e oggi” is a web application, based on cloud-gis technology, which was developed for the exhibition of the Genoa Science Festival in 2021. It collects a series of story maps and dashboards that tell and show the earthquakes and tsunamis of the past but also recent and in real time seismicity. Through some interactive interfaces this application allows you to work with visitors as in an online laboratory by discovering news, images, testimonies, maps and infographics on the earthquakes and tsunamis of yesterday and today. The journey that “Sotto i nostri piedi” proposes is divided into three stages: the first illustrates the seismicity of the last 40 years in Italy starting from traditional maps up to interactive maps and real-time seismicity dashboards. In the second one, we discover the propagation of seismic waves by looking at the SHAKEmovies of some of the most important seismic events recorded in recent years. Finally, in the third stage we travel between the earthquakes and tsunamis of the past that occurred in Italy and in the Mediterranean Sea thanks to two dedicated story maps.87 22 - PublicationOpen AccessPublic earthquake communication in Italy through a multi-source social media platform: The INGVterremoti experience (2010–2022)(2022-11-29)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Communicating scientific information about earthquakes is an important and delicate issue in countries like Italy, where seismic risk is high. Furthermore, continuous and scientifically sound communication is needed, especially in recent times when social media have amplified the risk of being biased by misinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories. For this reason, we have developed a communication strategy for earthquake science and risk in Italy, mostly based on social media. The INGVterremoti platform was born between 2010 and 2012 with the goal of increasing scientific information released to the public, and also establishing a two-way communication channel between scientists and citizens. In the past 12 years, the INGVterremoti platform has gained trust and popularity, increasing the number of involved people, which amounts today to several hundred thousand. The platform consists of a coordinated suite of social media channels and a blog-magazine, where updates on ongoing earthquake sequences and posts on scientific topics are continuously published. Our end users are mostly citizens, but also authorities and media. Special attention has been given to interactions with the public, especially on our Facebook page, in order to understand their information needs, identify rumors and fake news, particularly in areas affected by seismic sequences, and address the most pressing requests. In this paper we describe the INGVterremoti strategy, the different media that we use, focusing on their strengths and weaknesses. We concentrate on the experience, carried out in the last few years, of the publication of provisional information on ongoing earthquakes, a long-standing issue strongly requested by our followers. The INGVterremoti platform has played a fundamental role in many seismic sequences of the past 12 years in Italy, starting from the Emilia sequence in 2012, to the central Italy one, started with the deadly earthquake of 24 August 2016 and still ongoing. Besides the periods of high attention after strong earthquakes, we used the INGVterremoti social media as a tool for releasing continuous and sound information to the public, and as a way to involve citizens in the communication arena.422 37 - PublicationOpen AccessLe dashboard della sismicità in tempo reale(2022-05)
; ; ; ; ; L’INGV ha sviluppato numerose story maps e dashboards per raccontare i vari aspetti dei terremoti che hanno colpito nel passato e in questi ultimi anni il nostro paese integrando informazioni descrittive, fotografiche e multimediali con i dati georeferenziati provenienti dai database sismologici e sismotettonici. Le dashboard della sismicità in tempo reale Story maps e dashboard sono state integrate all’interno dei canali di comunicazione web e social INGVterremoti (https://ingvterremoti.com/) e rappresentano uno strumento ormai necessario per l’informazione sulla sismicità in corso, sulle più importanti sequenze sismiche in Italia, sui terremoti e sui maremoti del passato.41 44