Bonforte, Alessandro
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Bonforte, Alessandro
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98 results
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- PublicationOpen AccessReal-time mobile GNSS network data acquired during the 2021–2022 unrest at Vulcano island(2024-03-16)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; At the end of the summer 2021, an increase in CO2 emissions at Vulcano brought an increase in the alert level and, consequently, to the upgrade of the monitoring activities by increasing the number of instruments deployed and the rate of the surveys. One of the new devices installed was a geodetic GNSS mobile network for a real-time and high-frequency monitoring of ground deformation, to increase the detail with respect to the existing permanent network. The mobile stations were initially installed at the northern base of the La Fossa crater, where the highest values of soil degassing were recorded. Two stations were co-located with gravimeters, in order to compare and integrate the data. After this very first period of testing, the mobile GNSS array has been reconfigured, to investigate the mud pool area. Thus, four stations were installed around the degassing area, one of them being in the same site of the gravimeter. Data has been acquired at 1 Hz rate and is used for the weekly reporting to Civil Protection. It was the first experience of a light and quick-to-install geodetic real-time and high-rate GNSS mobile network in this area, and it was the occasion for testing its performance, as well as different approaches for the real-time kinematic (RTK) differential positioning in order to find the most suitable for the ongoing phenomena. Furthermore, direct data communication and archiving in the institutional database have been implemented for immediate querying from the control room tools. We report the experiences collected during the installation phase, site selection, RTK approaches, and ground motion and provide the daily raw data in RINEX format for any future precise postprocessing for the mid- to long-term analyses.142 27 - PublicationOpen AccessThe performance of differential point positioning using low-cost GNSS in comparison to DInSAR for monitoring coseismic displacement of the Provenzana–Pernicana fault system (Mt. Etna, 2018 December eruptive phase)(2023-08)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Mt. Etna is a perfect laboratory for testing new approaches and new technologies in a very active geodynamic environment. It offers, in fact, the opportunity for measuring active crustal deformation, related to volcanic activity as well as to seismic faulting on its flanks. In this work, a network of low-cost/low-power Global Navigation Satellite System stations has been installed and tested on Mt. Etna, across a very active fault, the Provenzana–Pernicana system, cutting its north-eastern flank. During the test period, a lateral eruption occurred (starting on 2018 December 24), with a forceful dyke intrusion that stressed all the flanks of the volcano, soliciting all the main faults dissecting the edifice. Also the Provenzana–Pernicana fault system, where this network was recording, was activated during the dyke intrusion, producing a significant seismic swarm. The low-cost/low-power network data analysis allowed the fault slip during the intrusion to be clearly traced in time and space at all the stations lying on the hangingwall mobile block of the fault. All the stations lying south of the fault trace showed an eastward displacement, in very good agreement with the usual kinematics of the fault and the temporal duration of the M 3.5 December 24 earthquake, related to the seaward dislocation of the eastern mobile flank of the volcano, promoted and accelerated by dyke emplacement on the upper part of the edifice.266 16 - PublicationOpen AccessThe ground deformation of the south-eastern flank of Mount Etna monitored by GNSS and SAR interferometry from 2016 to 2019The south-eastern sector of the Mount Etna, Italy, is characterized by numerous active faults, in particular the Belpasso–Ognina lineament, the Tremestieri–San Gregorio–Acitrezza fault, the Trecastagni fault and the Fiandaca–Nizzeti fault including the Timpe Fault System. Their activity is the result of both volcanism and tectonics. Here, we analyse the ground deformation occurred from 2016 to 2019 across those active faults by using the GNSS data acquired at 22 permanent stations and 35 campaign points observed by the Etna Observatory (INGV) and by the University of Catania. We also use the time-series of line of sight displacement of permanent scatterers SENTINEL-1 A-DInSAR obtained by using the P-SBAS tool of the ESA GEP-TEP (Geohazards Thematic Exploitation Platform) service. We discriminate the contributions of the regional tectonic strain, the inflations, the deflations of the volcano and the gravitational sliding in order to analyse the deformation along the faults of the south-eastern flank of Etna. The shallow and destructive Mw = 4.9 earthquake of 2018 December 26 occurred within the studied area two days after a dyke intrusion, that propagated beneath the centre of the volcano accompanied by a short eruption. Both GNSS and InSAR time-series document well those events and allow to investigate the post-seismic sliding across the faults of south-eastern flank. We analyse the slow slip events (SSE) that are observed in the GNSS and InSAR time-series in the vicinity of the Acitrezza fault. We quantify and discuss the tectonic origin of the Belpasso–Ognina lineament that we interpreted as a tear fault.
127 41 - PublicationOpen AccessPropagation of Perturbations in the Lower and Upper Atmosphere over the Central Mediterranean, Driven by the 15 January 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Volcano Explosion(2023-01)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano (Pacific Ocean) generated a cataclysmic explosion on 15 January 2022, triggering several atmospheric disturbances at a global scale, as a huge increase in the total electron content (TEC) in the ionosphere, and a pressure wave travelling in the troposphere. We collected and analysed data over the Mediterranean to study these disturbances, and in particular, (i) data from the barometric and infrasonic stations installed on Italian active volcanoes by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) for investigating the tropospheric pressure waves; (ii) barometric data from the INGV-TROPOMAG and SIAS (Sicilian Agro-meteorological Information System) networks, for investigating the interaction between the orography and pressure waves; (iii) ionograms from the Advanced Ionospheric Sounder-INGV ionosonde at Gibilmanna (Sicily, Italy); (iv) data from the RING (Rete Italiana Integrata GNSS) network, to retrieve the ionospheric TEC; (v) soil CO2 flux data from the INGV surveillance network of Vulcano Island. The analysis of the ground-level barometric data highlights that pressure waves were reflected and diffracted by the topographic surface, creating a complex space–time dynamic of the atmospheric disturbances travelling over Sicily, driven by the interference among the different wavefronts. The ionograms show that a medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbance (MSTID), with a horizontal wavelength of about 220 km and a period of about 35 min, propagated through the ionospheric plasma in the correspondence of the first barometric variations. Moreover, comparing detrended TEC and barometric data, we further confirmed the presence of the aforementioned MSTID together with its close relation to the tropospheric disturbance.1484 13 - PublicationOpen AccessA long-term charge/discharge cycle at Mt. Etna volcano revealed through absolute gravity and GPS measurements(2022-12)
; ; ; ; ; We present results of repeated absolute gravity and GPS measurements, carried out at Mt. Etna volcano between 2009 and 2018. Absolute gravity measurements are rarely performed along arrays of stations on active volcanoes and, through our unprecedented dataset, we highlight the possibilities of this method to track underground mass changes over long time-scales. Analysis of the residual absolute gravity data and ground deformation reveals a cycle of gravity increase and uplift during 2009 to 2011, followed by gravity decrease and subsidence during 2011 to 2014. Data inversion points to a common mass and pressure source, lying beneath the summit area of the volcano, at depth of ~ 5 kmb.s.l. The bulk volume change inferred by the inversion of the deformation data can account for only a small portion of the mass change needed to explain the correspondent gravity variations.We propose that the observed relationship between gravity and vertical deformation was mostly due to the compressibility of the magma in the inferred reservoir, which, in turn, was enhanced by the presence of exsolved gas. Overall, the gravity and deformation data we present reveal a cycle of magma recharge (2009–2011) and discharge (2011–2014) to/from the inferred storage zone. During the recharge phase only degassing occurred from the summit craters of Mt. Etna. During the following phase of discharge, the magma lost from the reservoir at ~ 5 km b.s.l. fed the exceptional phase of volcanic activity during 2011–2014, when tens of lava fountaining episodes took place.557 19 - PublicationOpen AccessEruptions and Social Media: Communication and Public Outreach About Volcanoes and Volcanic Activity in Italy(2022-07-07)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Italy is the land of iconic volcanoes, whose activity has been witnessed, described and portrayed for centuries. This legacy has greatly contributed to shaping the public perception of volcanoes and their impact, well beyond the national borders. Stories about famous eruptions overlap and nowadays easily mix up with the impressive footage that is readily available from ongoing eruptions worldwide. As a result, the public discourse may flatten the wide spectrum of possible phenomena into an oversimplified sketch of volcanic eruptions and their impact, where all events seem equally probable and look alike. Actual volcanoes differ in size, eruption magnitude, state of activity, eruptive style, geographical position, and each is located within a specific social and cultural context. All these elements combine in defining the consequences of volcanic activity as well as in determining the severity of the damage and the size of the impacted area. How can we convey such a complexity to the general public? Can social media contribute to raise awareness and build a more resilient society? An effective hazard communication should propose a comprehensible yet realistic description of volcanic settings and provide adequate tools to recognize and understand the specific features of each phenomenon and volcanic area. As we write, two Italian volcanoes display persistent eruptive activity, while other two are going through unrest phases that started in 2012, at Campi Flegrei, and in late summer of 2021, at Vulcano Island. Other active volcanoes (Vesuvius, Ischia, Colli Albani, Lipari, and Pantelleria) have been dormant for tens, hundreds, or thousands of years. Communication in these different contexts also require different approaches that take into account the specific needs of local communities. Social media may provide a unique opportunity to quickly share relevant news and information. Yet, this type of communication has its challenges and volcano observatories can rarely rely on expert social media managers. Sharing experiences and lessons learned is a key to ensure the growth of the volcanological community and improve its ability to connect and engage local residents. Here we discuss the online communication strategies implemented by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) since 2018 to inform Internet and social media users about volcanoes, volcanology, and ongoing volcanic activity, both in Italy and abroad. We describe the internal procedures that we developed and practiced and the experience gathered so far, during both quiet periods and a few volcanic crises. Our experience confirms previous indications about the importance of a steady online presence and suggests that public interest is not always easily predictable.1904 39 - PublicationOpen AccessA Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the Largest 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai Eruptions(2022-07)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;On 20 December 2021, after six quiet years, the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted abruptly. Then, on 15 January 2022, the largest eruption produced a plume well registered from satellites and destroyed the volcanic cone previously formed in 2015, connecting the two islands. We applied a multi-parametric and multi-layer study to investigate all the possible preeruption signals and effects of this volcanic activity in the lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere. We focused our attention on: (a) seismological features considering the eruption in terms of an earthquake with equivalent energy released in the lithosphere; (b) atmospheric parameters, such as skin and air temperature, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), cloud cover, relative humidity from climatological datasets; (c) varying magnetic field and electron density observed by ground magnetometers and satellites, even if the event was in the recovery phase of an intense geomagnetic storm. We found different precursors of this unique event in the lithosphere, as well as the effects due to the propagation of acoustic gravity and pressure waves and magnetic and electromagnetic coupling in the form of signals detected by ground stations and satellite data. All these parameters and their detailed investigation confirm the lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling (LAIC) models introduced for natural hazards such as volcano eruptions and earthquakes.557 64 - PublicationOpen AccessEditorial: Volcanic Islands—A Challenge for Volcanology(2022-06-22)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Most volcanoes on the Earth rise from the bottom of seas and oceans. Most of them do not reach the surface of sea and remain hidden to all conventional observations from surface and space. Only some of them rise above the sea level, forming islands and passing from submarine to subaerial volcanism. Volcanic islands develop in virtually all the geodynamic contexts on Earth, from mid-ocean ridges (Iceland), to intraplate (Hawaii), to volcanic arcs (Aeolian Islands). All the liquid-descent evolutive degrees of magma are finally represented, from primitive compositions up to strongly evolved rhyolite, trachyte and phonolite lavas. So, the eruptive styles of these volcanoes range consequently from mild effusions to plinian eruptions.653 16 - PublicationRestrictedThe 15 January 2022 Event at Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai, Recorded by Multiparametric Stations in Italy(2022-04)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;The eruption of the volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai on Jan 15, 2022, 04:14:54 UTC, was such energetic that instruments observed different physical phenomena all over the globe. In Italy, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), who is continuously operating different kinds of monitoring networks, as e.g., the Italian Seismic Network (ISN), micro-barometric and infrasonic stations for monitoring the active volcanoes, ionospheric monitoring network (GNSS and ionosonde), recorded seismic, acoustic and electromagnetic signals originated by this exceptional event. The blast wave generated by the volcanic explosion of Hunga Tunga was recorded by the micro-barometric and infrasound stations installed at Phlegrean Fields (PF), at Stromboli volcano and on Mt. Etna. The first arrival was recorded at ~20:00 UTC, after travelling along the “short” great circle (17600 km), was succeeded by a second onset, about 3:40 h later, arriving at PF from the opposite direction. The mean propagation velocity in both directions was calculated as 310 m/s. The stations of the Etna Radio Observatory (ERO) are also equipped with micro-barometers, measuring the atmospheric pressure at a sampling rate of 5 min. The first group of atmospheric shock waves was recorded in the evening of Jan 15, 2022, while 36 hours later the ERO-stations observed a second signal after having completed the second orbit. The magnitude of M5.7 of the Hunga Tonga eruption was strong enough to record core phases (PKIKP, PKP), surface reflection of mantle phases (PP, SS), as well as Rayleigh and Love waves, at many stations of the ISN. The atmospheric waves generated by the eruption generated Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances in the ionosphere detected as disturbances in the Total Electron Content calculated by using GNSS data acquired by the GNSS network of INGV and variations of the ionospheric peak layer parameters (foF2, hmF2), recorded by the ionosonde installed on the Italian territory by INGV.91 8 - PublicationOpen AccessThe Submarine Boundaries of Mount Etna’s Unstable Southeastern FlankCoastal and ocean island volcanoes are renowned for having unstable flanks. This can lead to flank deformation on a variety of temporal and spatial scales ranging from slow creep to catastrophic sector collapse. A large section of these unstable flanks is often below sea level, where information on the volcano-tectonic structure and ground deformation is limited. Consequently, kinematic models that attempt to explain measured ground deformation onshore associated with flank instability are poorly constrained in the offshore area. Here, we attempt to determine the locations and the morpho-tectonic structures of the boundaries of the submerged unstable southeastern flank of Mount Etna (Italy). The integration of new marine data (bathymetry, microbathymetry, offshore seismicity, reflection seismic lines) and published marine data (bathymetry, seafloor geodesy, reflection seismic lines) allows identifying the lineament north of Catania Canyon as the southern lateral boundary with a high level of confidence. The northern and the distal (seaward) boundaries are less clear because no microbathymetric or seafloor geodetic data are available. Hypotheses for their locations are presented. Geophysical imaging suggests that the offshore Timpe Fault System is a shallow second-order structure that likely results from extensional deformation within the moving flank. Evidence for active uplift and compression upslope of the amphitheater-shaped depression from seismic data along with subsidence of the onshore Giarre Wedge block observed in ground deformation data leads us to propose that this block is a rotational slump, which moves on top of the large-scale instability. The new shoreline-crossing structural assessment may now inform and improve kinematic models.
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