Geological Museum “G.G. Gemmellaro”, Palermo, Italy
Was the dwarfed Palaeoloxodon from Favignana Island the last endemic Pleistocene elephant from the western Mediterranean islands?
2021, Palombo, Maria Rita, Antonioli, Fabrizio, Di Patti, Carolina, Lo Presti, Valeria, Scarborough, Matthew E., CNR-IGAG C/o Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza, University of Rome, Roma, Italy, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione ONT, Roma, Italia, Geological Museum “G.G. Gemmellaro”, Palermo, Italy, #PLACEHOLDER_PARENT_METADATA_VALUE#, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
This paper re-apprises the scant elephant remains belonging to a dwarf Palaeoloxodon of uncertain taxonomy collected during the 1980s from a cave on Favignana Island (Aegadian Archipelago, western Sicily). The elephant was recently 14C-dated to the Last Glacial Maximum (20,350–19,840 cal. BP), indicating that the Favignana elephant is likely the most recent insular endemic Palaeoloxodon species thus far reported from the Western Mediterranean. Dimensionally the remains are smaller than the late Middle- Late Pleistocene P. ex gr. P. mnaidriensis from Puntali Cave (Palermo), and similar in size to the P. ex gr. P. mnaidriensis individual from San Teodoro Cave (Messina) post-dating a flowstone U-Th dated to ca. 32 ka. Accordingly, the possibility that relict populations of Palaeoloxodon persisted on Sicily longer than previously believed remains an intriguing possibility. None the less, the available data do not clearly indicate whether or not the small dimensions and recent age of the Favignana elephant may reflect a Late Pleistocene colonisation of Favignana Island by small P. ex gr. P.mnaidriensis. Our palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Aegadian Islands does however demonstrate that Favignana was connected to Sicily during most of the Late Pleistocene, allowing elephants to disperse freely between Sicily and Favignana during the Last Glacial (MIS 4-MIS2).