Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Multidisciplinary Methodology Used to Detect and Evaluate the Occurrence of Methane During Tunnel Design and Excavation: An Example from Calabria (Southern Italy)
    The occurrence of high volumes of methane during tunneling operations is a critical safety factor that can influence the choice of different technical approaches for tunnel design and construction. Moreover, gas accumulation can be influenced by fluid migration along spatially focused preferential pathways (i.e. points along faults and fracture zones) that can result in highly variable gas concentrations along the tunnel trace. This paper proposes a methodological approach to minimize the risks, and costs, related to tunnel construction in rocks with potentially high methane concentrations. This approach combines soil gas geochemistry and structural geology surveys along and across the main faults and fracture systems that occur in the study area. The procedure is based on near-surface sampling and consists of a two-pronged approach: the measurement of fault zone gas emissions and their classification as barrier or conduit zones. Moreover, it is illustrated the importance of measuring a wide spectrum of different gas species, not just methane, for a more accurate interpretation of the geological, geochemical, and structural systems. This is due to the potential for multiple gas origins, different gas associations, and various alteration and oxidation processes (e.g., CH4 oxidation into CO2) that can modify the geochemical signal along the flow path as gas migrates towards the surface.
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  • Publication
    Preliminary results of geological characterization and geochemical monitoring of Sulcis Basin (Sardinia), as a potential CCS site
    The Sulcis Basin is an area situated in SW Sardinia (Italy) and is a potential site for the development of CCS in Italy. This paper illustrates the preliminary results of geological characterization of fractured carbonate reservoir (Miliolitico Fm.) and the sealing sequence, composed by clay, marl, and volcanic rocks, with a total thickness of more than 900 m. To characterize the reservoir-caprock system an extensive structural-geological survey at the outcrop was conducted. It was also performed a study of the geochemical monitoring, to define the baseline conditions, measuring CO2 concentrations and flux in the study site.
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  • Publication
    Mantle-derived CO2 migration along active faults within an extensional basin margin (Fiumicino, Rome, Italy)
    Fluid migration along faults can be highly complex and spatially variable, with the potential for channeled flow, accumulation in capped porous units, fault cross-flow, lateral migration along strike, or complete sealing. Extensional basin margins can be important for such migration, given the associated crustal thinning and decompression that takes place combined with potential geothermal or mantle gas sources. One such example is near the urban area of Rome, situated along the active extensional continental margin of the Tyrrhenian back arc basin and surrounded by Middle-Upper Pleistocene K-rich and arc-related volcanoes. Recent research activities in the area around Fiumicino, a town 25 km to the west of Rome, has highlighted the close spatial link between degassing CO2 and the faults that provide the necessary vertical migration pathways. In particular, detailed soil gas and gas flux surveys have highlighted the release at surface of large volumes of asthenospheric mantle CO2 in correspondence with normal faults observed in a new seismic reflection profile acquired along the Tiber River. Detailed reconstruction of the Pleistocene–Holocene stratigraphy of the area dates fault activity from 20,000 to 9000 years BP. It is proposed that the gas migrates preferentially along the cataclastic tectonic breccias of the faults until it encounters recent, unconsolidated sediments; porous units within this shallow stratigraphy act as temporary secondary traps for the leaking gas, with local gas release at the ground surface occurring where the sealing of the overlying aquitards has been compromised. Degassing and active faults confirm the extensional tectonics affecting the area and the geodynamic scenario of a mantle wedge beneath the western Apennines, associated with ongoing W-directed subduction. Moreover, degassing highlights the potential geochemical and seismic risks for the highly populated urban areas near Rome.
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