Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Slab flattening and the rise of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia
    The topographic growth of a mountain belt is commonly attributed to isostatic balance in response to crustal and lithospheric thickening. However, deeper mantle processes may also influence the topography of the Earth. Here, we discuss the role of these processes in the Eastern Cordillera (EC) of Colombia. The EC is an active, double-vergent fold and thrust belt that formed during the Cenozoic by the inversion of a Mesozoic rift, and topography there has risen up to ∼5,000 m (Cocuy Sierra). The belt is located ∼500 km away from the trench where two separate portions of the Nazca plate subduct below the South American plate. North of 5◦N, the EC rises above a flat-slab subduction region. Volcanic arc migration implies slab shallowing by ∼10 Ma and flattening up to the present-day configuration at ∼6 Ma. The occurrence of a high vP/vSanomaly and clustered seismicity below the belt at ∼160 km depth delineates the slab geometry and has been related to dehydration of the slab, suggesting the presence of a hydrated mantle wedge. We compiled thermochronologic data and inverted for the exhumation history of the chain over the last 20 Ma using the age-elevation relationship and the different closure temperatures of multiple thermochronologic systems. Results indicate that exhumation rates increased during the Plio–Pleistocene at different wavelengths and amplitudes. The small wavelength and large amplitude signals could be related to shallow crustal deformation, whereas the source of the long wavelength and moderate amplitude signal has yet to be identified. Pulses of fast exhumation are found to be concomitant with the uplift that occurred from ∼7 Ma to the present-day. Previous studies suggested that the high topography of the chain cannot be achieved solely through isostatic adjustment. The highest residual topography is centered on the highest elevations of the EC, whereas the lowest residual topography corresponds to the Magdalena Valley, following the regional slab geometry. We propose that the recent uplift and exhumation events were triggered by the transition from regular to flat-slab subduction, along with the hydration of the mantle wedge above the slab. We test the dynamic feasibility of our hypothesis with a series of numerical models for the present-day state. Predicting the correct trends in elevation requires a flat-slab geometry, and a weak and buoyant mantle wedge.
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  • Publication
    Tectonically driven drainage reorganization in the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia
    High-elevation plateaus that are positioned in between topographic barriers are common orogenic features in the South American continent, formed under a range of evolving environmental conditions. For example, in the central Andes (Bolivia-Argentina), the Puna-Altiplano is arid and endorheic with a poorly developed fluvial system, while in the northern Andes (Colombia) the Chiquinquirà and Tunja highlands are characterized by a humid equatorial exorheic fluvial system. In addition to a plateau-like low-relief surface at 2500 m, the landscape of the northern Eastern Cordillera and SantanderMassif (northern Colombia) displays a lower elevation (~1500m) low-relief landscape (Mesas) comprising river captures, windgaps, and a disconnected alluvial fan that collectively record a transient state. This configuration has been achieved through a combination of compressive deformation and sub-crustal processes. The compressive shortening started to occur in the Paleogene and is still active, whereas regional surface uplift related to slab flattening andmantlewedge hydration startedintheLateMiocene/Pliocene.To disentangle the crustal vs sub-crustal forcing and to investigate the relative timing of drainage network evolutionwe combine the analysis of topography, hydrography (river longitudinal profiles, morphometric parameters, drainage divide stability), knickpoint migration (celerity model), paleo-longitudinal profile modeling, satellite images, and field observations. In particular, we show that during the development of the low-relief Mesas landscape the older Chiquinquirà highland was a closed drainage and that the lower portion of the Suárez River flowed northward into the Bucaramanga depression forced by the Los Cobardes Anticline topographic barrier. The Suárez River collected waters from the southern SantanderMassif and the upper reach of the Chicamocha River, which was draining the Tunja highland. An abandoned windgap deposit on the eastern edge of the Mesa de Barichara suggests that the lower portion of the Chicamocha Riverwas not yet formed. Subsequent to the Chiquinquirà highland drainage opening, two main tributaries of the Magdalena River, the Lebrija and Sogamoso, captured the Suárez River in a short temporal sequence. A knickpoint celerity model allows us to date the Lebrija capture of the Bucaramanga depression at ~260–270 ka and the subsequent Sogamoso capture at 190–220 ka. Only during this final stage, the lowermost Chicamocha River section formed and the drainage network developed to its present configuration. Finally,we suggest that the early Cenozoic rift inversion has controlled the drainage network pattern and the late Miocene sub-crustal-induced surface uplift has driven the main fluvial network reorganization.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Aborted propagation of the Ethiopian rift caused by linkage with the Kenyan rift
    Continental rift systems form by propagation of isolated rift segments that interact, and eventually evolve into continuous zones of deformation. This process impacts many aspects of rifting including rift morphology at breakup, and eventual ocean-ridge segmentation. Yet, rift segment growth and interaction remain enigmatic. Here we present geological data from the poorly documented Ririba rift (South Ethiopia) that reveals how two major sectors of the East African rift, the Kenyan and Ethiopian rifts, interact. We show that the Ririba rift formed from the southward propagation of the Ethiopian rift during the Pliocene but this propagation was short-lived and aborted close to the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary. Seismicity data support the abandonment of laterally offset, overlapping tips of the Ethiopian and Kenyan rifts. Integration with new numerical models indicates that rift abandonment resulted from progressive focusing of the tectonic and magmatic activity into an oblique, throughgoing rift zone of near pure extension directly connecting the rift sectors.
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