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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Seismic parameters re-determined from historical seismograms of 1935-Erdek–Marmara Island and 1963-Çınarcık Earthquakes
    (2016-09-20) ; ; ;
    Baştürk, N. B.; Geophysics Department, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Boğaziçi University
    Özel, N. M.; Geophysics Department, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Boğaziçi University
    Caciagli, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Bologna, Bologna, Italia
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    In this study, the original seismograms of the 1935-Erdek–Marmara Island and 1963-Çınarcık Earthquakes, recorded at local and regional distances, were vectorized. The epicentral locations have been calculated using available readings from original records and also ISS and seismic station bulletins for 04.01.1935-14:41 and 16:20 Marmara Island–Erdek Earthquakes and 18.09.1963-16:58 Çınarcık Earthquake. The epicenter determinations show that the first event in 04.01.1935 was located at 40.72N–27.72E, while the second one occurred at 40.61N–27.43E, indicating that both were located near the Marmara Island. Another finding is that the 1963 event was located at 40.80N–29.18E, near the Princes’ Island fault. Furthermore, moment tensor inversion method was applied on these earthquakes by using original seismograms, which provided an opportunity to illuminate the seismotectonic features of Marmara Region based on the retrieved fault mechanism solutions. For the first time, the fault mechanisms for 04.01.1935-14:41 and 16:20 Earthquakes were determined using moment tensor inversion from the original seismic waveforms. Likewise, the result obtained for the fault mechanism of 1963 Çınarcık Earthquake showed normal fault mechanism with much shallower depth than estimated before. Our preferred solutions showed that the fault mechanisms for the three events are normal faults and coincide with the seismotectonic structure of the Marmara Region.
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  • Publication
    An Alternative View of the Microseismicity along the Western Main Marmara Fault
    A detailed study, based on ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs) recordings from two recording periods (3.5 months in 2011 and 2 months in 2014) and on a high-resolution, 3D velocity model, is presented here, which provides an alternative view of the microseismicity along the submerged section of the North Anatolian fault (NAF) within the western Sea of Marmara (SoM). The nonlinear probabilistic software packages of NonLinLoc and NLDiffLoc were used for locating earthquakes. Only earthquakes that comply with the following location criteria (e.g., representing 20% of the total amount of events) were considered for analysis: (1) number of stations ≥ 5; (2) number of phases ≥ 6, including both P and S; (3) root mean square (rms) location error ≤ 0:5 s; and (4) azimuthal gap ≤ 180°. P and S travel times suggest that there are strong velocity anomalies along the Western High, with low Vp, low Vs, and ultra-high Vp=Vs in areas where mud volcanoes and gas-prone sediment layers are known to be present. The location results indicate that not all earthquakes occurred as strike-slip events at crustal depths (> 8 km) along the axis of the Main Marmara fault (MMF). In contrast, the following features were observed: (1) a significant number of earthquakes occurred off-axis (e.g., 24%), with predominantly normal focal mechanisms, at depths between 2 and 6 km, along tectonically active, structural trends oriented east–west or southwest–northeast, and (2) a great number of earthquakes was also found to occur within the upper sediment layers (at depths < 2 km), particularly in the areas where free gas is suspected to exist, based on high-resolution 3D seismics (e.g., 28%). Part of this ultra-shallow seismicity appears to occur in response to deep earthquakes of intermediate (ML ∼ 4–5) magnitude. Resolving the depth of the shallow seismicity requires adequate experimental design ensuring source–receiver distances of the same order as hypocentral depths. To reach this objective, deep-seafloor observatories with a sufficient number of geophone sensors near the fault trace are needed.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Reply to “Comment on ‘An Alternative View of the Microseismicity along the Western Main Marmara Fault’ by E. Batsi et al.” by Y. Yamamoto et al
    In their comment, Yamomoto and co-authors are primarily concerned with the existence and effect of large values of minimum and maximum phase residuals in our analysis and locations using the 2014 observations, as listed in Tables S7 and S8 in the supplementary material of our paper (Batsi et al, 2018). We retain these large residuals in the tables and analysis since they have vanishingly small effect on the NonLinLoc locations, since the used, equal differential time (EDT) location algorithm (Lomax, 2008; Lomax et al., 2009) is highly robust to outlier readings. In the case of our Marmara study, phases with residuals larger than 1-2sec have near zero weight in the locations and corrected phase data. However, we agree the larger residuals may have had adverse effect on the generation of station corrections, though this, in turn, would also be mitigated by the robust location procedure. As a result, we consider that the location discrepancies between Yamomoto et al (2017) and Batsi et al. (2018) are not due to effects of excessively large residuals on the station corrections or locations. Instead, we propose that, as in many seismicity studies, error and uncertainty in the absolute hypocenter locations is primarily related to error in the velocity model and insufficient geometrical coverage of the source zones by the available seismic stations. To support this proposition, and following the recommendation of Yamamoto et al., we recalculate station corrections for our 2014 data set and then relocate the 14 common events (Table A) that were located by both Yamamoto et al. (2017) and ourselves (see Table 9 in Batsi et al., 2018, with correct Yamomoto’s location for event 3: 40.8058N, 27.9504E, 13.411km). We first generate station corrections as described in Batsi et al. (2018) using all events from 2014 which comply with the Batsi et al. (2018) location criteria (number of stations ≥ 5; number of phases ≥ 6; (3) root mean square (rms) location error ≤ 0.5s; azimuthal gap ≤ 180°), except that we explicitly exclude from the analysis any P or S residuals > 3.0s when generating station corrections (Table B). We then relocate in the high‐resolution, 3D, P‐velocity model, as described in Batsi et al. (2018), the 14 common events using these station corrections. Figure 1 shows, for the 14 common events listed I Table A, the absolute NonLinLoc maximum likelihood and expectation hypocenters, and location probability density (pdf) clouds for our absolute relocations, along with the corresponding Yamamoto et al. (2017) double-difference relocations and Batsi et (2018) relative (NonDiffLoc) locations. For sake of clarity, calculation results are detailed in Figure 2 for each individual event (1 to 14). The full information on the earthquake location spatial uncertainty is shown by the pdf clouds, while the maximum-likelihood hypocenter is the best solution point and the expectation hypocenter shows a weighted mean or “center of mass” of the cloud. The pdf clouds show a large uncertainty in hypocenter depth, the formal standard error in depth ranges from 2-9km. There is also a large separation between the maximum likelihood and expectation hypocenters for some events. These results underline the large uncertainty in depth determination and corresponding instability in any one-point measure chosen as a hypocenter. However, despite these uncertainties and instabilities, the Yamamoto et al. (2017) hypocenters remain generally deeper than the maximum likelihood and expectation hypocenters for our relocations, positioned towards the deeper uncertainty limits of our locations (e.g. the lower portion of the pdf clouds), and the Yamamoto et al. (2017) epicenters fall near the Main Marmara fault (MMF) while our relocated epicenters define off axis seismicity, along secondary faults from the MMF system. Thus our relocated events, which explicitly exclude excessively large residuals, still show differences with the Yamamoto et al. (2017) events, but not as large as those we found in our original study. Based on our recalculated NonLinLoc absolute locations, we suspect that  Yamamoto et al (2017) results are systematically too deep and Batsi et al (2018) systematically too shallow, compared to what should be expected. These differences in epicenter and depth, along with the size and shape of the pdf clouds for our relocations, are most easily explained by differences in the 3D velocity models and by differences in available stations and the consequent network geometry . However, while the epicentral distances at most of the OBS stations are shorter than the focal depths, as noted by Yamomoto et al., the elongation of our pdf clouds in depth suggests that an increase in network aperture with more distant stations, along with an accurate 3D model, is required to better constrain depth. High-resolution earthquake epicenter and depth determinations below the Sea of Marmara is a difficult problem, yet of critical importance. To better understand why the two studies produce different results, and to obtain the best possible locations, the best action is to increase the number of constraints by merging the two OBS datasets, and examine, step by step, the effects of locations methods, network geometry and 3D velocity models from the two studies. Sharing the data (or phase picks and model) would provide an unique opportunity to give real, direct insight into these issues. We suspect that epicenters will shift as a function of used velocity model and station set, and that in all cases depth uncertainty is large, as is clearly represented in the NonLinLoc location, pdf clouds, while linearized location error estimates usually show lower uncertainty.
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