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Eychenne, Julia
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Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12021Eruption type probability and eruption source parameters at Cotopaxi and Guagua Pichincha volcanoes (Ecuador) with uncertainty quantificationTadini, Alessandro* ; Roche, Olivier* ; Samaniego, Pablo* ; Azzaoui, Nourddine* ; Bevilacqua, Andrea* ; Guillin, Arnaud* ; Gouhier, Mathieu* ; Bernard, Benjamin* ; Aspinall, Willy* ; Hidalgo, Silvana* ; Eychenne, Julia* ; de' Michieli Vitturi, Mattia* ; Neri, Augusto* ; Cioni, Raffaello* ; Pistolesi, Marco* ; Gaunt, Elizabeth* ; Vallejo, Silvia* ; Encalada, Marjorie* ; Yepes, Hugo* ; Proano, Antonio* ; Pique, Mia* 
22021The Independent Volcanic Eruption Source Parameter Archive (IVESPA, version 1.0): A new observational database to support explosive eruptive column model validation and developmentAubry, Thomas J* ; Engwell, Samantha* ; Bonadonna, Costanza* ; Carazzo, Guillaume* ; Scollo, Simona* ; Van Eaton, Alexa R* ; Taylor, Isabelle A* ; Jessop, David* ; Eychenne, Julia* ; Gouhier, Mathieu* ; Mastin, Larry G* ; Wallace, Kristi* ; Biass, Sebastien* ; Bursik, Marcus* ; Grainger, Roy Gordon* ; Jellinek, A. Mark* ; Schmidt, Anja* 
35-Feb-2019Low efficiency of large volcanic eruptions in transporting very fine ash into the atmosphereGouhier, Mathieu* ; Eychenne, Julia* ; Azzaoui, Nourddine* ; Guillin, Arnaud* ; Deslandes, Mathieu* ; Poret, Matthieu* ; Costa, Antonio* ; Husson, Philippe* 
42020Quantifying the Uncertainty of a Coupled Plume and Tephra Dispersal Model: PLUME‐MOM/HYSPLIT Simulations Applied to Andean VolcanoesTadini, Alessandro* ; Roche, Olivier* ; Samaniego, P.* ; Guillin, Arnaud* ; Azzaoui, Nourddine* ; Gouhier, M.* ; de' Michieli Vitturi, Mattia* ; Pardini, Federica* ; Eychenne, Julia* ; Bernard, B.* ; Hidalgo, S.* ; Le Pennec, J. L.* 
52022Standardized analysis of juvenile pyroclasts in comparative studies of primary magma fragmentation; 1. Overview and workflowRoss, Pierre-Simon* ; Dürig, Tobias* ; Comida, Pier Paolo* ; Lefebvre, Nathalie* ; White, James Daniel Lee* ; Andronico, Daniele* ; Thivet, Simon* ; Eychenne, Julia* ; Gurioli, Lucia*