Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Seismicity rate changes and geodetic transients in Central Apennines
    Using template matching and GPS data, we investigate the evolution of seismicity and observable deformation in Central Apennines. Seismicity appears more persistent at the base of the seismogenic layer than in the shallower crust. Diffuse activity is reported on segments at depth, alternating along strike with apparent quiescence on segments that experienced one or more Mw6+ earthquakes in 1997, 2009 and 2016. Central Apennines are likely underlain by a sizeable shear zone with areas of diffuse seismicity bounding shallow normal faults where Mw6+ earthquakes occurred. The deformation observed at the surface seems to follow the seismicity variations at the base of seismogenic layer along the Apenninic chain. Principal and independent component analysis of GPS data exhibits a transient when the 2016 foreshock sequence starts. This transient propagated northward from the Campotosto fault up to the Alto Tiberina fault system and has likely loaded the Mw6+ 2016 earthquake sequence.
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  • Publication
    Precursory slow-slip loaded the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake sequence
    Slow-slip events (SSEs) are common at subduction zone faults where large mega earthquakes occur. We report here that one of the best-recorded moderate size continental earthquake, the 2009 April 6 moment magnitude (Mw) 6.3 L'Aquila (Italy) earthquake, was preceded by a 5.9 Mw SSE that originated from the decollement beneath the reactivated normal faulting system. The SSE is identified from a rigorous analysis of continuous GPS stations and occurred on the 12 February and lasted for almost two weeks. It coincided with a burst in the foreshock activity with small repeating earthquakes migrating towards the main-shock hypocentre as well as with a change in the elastic properties of rocks in the fault region. The SSE has caused substantial stress loading at seismogenic depths where the magnitude 4.0 foreshock and Mw 6.3 main shock nucleated. This stress loading is also spatially correlated with the lateral extent of the aftershock sequence.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Anisotropic gradients in Iran: Quasi-Love waves illuminate the deep structure and deformation style of the Zagros, Alborz, and Kopet Dagh
    We investigate the presence of the quasi-Love wave (qL) at 51 seismic stations of a temporary seismic network across the western Arabia-Eurasia collision zone. We quantify the intensity of the qL observations from the April 12, 2014 Solomon Islands earthquake by calculating the peak-to-peak amplitude ratios of the qL and Love waves, and compare them with predicted qL intensities from previous shear-wave splitting results. We determine the polarity, timing, and period-dependence of the qL observations within the period range of 50–100 s. Our analysis reveals that the qL observations at stations in the Zagros and Alborz mountain belts exhibit opposite characteristics. In contrast to the Alborz stations, the intensity of qL observations at the Zagros stations exhibits relatively negligible dependence on the period, while their receiver-scatterer distances are considerably period dependent. We approximately locate the anisotropic gradients that generate the qL waves. Our results suggest that a lithospheric gap is responsible for the shallow and abrupt variation in the belt-parallel trend of fast-axis orientations in the westernmost part of the Zagros. Additionally, the period/depth dependence of the anisotropic gradients along the boundary between the central Zagros and central Iran provides insight into the variation in the downward dip of the Arabian lithosphere. The anisotropic gradient located to the north of the Doruneh fault in eastern Iran indicates its role as a major shear zone and lithospheric boundary. Finally, we observe that the spatial distribution of the anisotropic gradient in northeastern Iran matches the higher strain rate areas in the Kopet Dagh Mountains, suggesting coupling between the lithospheric mantle and crust in that region.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Postseismic deformation and body forces shaping the Apennines and adjacent sedimentary basins in Umbria-Marche
    (2008-04) ; ;
    Riva, R. E. M.; Dept. of Earth Observation and Space Systems, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
    Aoudia, A.; Earth System Physics Section, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
    The geodynamic complexity of the Apennines and adjacent sedimentary basins in Umbria-Marche (North-Central Italy) makes the dynamics of the present day deformation and its relationships with the seismicity less well understood. In this paper, we argue that, further to buoyancy forces, postseismic deformation of earthquakes taking place on the Apennines contributes to the regional deformation. We investigate the interaction between the normal faulting system responsible of the 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquake sequence (Colfiorito fault) and the low angle normal faulting system bordering the sedimentary basins, namely the Altotiberina fault. We set-up a 2D finite element model of the lithosphere-asthenosphere accounting for lateral heterogeneities and investigate how this heterogeneous structure is capable of localizing strain under the Umbria-Marche sedimentary basins, providing a way for the Colfiorito fault to influence the evolution of the Altotiberina fault. We show how the two different length and time scale processes, namely postseismic deformation and buoyancy, are complementary in shaping the Apennines and adjacent sedimentary basins. The high resolution deformation patterns modeled in this study can hardly be reproduced by a model accounting only for external forces such as a rotating or subducting or retreating Adria.
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  • Publication
    GPS, scaling exponent and past seismicity for seismic hazard assessment in Garhwal–Kumaun, Himalayan region
    The world’s most geologically complex Himalayan arc is well known for its tectonic and seismic activities due to the collision of Indian and Eurasian plates. Based on these elements [global positioning system (GPS) deformation measurements, scaling exponent (D) of the tectonic elements and past seismicity] studied here can contribute to better understanding of dynamics and complexities of earthquakes occurrence in any region. In the present paper, the crustal deformation is analyzed with the 3-year campaign and continuous GPS sites data. The velocity vectors of the sites with IGS05 reference frame ranges from 35 to 50 mm/year and give strain-rate measurements up to 130 9 10 -9 strain/year. Further, the study region was divided into number of blocks of 1° 9 1° that gives different D value based on the presence and distribution of tectonic elements in a particular block. One of the blocks was identified with very high D value of 1.82, where the least seismic activity and extensive convergence due to strain accumulation in comparison with other blocks of higher capacity dimensional value has been observed. Particularly this block lying between latitude 29°N–30°N and longitude 79°E–80°E is considered to be the probable highest seismic hazard zone in the study area. Significance of the combined application of GPS study, scaling exponent and the characteristics of seis- micity are stated as helpful methods in the identification of hazardous zone in the Eastern part of the central seismic gap in the Himalaya or in any active areas of the world
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    First evidences of fast creeping on a long-lasting quiescent earthquake normal-fault in the Mediterranean
    A key issue in our understanding of the earthquake cycle and seismic hazard is the behaviour of an active fault during the interseismic phase. Locked and creeping faults represent two end-members of mechanical behaviours that are given two extreme rupturing hazard levels, that is, high and low, respectively. Geophysical and space geodetic analyses are carried out over the Pollino Range, an extensional environment within the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary, to disclose the behaviour of the long-lasting quiescent Castrovillari normal fault. Fault trenching evidenced at least four large earthquakes (6.5–7.0 M w ) in the past and an elapsed time of 1200 yr since the last event. Inversion of Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and Global Positioning System over a decade shows fast creeping at all depths of the fault plane. The velocity-strengthening creeping zone reaches maximum rates 20 mm yr −1 against an average rate of about 3–9 mm yr −1 . It limits the southern-weakening locked part of the fault. An essential condition for the generation of a large earthquake on the Castrovillari fault, as has occurred in the past, is a rupture through the velocity-strengthening zone. The Castrovillari fault yields the best evidence for being both a strong and weak fault during its earthquake cycle. Creeping at rates faster than its tectonically driven ones, it must thus consist of a mix of unstable and conditionally stable patches ready to sustain a sizeable earthquake. Quantifying and mapping the slip rate over the fault plane is important because they influence fault moment budget estimate and helps to constrain constitutive laws of fault zones. Aseismic slip also redistributes stress in the crust, thereby affecting the locations of future earthquakes.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Seismic Anisotropy and Its Geodynamic Implications in Iran, the Easternmost Part of the Tethyan Belt
    In this study, we use the results of seismic anisotropy as inferred from shear wave splitting analyses of SKS phases to propose a geodynamical model of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone. A detailed analysis of the 202 non-null splitting and 196 null splitting measurements obtained from a dense temporary network are utilized to investigate the possibility of lateral and vertical variations in the anisotropic parameters and the hypothesis of a dipping anisotropic layer. A 2D geodynamical model of the western part of the collision zone is constructed. The preferred 2D model suggests that the belt-parallel orientation of fast axes in the western Zagros originates from a lithospheric transpressional deformation. The plate motion-parallel pattern in central Iran and western Alborz coincides with the decrease in the lithospheric thickness. Thus, we believe this trend has its origin in the asthenosphere. A combination of the keel effect of the thickened Zagros lithosphere, the asthenospheric edge-driven convection flow and the lithospheric deformation in the shear zones can cause the NW-SE oriented splitting pattern reported in some parts of central Iran. The asthenospheric flow beneath the thinner lithosphere to the south of the Bitlis suture in northern Iraq is likely the causative mechanism for our observed plate motion-parallel splittings there. The variation of the convergence obliquity along the Alborz and Zagros inferred from analysis of geodetic data implies that a change in the pattern of lithospheric deformation and the consequent anisotropy is expected.
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  • Publication
    Viscoelastic relaxation and long-lasting after-slip following the 1997 Umbria-Marche (Central Italy) earthquakes
    We combine Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements with forward modelling of vis- coelastic relaxation and after-slip to study the post-seismic deformation of the 1997 Umbria- Marche (Central Apennines) moderate shallow earthquake sequence. Campaign GPS mea- surements spanning the time period 1999–2003 are depicting a clear post-seismic deformation signal. Our results favour a normal faulting rupture model where most of the slip is located in the lower part of the seismogenic upper crust, consistent with the rupture models obtained from the inversion of strong motion data. The preferred rheological model, obtained from viscoelastic relaxation modelling, consists of an elastic upper crust, underlain by a transition zone with a viscosity of 10 18 Pa s, while the rheology of deeper layers is not relevant for the observed time-span. Shallow fault creep and after-slip at the base of the seismogenic upper crust are the first order processes behind the observed post-seismic deformation. The deep after-slip, below the fault zone at about 8 km depth, acting as a basal shear through localized time-dependent deformation, identifies a rheological discontinuity decoupling the seismogenic upper crust from the low-viscosity transition zone.
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  • Publication
    The 2019–2020 Southwest Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence: Seismicity and Faulting
    The 2019–2020 Southwest Puerto Rico earthquake sequence ruptured multiple faults with several moderate magnitude earthquakes. Here, we investigate the seismotecton- ics of this fault system using high-precision hypocenter relocation and inversion of the near-field strong motions of the five largest events in the sequence (5:6 ≤ Mw ≤ 6:4) for kinematic rupture models. The Mw 6.4 mainshock occurred on a northeast-striking, southeast-dipping normal fault. The rupture nucleated offshore ∼ 15 km southeast of Indios at the depth of 8.6 km and extended southwest–northeast and up-dip with an average speed of 1.55 km/s, reaching the seafloor and shoreline after about 8 s. The 6 January 2020 (10:32:23) Mw 5.7 and the 7 January 2020 (11:18:46) Mw 5.8 events occurred on two east–southeast-striking, near-vertical, left-lateral strike-slip faults. However, the 7 January 2020 (08:34:05) Mw 5.6 normal-faulting aftershock, which occurred only 10 min after the Mw 6.4 normal-faulting mainshock, ruptured on a fault with almost the same strike as the mainshock but situated ∼ 8 km farther east, forming a set of parallel faults in the fault system. On 11 January 2020, an Mw 6.0 earthquake occurred on a north–northeast-striking, westing-dipping fault, orthogonal to the faults hosting the strike-slip earthquakes. We apply template matching for the detection of missed, small-magnitude earthquakes to study the spatial evolution of the main part of the sequence. Using the template-matching results along with Global Positioning System analysis, we image the temporal evolution of a foreshock sequence (Caja swarm). We propose that the swarm and the main sequence were a response to a tec- tonic transient that most affected the whole Puerto Rico Island.
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  • Publication
    Postseismic deformation following the 1997 Umbria-Marche (Italy) moderate normal faulting earthquakes
    We combine aftershock strain mapping, GPS measurements and leveling profiles with forward modeling of viscoelastic relaxation to study the postseismic deformation of the 1997 Umbria-Marche (Central Apennines) earthquake sequence. We explore the feasibility of GPS monitoring of postseismic transients, for the first time in Italy, generated by shallow and moderate sources. Our data allow us to distinguish a preferred coseismic faulting model as well as insight into the rheology of the Central Apennines Earth’s crust. The faulting model requires a listric geometry with most of the energy released in the lower half part of the elastic crust. The rheological model consists of an elastic thin upper crust, a transition zone of about 10 18 Pa s underlain by a low-viscosity lower crust, ranging from 10 17 to 10 18 Pa s. The postseismic deformation is, both distributed in the transition zone - lower crust and confined to the fault zone.
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