Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Understanding seismic path biases and magmatic activity at Mount St Helens volcano before its 2004 eruption
    In volcanoes, topography, shallow heterogeneity and even shallow morphology can substan- tially modify seismic coda signals. Coda waves are an essential tool to monitor eruption dynamics and model volcanic structures jointly and independently from velocity anomalies: it is thus fundamental to test their spatial sensitivity to seismic path effects. Here, we apply the Multiple Lapse Time Window Analysis (MLTWA) to measure the relative importance of scattering attenuation vs absorption at Mount St Helens volcano before its 2004 erup- tion. The results show the characteristic dominance of scattering attenuation in volcanoes at lower frequencies (3–6 Hz), while absorption is the primary attenuation mechanism at 12 and 18 Hz. Scattering attenuation is similar but seismic absorption is one order of magnitude lower than at open-conduit volcanoes, like Etna and Kilauea, a typical behaviour of a (rela- tively) cool magmatic plumbing system. Still, the seismic albedo (measuring the ratio between seismic energy emitted and received from the area) is anomalously high (0.95) at 3 Hz. A radiative-transfer forward model of far- and near-field envelopes confirms this is due to strong near-receiver scattering enhancing anomalous phases in the intermediate and late coda across the 1980 debris avalanche and central crater. Only above this frequency and in the far-field diffusion onsets at late lapse times. The scattering and absorption parameters derived from MLTWA are used as inputs to construct 2-D frequency-dependent bulk sensitivity kernels for the S-wave coda in the multiple-scattering (using the Energy Transport Equations—ETE) and diffusive (AD, independent of MLTWA results) regimes. At 12 Hz, high coda-attenuation anomalies characterize the eastern side of the volcano using both kernels, in spatial correla- tion with low-velocity anomalies from literature. At 3 Hz, the anomalous albedo, the forward modelling, and the results of the tomographic imaging confirm that shallow heterogeneity beneath the extended 1980 debris-avalanche and crater enhance anomalous intermediate and late coda phases, mapping shallow geological contrasts. We remark the effect this may have on coda-dependent source inversion and tomography, currently used across the world to image and monitor volcanoes. At Mount St Helens, higher frequencies and deep borehole data are necessary to reconstruct deep volcanic structures with coda waves.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Numerically Calculated 3D Space-Weighting Functions to Image Crustal Volcanic Structures Using Diffuse Coda Waves
    Seismic coda measurements retrieve parameters linked to the physical characteristics of rock volumes illuminated by high frequency scattered waves. Space weighting functions (SWF) and kernels are different tools that model the spatial sensitivity of coda envelopes to scattering and absorption anomalies in these rock matrices, allowing coda-wave attenuation (Qcoda) imaging. This note clarifies the difference between SWF and sensitivity kernels developed for coda wave imaging. It extends the SWF previously developed in 2D to the third dimension by using radiative transfer and the diffusion equation, based on the assumption that variations of Qcoda depend solely on variations of the extinction length. When applied to active data (Deception Island, Antarctica), 3D SWF images strongly resemble 2D images, making this 3D extension redundant. On the other hand, diffusion does not efficiently model coda waveforms when using earthquake datasets spanning depths between 0 and 20 km, such as at Mount St. Helens volcano. In this setting, scattering attenuation and absorption suffer tradeoffs and cannot be separated by fitting a single seismogram energy envelope for SWF imaging. We propose that an approximate analytical 3D SWF, similar in shape to the common coda kernels used in literature, can still be used in a space weighted back-projection approach. While Qcoda is not a physical parameter of the propagation medium, its spatially-dependent modeling allows improved reconstruction of crustal-scale tectonic and geological features. It is even more efficient as a velocity independent imaging tool for magma and fluid storage when applied to deep volcanism
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Crustal Structure of the Seismogenic Volume of the 2010–2014 Pollino (Italy) Seismic Sequence From 3D P- and S-Wave Tomographic Images
    A tomographic analysis of Mt. Pollino area (Italy) has been performed using earthquakes recorded in the area during an intense seismic sequence that occurred between 2010 and 2014. 870 local earthquakes with magnitude ranging from 1.8 to 5.0 were selected considering the number of recording stations, the signal quality, and the hypocenter distribution. P- and S-wave arrival times were manually picked and used to compute 3D velocity models through tomographic seismic inversion. The resulting 3D distributions of VP and VS are characterized by high resolution in the central part of the investigated area and from surface to about 10 km below sea level. The aim of the work is to obtain high- quality tomographic images to correlate with the main lithological units that characterize the study area. The results will be important to enhance the seismic hazard assessment of this complex tectonic region. These images show the ductile Apennine platform (VP = 5.3 km/s) overlaying the brittle Apulian platform (VP=6.0 km/s) at depth of around 5 km. The central sector of the area shows a clear fold and thrust interface. Along this structure,most of the seismicity occurred, including the strongest event of the sequence (M W 5.0). High V P (>6.8 km/s) and high V P /VS (>1.9) patterns, intersecting the southern edge of this western seismogenic volume, have been interpreted as water saturated rocks, in agreement with similar geological context in the Apennines. These fluids could have played a role in nucleation and development of the seismic sequence. A recent study revealed the occurrence of clusters of earthquakes with similar waveforms along the same seismogenic volume. The hypocenters of these cluster events have been compared with the events re-located in this work. Jointly, they depict a 10 km × 4 km fault plane, NW-SE oriented, deepening towards SW with a dip angle of 40–45° . Instead, the volume of seismicity responsible for the M L 4.3 earthquake developed as a mainshock-aftershock sequence, occurring entirely within the average-to-low VP /VS Apennine platform. Our results agree with other independent geophysical analyses carried out in this area, and they could significantly improve the actual knowledge of the main lithologic units of this complex tectonic area.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Fast Changes in Seismic Attenuation of the Upper Crust due to Fracturing and Fluid Migration: The 2016–2017 Central Italy Seismic Sequence
    The Amatrice–Visso–Norcia seismic sequence struck Central Italy across the Apenninic normal fault system in 2016. Fluids likely triggered the sequence and reduced the stability of the fault network following the first earthquake (Amatrice, Mw 6.0), with their migration nucleating the Visso (Mw 5.9) and Norcia (Mw 6.5) mainshocks. However, both spatial extent and mechanisms of fluid migration and diffusion through the network remain unclear. High fluid content, enhanced permeability, and pervasive microcracking increase seismic attenuation, but different processes contribute to different attenuation mechanisms. Here, we measured and mapped peak delay time and coda attenuation, using them as proxies of seismic scattering and absorption before and during the sequence. We observed that the structural discontinuities and lithology control the scattering losses at all frequencies, with the highest scattering delineating carbonate formations within the Gran Sasso massif. The Monti Sibillini thrust marks the strongest contrasts in scattering, indicating a barrier for northward fracture propagation. Absorption does not show any sensitivity to the presence of these main geological structures. Before the sequence, low-frequency high-absorption anomalies distribute around the NW-SE-oriented Apennine Mountain chain. During the sequence, a high-absorption anomaly develops from SSE to NNW across the seismogenic zone but remains bounded north by the Monti Sibillini thrust. We attribute this spatial expansion to the deep migration of CO2-bearing fluids across the strike of the fault network from a deep source of trapped CO2 close to the Amatrice earthquake. Fluids expand SSE-NNW primarily during the Visso sequence and then diffuse across the fault zones during the Norcia sequence.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Scattering Attenuation Images of the Control of Thrusts and Fluid Overpressure on the 2016–2017 Central Italy Seismic Sequence
    Deep fluid circulation likely triggered the large extensional events of the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence. Nevertheless, the connection between fault mechanisms, main crustal-scale thrusts, and the circulation and interaction of fluids with tectonic structures controlling the sequence is still debated. Here, we show that the 3D temporal and spatial mapping of peak delays, proxy of scattering attenuation, detects thrusts and sedimentary structures and their control on fluid overpressure and release. After the mainshocks, scattering attenuation drastically increases across the hanging wall of the Monti Sibillini and Acquasanta thrusts, revealing fracturing and fluid migration. Before the sequence, low-scattering volumes within Triassic formations highlight regions of fluid overpressure, which enhances rock compaction. Our results highlight the control of thrusts and paleogeography on the sequence and hint at the monitoring potential of the technique for the seismic hazard assessment of the Central Apennines and other tectonic regions.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    3-D attenuation image of fluid storage and tectonic interactions across the Pollino fault network
    The Pollino range is a region of slow deformation where earthquakes generally nucleate on low-angle normal faults. Recent studies have mapped fault structures and identified fluid related dynamics responsible for historical and recent seismicity in the area. Here, we apply the coda-normalization method at multiple frequencies and scales to image the 3-D P-wave attenuation (QP) properties of its slowly deforming fault network. The wide-scale average attenuation properties of the Pollino range are typical for a stable continental block, with a dependence of QP on frequency of Q−1 P = (0.0011   0.0008) f (0.36 0.32). Using only waveforms comprised in the area of seismic swarms, the dependence of attenuation on frequency increases [Q−1 P = (0.0373   0.0011) f (−0.59 0.01)], as expected when targeting seismically active faults. A shallow very-low-attenuation anomaly (max depth of 4–5 km) caps the seismicity recorded within the western cluster 1 of the Pollino seismic sequence (2012, maximum magnitude Mw = 5.1). High-attenuation volumes below this anomaly are likely related to fluid storage and comprise the western and northern portions of cluster 1 and the Mercure basin. These anomalies are constrained to the NW by a sharp low-attenuation interface, corresponding to the transition towards the eastern unit of the Apennine Platform under the Lauria mountains. The low-seismicity volume between cluster 1 and cluster 2 (maximum magnitude Mw = 4.3, east of the primary) shows diffuse low-to-average attenuation features. There is no clear indication of fluid-filled pathways between the two clusters resolvable at our resolution. In this volume, the attenuation values are anyway lower than in recognized low-attenuation blocks, like the Lauria Mountain and Pollino Range. As the volume develops in a region marked at surface by small-scale cross-faulting, it suggests no actual barrier between clusters, more likely a system of small locked fault patches that can break in the future. Our model loses resolution at depth, but it can still resolve a 5-to-15-km-deep high-attenuation anomaly that underlies the Castrovillari basin. This anomaly is an ideal deep source for the SE-to-NW migration of historical seismicity. Our novel deep structural maps support the hypothesis that the Pollino sequence has been caused by a mechanism of deep and lateral fluid-induced migration.
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