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  • Publication
    Fluorophlogopite-bearing and carbonate metamorphosed xenoliths from theCampanian Ignimbrite (Fiano, southern Italy): crystal chemical, geochemical and volcanological insights
    Fluorine-, boron- and magnesium-rich metamorphosed xenoliths occur in the Campanian Ignimbrite deposits at Fiano (southern Italy), at ∼50 km northeast of the sourced volcanic area. These rocks originated from Mesozoic limestones of the Campanian Apennines, embedded in a fluid flow. The Fiano xenoliths studied consist of ten fluorophlogopite-bearing calc-silicate rocks and five carbonate xenoliths, characterized by combining mineralogical analyses with whole-rock and stable isotope data. The micaceous xenoliths are composed of abundant idiomorphic fluorophlogopite, widespread fluorite, F-rich chondrodite, fluoborite, diopside, Fe(Mg)-oxides, calcite, humite, K-bearing fluoro-richterite and grossular. Of the five mica-free xenoliths, two are calcite marbles, containing subordinate fluorite and hematite, and three are weakly metamorphosed carbonates, composed only of calcite. The crystal structure and composition of fluorophlogopite approach that of the end-member. The Fiano xenoliths are enriched in trace elements with respect to the primary limestones. Comparisons between the rare-earth element (REE) patterns of the Fiano xenoliths and those of both Campanian Ignimbrite and Somma-Vesuvius marble and carbonate xenoliths showthat the Fiano pattern overlaps that of Somma-Vesuvius marble and carbonate xenoliths, and reproduces the trend of Campanian Ignimbrite rocks. Values of δ13C and δ18O depict the same trend of depletion in the heavy isotopes observed in the Somma-Vesuvius nodules, and is related to thermometamorphism. Trace-element distribution, paragenesis, stable isotope geochemistry and data modelling point to infiltration of steam enriched in F, B,Mg and As into carbonate rocks at a temperature of ∼300–450°C during the emplacement of the Campanian Ignimbrite.
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  • Publication
    The Cristal Zn prospect (Amazonas region, Northern Peru). Part II: An example of supergene enrichments in tropical areas
    The Cristal Zn prospect is located in the northernmost part of a wide mining district corresponding to the “Charlotte Bongará Zinc Project”, which covers an area of approximately 110 km2 in the Amazonas region in northern Peru. The mineralized area consists of many Zn occurrences that contain mixed sulfide and nonsulfide mineralizations. The nonsulfide ores are interpreted to be the product of weathering of primary MVT sulfide bodies. The Zn concentrations of the Cristal prospect are hosted by platform carbonates of the Condorsinga Formation (Early Jurassic), which belongs to the Pucará Group. The prospect extends over an area of approximately 2×1 km, with nearly continuous zones of Zn enrichment that has been detected in soil and rock samples. The nonsulfide mineralization consists mainly of semi-amorphous orange to brown zinc “oxides” that include hemimorphite, smithsonite and Fe-(hydr)oxides. The most important mineralized areas are the Esperanza and Yolanda occurrences, which were also most intensively explored. In both occurrences, the supergene Zn-carbonates and silicates infill solution cavities, or replace the carbonate host rocks and/or the primary sulfides, forming smithsonite- and hemimorphite-rich mineralizations. The analyzed drill core samples have on average 20 wt% Zn and maximum Ge concentrations of 200 ppm. The Bongará area experienced a prolonged phase of weathering from Miocene to Recent under tropical climatic conditions. In these conditions, the weathering processes affected many pre-existing sulfide deposits (e.g. Cristal, Florida Canyon, Mina Grande), where supergene profiles were developed under locally different settings that are defined primarily on the basis of mineralogical and geochemical data. Contrary to the Mina Grande deposit, at Cristal, the development of a karst network was minor due to limited uplift, and supergene alteration did not completely obliterate the roots of the original sulfide orebody. The mineralogy and geochemistry of Bongará nonsulfides is dependent on two main factors at the local scale: (1) uplift rates, and (2) host rock composition. The latter may have favored the development of more (e.g. Mina Grande) or less (e.g. Cristal) alkaline supergene environments. Uplift was controlled by the activity of local faults, which allowed the exposure of sulfide protores at variable elevations in different periods of time and hydrological settings. Such different settings resulted in the precipitation of isotopically different supergene carbonates (e.g. smithsonites and calcites at Mina Grande and Cristal).
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