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Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine
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Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.031 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12016Combined Sr-Nd isotopic and geochemical fingerprinting as a tool for identifying tephra layers: Application to deep-sea cores from Eastern Mediterranean SeaD'Antonio, Massimo* ; Mariconte, R* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; Carandente, Antonio* ; Perugini, Diego* ; Petrelli, Maurizio* ; Corselli, Cesare* ; Orsi, Giovanni* ; Principato, M. S.* ; Civetta, Lucia* 
22018Coupled δ18O-δ17O and 87Sr/86Sr isotope compositions suggest a radiogenic and 18O-enriched magma source for Neapolitan volcanoes (Southern Italy)Iovine, Raffaella Silvia* ; Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; Wörner, Gerhard* ; Pelullo, Carlo* ; Cirillo, Gianluca* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; Pack, Andreas* ; D’Antonio, Massimo* 
3Jul-2017Evidence for an intra-oceanic affinity of the serpentinized peridotites from the Mt. Pollino ophiolites (Southern Ligurian Tethys): Insights into the peculiar tectonic evolution of the Southern ApenninesMazzeo, F. C.* ; Zanetti, A.* ; Aulinas, M.* ; Petrosino, P.* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; D'Antonio, M.* 
42018Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of alkaline mafic igneous rocks from Punta delle Pietre Nere (Gargano, Southern Italy)Mazzeo, F. C.* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; Aulinas, M.* ; Casalini, M.* ; Di Renzo, V.* ; D’Antonio, Massimo* 
52016New constraints on the origin of the ophiolitic rocks within sinorogenic turbiditic sequences at Cilento region (southern Italy)Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; De Vita, P* ; Aulinas, Meritxell* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; Cirillo, Gianluca* ; Iovine, Raffaella Silvia* ; Sparice, Domenico* 
61-Apr-2017New proximal tephras at Somma-Vesuvius: evidences of a pre-caldera, large (?) explosive eruptionSparice, Domenico* ; Scarpati, Claudio* ; Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; Petrosino, Paola* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; Gisbert, Guillem* ; Petrelli, Maurizio* 
72016Open-system magma evolution and fluid transfer at Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern Italy) during the past 5 ka as revealed by geochemical and isotopic data: The example of the Nisida eruptionArienzo, Ilenia* ; Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; Moretti, Roberto* ; Cavallo, Andrea* ; D'Antonio, Massimo* 
82019The San Gregorio Magno lacustrine basin (Campania, southern Italy): improved characterization of the tephrostratigraphic markers based on trace elements and isotopic dataPetrosino, Paola* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; Natale, J* ; Petrelli, Maurizio* ; Milia, Alfonsa* ; Perugini, Diego* ; D’Antonio, M.* ; Pascolis, N* 
91-Feb-2017Source and magmatic evolution inferred from geochemical and Sr-O-isotope data on hybrid lavas of Arso, the last eruption at Ischia island (Italy; 1302AD)Iovine, Raffaella Silvia* ; Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; D’Antonio, Massimo* ; Wörner, Gerhard* ; Civetta, Lucia* ; Pastore, Zeudia* ; Orsi, Giovanni* 
102014SR ISOTOPIC MICROANALYSIS AT THE RADIOGENIC ISOTOPE LABORATORY OF THE ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI GEOFISICA E VULCANOLOGIA, SEZIONE DI NAPOLI - OSSERVATORIO VESUVIANOArienzo, Ilenia* ; Di Renzo, Valeria* ; Minolfi, Giulia* ; Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; Carandente, Antonio* ; Belviso, Pasquale* ; D'Antonio, Massimo* ; Orsi, Giovanni* ; Civetta, Lucia* 
112014Subduction-related enrichment of the Neapolitan volcanoes (Southern Italy) mantle source: New constraints on the characteristics of the slab-derived componentsMazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; D'Antonio, Massimo* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; Aulinas, Meritxell* ; Di Renzo, Valeria* ; Gimeno, D* 
12Feb-2017Timescales of magmatic processes prior to the ∼4.7 ka Agnano-Monte Spina eruption (Campi Flegrei caldera, Southern Italy) based on diffusion chronometry from sanidine phenocrystsIovine, Raffaella Silvia* ; Fedele, Lorenzo* ; Mazzeo, Fabio Carmine* ; Arienzo, Ilenia* ; Cavallo, Andrea* ; Wörner, Gerhard* ; Orsi, Giovanni* ; Civetta, Lucia* ; D’Antonio, Massimo*