Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Stratification at the Earth's largest hyperacidic lake and its consequences
    Volcanic lakes provide windows into the interior of volcanoes as they integrate the heat flux discharged by a magma body and condense volcanic gases. Volcanic lake temperatures and geochemical compositions therefore typically serve as warnings for resumed unrest or prior to eruptions. If acidic and hot, these lakes are usually considered to be too convective to allow any stratification within their waters. Kawah Ijen volcano, featuring the largest hyperacidic lake on Earth (volume of 27 millionm3), is less homogeneous than previously thought. Hourly temperature measurements reveal the development of a stagnant layer of cold waters (<30◦C), overlying warmer and denser water (generally above 30◦C and density ∼1.083 kg/m3). Examination of 20yrs of historical records and temporary measurements show a systematic thermal stratification during rainy seasons. The yearly rupture of stratification at the end of the rainy season causes a sudden release of dissolved gases below the cold water layer which appears to generate a lake overturn, i.e. limnic eruption, and a resonance of the lake, i.e. a seiche, highlighting a new hazard for these extreme reservoirs. A minor non-volcanic event, such as a heavy rainfall or an earthquake, may act as a trigger. The density driven overturn requires specific salinity-temperature conditions for the colder and less saline top water layer to sink into the hot saline water. Spectacular degassing occurs when the dissolved gases, progressively stored during the rainy season due to a weakened diffusion of carbon dioxide in the top layer, are suddenly released. These findings challenge the homogenization assumption at acidic lakes and stress the need to develop appropriate monitoring setups.
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  • Publication
    Dukono, the predominant source of volcanic degassing in Indonesia, sustained by a depleted Indian-MORB
    Located on Halmahera island, Dukono is among the least known volcanoes in Indonesia. A compilation of the rare available reports indicates that this remote and hardly accessible volcano has been regularly in eruption since 1933, and has undergone nearly continuous eruptive manifestation over the last decade. The first study of its gas emissions, presented in this work, highlights a huge magmatic volatile contribution into the atmosphere, with an estimated annual output of about 290 kt of SO2, 5000 kt of H2O, 88 kt of CO2, 5 kt of H2S and 7 kt of H2. Assuming these figures are representative of the long-term continuous eruptive activity, then Dukono is the current most prominent volcanic gas discharge point in Indonesia and ranks among the top-ten volcanic SO2 sources on earth. Combining our findings with other recent volcanic SO2 flux results, obtained during periodic campaigns at a number of volcanoes with DOAS and UV-Cameras, the SO2 emission budget for Indonesia is estimated at 540 kt year−1, representing 2–3% of the global volcanic SO2 contribution into the atmosphere. This figure should be considered as minimum as gas emissions from numerous other active volcanoes in Indonesia are yet to be evaluated. This voluminous degassing output from Dukono is sustained by a depleted Indian-MORB (I-MORB) mantle source. This latter is currently undergoing lateral pressure from the steepening of the subducted slab, the downward force from the Philippine Sea plate and the westward motion of a continental fragments along the Sorong fault, leading to high fluid fluxes to the surface. Over the course of Dukono eruptive activity, the magma reservoir has changed from a less differentiated source that fed the past voluminous lava flows to a more evolved melt that sustained the current ongoing explosive activity.
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