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  • Publication
    Geophysical surveys in the residence of the Antonini Emperors (Genzano, Rome)
    During the excavation (2010-2011) in the residence of Antonini Emperor (probably, that it may be the property of Aurelio Fulvio and perhaps lived there the last of Antonini: Emperor Marcus Aurelius), they have been carried out the magnetic survey differential, GPR's relief and a electromagnetic survey (Slingram Method). The geophysics methods exploit the different physical characteristics of the rocks, sediments and structures present in the soil, physical characteristics such as density, electrical conductibility and the magnetic susceptibility (Di Filippo et al., 2005). As a function of such characteristics, it is chosen the geophysics method that it's more suitable; but it's more resolutive the integration of multiple geophysics methods. In the case that we have studied, keeping in mind the different level of resolution, relative to the methods used, they were discussed the following issues: characterization of the subsoil (differentiation of materials that incorporate the archeological structures and the others underlying layers), localization of archeological structures that it's present in the subsoil. Combining the most significant results, it is proposed a synthetic map, in which it is present the contribute of the methods used. the representation in a single map, it's only of the help for checking visually where there is the greater correspondence between magnetic anomaly, radar and conductibility (Di Filippo et al., 2006). The difficulty of reading the geophysic's signals it's abates when the prospecting's results were integrated and determine for the next archaeological excavations. From to All the three methods, horizontal magnetic's gradient, target GPR and Sligram's form of investigation, they had with how result the presence of a structure, with elliptical contour: the rapport between axis it's similarity at roman's amphitheater. The subsequent excavation (2012-2013), it has brought to light a small amphitheater, It is supposed to be the place where the Commodo, figure 1, (Roman emperor, member of the Antonine dynasty; He reigned 180-192, It is described by historians as bizarre and depraved), Marcus Aurelius's son, trained how gladiator.
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