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  • Publication
    An adjoint-based FEM optimization of coseismic displacements following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: new insights for the limits of the upper plate rebound
    (2014-10) ; ; ;
    Pulvirenti, F.; Comsol Multiphysics GmbH, 37073 Gottingen, Germany
    Jin, S.; Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200030, China
    Aloisi, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia
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    The 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake was the strongest event recorded in recent historic seismicity in Japan. Several researchers reported the deformation and possible mechanism as triggered by a mega thrust fault located offshore at the interface between the Pacific and the Okhotsk Plate. The studies to estimate the deformation in detail and the dynamics involved are still in progress. In this paper, coseismic GPS displacements associated with Tohoku earthquake are used to infer the amount of slip on the fault plane. Starting from the fault displacements configuration proposed by Caltech-JPL ARIA group and Geoazur CNRS, an optimization of these displacements is performed by developing a 3D finite element method (FEM) model, including the data of GPS-acoustic stations located offshore. The optimization is performed for different scenarios which include the presence of topography and bathymetry (DEM) as well as medium heterogeneities. By mean of the optimized displacement distribution for the most complete case (heterogeneous with DEM), a broad slip distribution, not narrowly centered east of hypocenter, is inferred. The resulting displacement map suggests that the beginning of the area of subsidence is not at east of MYGW GPS-acoustic station, as some researchers have suggested, and that the area of polar reversal of the vertical displacement is rather located at west of MYGW. The new fault slip distribution fits well for all the stations at ground and offshore and provides new information on the earthquake generation process and on the kinematics of Northern Japan area.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    A New Analysis of Caldera Unrest through the Integration of Geophysical Data and FEM Modeling: The Long Valley Caldera Case Study
    The Long Valley Caldera, located at the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada range in California, has been in a state of unrest since the late 1970s. Seismic, gravity and geodetic data strongly suggest that the source of unrest is an intrusion beneath the caldera resurgent dome. However, it is not clear yet if the main contribution to the deformation comes from pulses of ascending high-pressure hydrothermal fluids or low viscosity magmatic melts. To characterize the nature of the intrusion, we developed a 3D finite element model which includes topography and crust heterogeneities. We first performed joint numerical inversions of uplift and Electronic Distance Measurement baseline length change data, collected during the period 1985–1999, to infer the deformation-source size, position, and overpressure. Successively, we used this information to refine the source overpressure estimation, compute the gravity potential and infer the intrusion density from the inversion of deformation and gravity data collected in 1982–1998. The deformation source is located beneath the resurgent dome, at a depth of 7.5 ± 0.5 km and a volume change of 0.21 ± 0.04 km3. We assumed a rhyolite compressibility of 0.026 ± 0.0011 GPa−1 (volume fraction of water between 0% and 30%) and estimated a reservoir compressibility of 0.147 ± 0.037 GPa−1. We obtained a density of 1856 ± 72 kg/m3. This density is consistent with a rhyolite melt, with 20% to 30% of dissolved hydrothermal fluids.
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  • Publication
    Magma, faults, and gravitational loading at Mount Etna: The 2002–2003 eruptive period
    (2011-05-13) ; ; ; ;
    Aloisi, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia
    Mattia, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia
    Monaco, C.; Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania
    Pulvirenti, F.; Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania
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    Mount Etna is characterized by a complex structural setting that influences its evolution. In order to understand how the interaction between dike-forming intrusions and faulting influences the kinematics of the volcanic edifice, we developed a numerical model. It takes account of the topography, the medium heterogeneities, the gravitational loading, and the most active crustal discontinuities. A parameterization of the apparent coefficient of friction, as a function of the depth, has been considered in the range from 0.01 to 0.5. The density values used, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio range from about 1700 to 3200 kg/m3, 8.5 to 140 GPa, and 0.15 to 0.35, respectively. The model was applied to the 2002–2003 Etna eruption. The resulting deformation pattern was in agreement with the data provided by the continuous GPS stations and the seismological knowledge, obtaining displacements up to 1 m. Some discrepancies between the recorded ground deformation field and the modeled displacements allowed us to make some hypotheses on the volcano-tectonic (e.g., for the Pernicana fault) or regional-tectonic origin (Acireale – S. Alfio fault system) of the crustal discontinuities. Moreover, our results suggested that the Pernicana fault is characterized by a very low apparent coefficient of friction, less than 0.1. Furthermore, we evaluated the contribution of the gravitational loading and found that it implies a variation of about 10% of the overall deformation pattern. Our results clearly showed that the weight of the volcanic edifice acts in opposition to the magmatic intrusions. Conversely, we found that the presence of medium heterogeneities may favor the eastern flank movements toward the SE and the spreading of the summit area, playing a fundamental role in ascending magma. Finally, we investigated the shallow sliding model and found that dike-forming intrusions produce negligible displacements, less than 1 mm, along the subhorizontal detachment surface. Therefore, the gravitational loading during dike-forming intrusions is not able to trigger sliding processes along this plane.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Time-dependent Coulomb stress changes induced by the 2002-2003 Etna magmatic intrusions and implications on following seismic activities
    (2017-09) ; ; ;
    Pulvirenti, F.; Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
    Aloisi, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia
    Jin, S.; Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
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    In this paper, the relationship between the dike-forming magmatic intrusions and the faulting process at Mount Etna is investigated in terms of Coulomb stress changes. As case study, a complete time-dependent 3-D finite element model for the 2002-2003 eruption at Mount Etna is presented. In the model, which takes into account the topography, medium heterogeneities and principal fault systems in a viscoelastic/plastic rheology, we sequentially activated three dike-forming processes and looked at the induced temporal evolution of the Coulomb stress changes, during the co-intrusive and post-intrusive periods, on Pernicana and Santa Venerina faults. We investigated where and when fault slips were encouraged or not, and consequently how earthquakes may have been triggered. Results show positive Coulomb stress changes for the Pernicana Fault in accordance to the time, location and depth of the 27th October 2002 Pernicana earthquake (Md = 3.5). The amount of Coulomb stress changes in the area of Santa Venerina Fault, as induced by dike-forming intrusions only, is instead almost negligible and, probably, not sufficient to trigger the 29th October Santa Venerina earthquake (Md = 4.4), occurred two days after the start of the eruption. The necessary Coulomb stress change value to trigger this earthquake is instead reached if we consider it as induced by the 27th October Pernicana biggest earthquake, combined with the dike-induced stresses.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    The December 2015 Mount Etna eruption: An analysis of inflation/deflation phases and faulting processes
    During the first days of December 2015, there were four paroxysmal events at the “Voragine” crater onMount Etna, which were among the most violent observed during the last two decades. A few days afterthe “Voragine” paroxysms, the Pernicana – Provenzana fault system, located near the crater area, under-went an intense seismic swarm with a maximum “local” magnitude MLof 3.6. This paper investigatesthe relationship between the eruptive phenomenon and the faulting process in terms of Coulomb stresschanges. The recorded seismicity is compatible with a multicausal stress redistribution inside the volcanoedifice, occurring after the four paroxysmal episodes that interrupted the usual trend of inflation observedat Mt. Etna. The recorded seismicity falls within the framework of a complex chain of various and inter-correlated processes that started with the inflation preparing the “Voragine” magmatic activity. This wasfollowed with the rapid deflation of the volcano edifice during the paroxysmal episodes. We determinedthat the recorded deflation was not the direct cause of the seismic swarm. In fact, the associated Coulombstress change, in the area of seismic swarm, was of about −1 [bar]. Instead, the fast deflation caused therarely observed inversion of dislocation in the eastern flank at the same time as intense hydrothermalactivity that, consequently, underwent an alteration. This process probably reduced the friction along thefault system. Then, the new phase of inflation, observed at the end of the magmatic activity, triggeredthe faulting processes.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    The 2011-2019 Long Valley Caldera inflation: New insights from separation of superimposed geodetic signals and 3D modeling
    Increasingly accurate, and spatio-temporally dense, measurements of Earth surface movements enable us to identify multiple deformation patterns and highlight the need to properly characterize the related source processes. This is particularly important in tectonically active areas, where deformation measurement is crucial for monitoring ongoing processes and assessing future hazard. Long Valley Caldera, California, USA, is a volcanic area where frequent episodes of unrest involve inflation and increased seismicity. Ground- and satellite-based instruments show that volcanic inflation renewed in 2011, and is continuing as of early 2021. Additionally, Long Valley Caldera is affected by the large, but spatially and temporally variable, amounts of precipitation falling on the adjacent Sierra Nevada Range. The density and long duration of deformation measurements at Long Valley Caldera provide an excellent collection of data to decompose time-series and separate multiple superimposed deformation sources. We analyze Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) time-series and apply variational Bayesian Independent Component Analysis (vbICA) decomposition method to isolate inflation-related signals from other processes. We show that hydrological forcing causes significant horizontal and vertical deformation at different temporal (seasonal and multiyear) and spatial (few to hundreds of km) scales that cannot be ignored while analyzing and modeling the tectonic signal. Focusing on the last inflation episode, we then improve on prior simplistic models of the inflation reservoir by including heterogeneous subsurface material properties and topography. Our results suggest the persistence and stability of the reservoir (prolate ellipsoid at about 8 km beneath the resurgent dome) and indicate a 40-50% reduction of the inflation rate after about 3 years from the inflation onset. The onset of the reduced inflation rate corresponded in time with the occurrence of a strong seismic swarm in the Caldera, but also to the temporal variation of climatic conditions in the area.
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  • Publication
    Present-day kinematics and deformation processes in the southern Tyrrhenian region: new insights on the northern Sicily extensional belt
    We performed a new analysis of updated and accurate sets of seismic and GNSS data relative to the southern Tyrrhenian region. Detailed velocity field and crustal strain distribution coming from integration of episodic and continuous measurements at more than 160 geodetic sites (spanning the 1994-2015 period) have been evaluated together with the spatial distribution of recent seismicity and an updated catalogue of waveform inversion fault-plane solutions relative to the period 1976-2014. In agreement with previous investigations, we have found that the kinematics of the study area is quite homogeneous except for the north-eastern corner of Sicily which moves almost coherently with southern Calabria in response to the SE-ward rollback of the Ionian slab. The rest of the study region shows a NNW-trending velocity field in agreement with the direction of the Nubia-Eurasia convergence and it is mainly interested by a major compressive domain. NNW-oriented compression is particularly highlighted by seismic data along the E-W trending seismic belt located in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. In the framework of such compressive regime, the E-W trending extensional domain of northern Sicily is also clearly depicted both by seismic and geodetic data. The cause of this extensional domain framed inside a mainly compressive one represents an open question in the recent scientific debate. Comparisons between our results and literature information on regional geology and crustal structure led us to investigate whether the extension could occur as local response to the thrusting dynamics of the southern Tyrrhenian belt, favoured by the presence of pre-existing weakness zones. We then propose a first attempt to evaluate such a possible causal relationship by means of Finite Element Method (FEM) and Coulomb Stress Change (CSC) modelling. In particular, we adopted a FEM approach to investigate the deformation pattern produced by thrust faulting of southern Tyrrhenian belt, along a 2D profile crossing both the compressive belt and the extensional one in northern Sicily. We also estimated the CSC due to the thrust faulting on normal receiving faults fairly reproducing pre-existing structures of northern Sicily. Modelling results indicate that the thrust faulting activity along the Southern Tyrrhenian compressive margin could be effective in promoting extensional processes in northern Sicily. We have so shown that the local response to thrust faulting activity may concur, even in combination with other processes, to generate the crustal stretching of northern Sicily.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    New fault slip distribution for the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor Cucapah earthquake based on realistic 3D finite element inversions of coseismic displacements using space geodetic data
    In this work we investigate the 4 April, 2010, Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah (EMC) earthquake. Existing studies modeled the EMC area as an elastic half-space in a homogeneous or vertically layered structure, which, along with differences in data and inversion methodologies, led to considerable variability in the resultant fault slip models. To investigate the EMC earthquake more realistically, we first examine how published coseismic fault slip models have approached the problem and what are their findings, then we select the optimal geometry and slip of one most recent and comprehensive coseismic fault slip model, obtained through analytical inversions, and adapt them in a three-dimensional finite element numerical environment where we assess the effects of topography and material heterogeneities. Numerically optimized slip models are obtained via joint inversion of GPS, interferometric synthetic aperture radar and subpixel offset datasets. We find the effect of topography to be negligible while the inclusion of material heterogeneities enhances the slip at depth, as might be expected where the medium has higher rigidity, and better fits the displacements at both near and far field, especially around the Salton Sea area. The match with geodetic data is significantly improved when the fault slip is increased at the fault planes close to the epicenter and deeper at the southernmost plane, with respect to the slip of the chosen analytical model. Our findings suggest that this earthquake was associated with a higher and more spatially concentrated slip than previously thought implying a greater stress drop at depth.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Dynamics of volcanic vortex rings
    Vortex rings can easily be generated in the laboratory or with homemade devices, but they have also been observed on volcanoes, since the eighteenth century. However, the physical conditions under which volcanic vortex rings form are still unknown. In order to better understand this phenomenon and provide clues on the dynamics of the volcanic vortex rings, we performed a series of finite element simulations to investigate which model configuration leads to the rings formation that best matches the field observations. Results show that the formation of volcanic vortex rings requires a combination of fast gas release from gas bubbles (slugs) at the top of the magma conduit and regularity in the shape of the emitting vent. Our findings offer important insights into the geometry of the uppermost portion of vortex-forming volcanic conduits. Volcanic vortex ring studies may form the basis for a cross-disciplinary assessment of the upper conduit dynamics of volcanic vents.
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