Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Future extension of the super dual auroral radar network
    This paper briefly reviews some planned future developments of the Super- DARN radar network and in particular the two Dome C radars which will fill the azimuthal gaps which still affect the coverage of the southern auroral and polar ionosphere.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    The effects of an interplanetary shock on the high-latitude ionospheric convection during an IMF By-dominated period
    On 6 January 1998 an interplanetary shock hit the magnetosphere around 14:15 UT and caused a reconfiguration of the northern high-latitude ionospheric convection. We use SuperDARN, spacecraft and ground magnetometer data to study such reconfiguration. We find that the shock front was tilted towards the morning flank of the magnetosphere, while the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) was By-dominated, with By<0, IMF Bz>0 and |By|>>Bz. As expected, the magnetospheric compression started at the first impact point of the shock on the magnetopause causing an increase of the Chapman-Ferraro current from dawn to dusk and yielding an increase of the geomagnetic field at the geostationary orbit and on the ground. Moreover, the high-latitude magnetometer data show vortical structures clearly related to the interaction of the shock with the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. In this context, the SuperDARN convection maps show that at very high latitudes above the northern Cusp and in the morning sector, intense sunward convection fluxes appear, well correlated in time with the SI arrival, having a signature typical for Bz>0 dominated lobe reconnection. We suggest that in this case the dynamic pressure increase associated to the shock plays a role in favouring the setting up of a new lobe merging line albeit |By|>>Bz>0.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Effects on SuperDARN HF radar echoes of sudden impulses of solar wind dynamic pressure
    In this work we perform a statistical analysis of the ionospheric echo response observed by six radars of the SuperDARN network in the Northern Hemisphere, over 236 Sudden Impulses (SI) of solar wind dynamic pressure events (from 1997 through 2000). For that purpose, we make use of MRS, the Mean Rate of Scattering, as a function of time during the SI event. We classify the events in sudden increases (I events, 144 cases) and decreases (D events, 92 cases) of the solar wind dynamic pressure. Moreover, we make use of the AE index to define two distinct conditions of the ionosphere under which each event may take place: Quiet and Disturbed. Regarding Quiet conditions, for both I and D events, we find that MRS displays an increase related to the SI time. On the contrary, for Disturbed conditions, D events display an increase in MRS, while I events show a clear dip. The similarity of response for I and D events under Quiet conditions is briefly discussed, but the smaller number of D events does not allow one to further analyse them. As for the I events, a latitudinal analysis shows that the MRS increase for Quiet conditions is seen both at low latitudes (60 −70 3) and at high latitudes (70 −80 3); for Disturbed Is the MRS decrease is stronger at high latitudes. We suggest that the MRS increase for Quiet Is can be due to two different mechanisms: 1) a soft electron precipitation induced by Field Line Resonances (FLR) or loss cone instability at lower latitudes; 2) an enlargement of the cusp at higher latitudes, which in turn may induce enhanced particle precipitation. For what concerns Disturbed Is, the MRS decrease can be produced by a higher energy electron precipitation (>1 keV), that enhances the electron density in the E and D regions. This provokes a strong absorbtion of the radio waves in the D region and a higher refraction in the E region, leading to a decrease in MRS, especially at higher latitudes.
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