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  • Publication
    Tracking Scheme Dependence of Simulated Tropical Cyclone Response to Idealized Climate Simulations
    (2014) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Horn, M.; Melbourne University
    Walsh, K.; Melbourne University
    Zhao, M.; GFDL
    Camargo, S.; Columbia University NY
    Scoccimarro, E.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Bologna, Bologna, Italia
    Murakami, H.; GFDL
    Ballinger, A.; Princeton University
    Wang, H.; NOAA
    Kumar, A.; NOAA
    Shaewitz, D.; Columbia University NY
    Jonas, J. A.; NASA
    Oouchi, K.; IPRC/MRI
    ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Future tropical cyclone activity is a topic of great scientific and societal interest. In the absence of a climate theory of tropical cyclogenesis, general circulation models are the primary tool available for investigating the issue. However, the identification of tropical cyclones in model data at moderate resolution is complex, and numerous schemes have been developed for their detection. We here examine the influence of different tracking schemes on detected tropical cyclone activity and responses in the Hurricane Working Group experiments. These are idealized atmospheric general circulation model experiments aimed at determining and distinguishing the effects of increased sea-surface temperature and other increased CO2 effects on tropical cyclone activity. We apply two tracking schemes to these data and also analyze the tracks provided by each modelling group. Our results indicate moderate agreement between the different tracking methods, with some models and experiments showing better agreement across schemes than others. When comparing responses between experiments, we find that much of the disagreement between schemes is due to differences in duration, wind speed, and formation-latitude thresholds. After homogenisation in these thresholds, agreement between different tracking methods is improved. However, much disagreement remains, accountable for by more fundamental differences between the tracking schemes. Our results indicate that sensitivity testing and selection of objective thresholds are the key factors in obtaining meaningful, reproducible results when tracking tropical cyclones in climate model data at these resolutions, but that more fundamental differences between tracking methods can also have a significant impact on the responses in activity detected.
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