Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Turbulence variability in the upper layers of the Southern Adriatic Sea under a variety of atmospheric forcing conditions
    (2012-02) ; ; ; ; ;
    Carniel, Sandro; CNR-ISMAR
    Kantha, L.H.; Univ. of Colorado
    Book, J.W.; NRL Stennis, USA
    Prandks, H.; ISW Germany
    Sclavo, Mauro; CNR-ISMAR
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    As part of the DART06B observational campaign in late August 2006, a microstructure profiler was deployed to make turbulence measurements in the upper layers of the Southern Adriatic Sea. Of the nearly 300 total casts, 163 were made near Station B90, where various moorings were deployed in the 90 m deep water column to measure water column properties and meteorological and surface wave conditions. We were able to measure turbulence properties in the upper layers under a variety of atmospheric forcing conditions that included strong wind forcing, night-time convection, mixed convection and wind forcing, weak wind forcing and strong insolation. The resulting dataset provides a kaleidoscope of turbulence properties and turbulent mixing above, below and in the strong pycnocline present at a depth of 15 to 25 m in the coastal waters of the Southern Adriatic Sea during late summer. A slightly modified scaling of the dissipation rate of turbulence kinetic energy in the mixed layer (ML), based on the observed friction velocity u* and the surface buoyancy flux Jb0, reproduces the measured values reasonably well. In the interior, below the ML, the dissipation rate scales like , where LT is the Thorpe scale and N is the buoyancy frequency. Analysis of velocity and density profile measurements from Station B90 and the nearby station B75 suggest that anticyclonic eddies and near-inertial waves can interact in these coastal waters to produce significant horizontal advective density fluxes in the pycnocline.
      287  219
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Integrated Numerical Models in Coastal Areas: An Example of Their Application in the North Adriatic Sea
    (ARPA EMR, 2012) ; ; ; ;
    Carniel, Sandro
    Sclavo, Mauro
    Tondello, Massimo
    Ciavola, Paolo
    Oddo, P
    Recent decades have witnessed considerable developments in the field of integrated numerical models used for simulating dynamic processes in coastal areas, that can now provide quantitative support to decision makers for questions such as erosion and coastal vulnerability. Improvements in various theoretical formulations and an on-going increase in computing power (alongside the growing availability of long-term observations and numerical output from meteorological and sea-state models) allow the implementation of high-resolution and long-term applications.However, the efficient use of these numerical tools is a function of their capacity to describe a variety of physical processes that are ‘integrated’ amongst themselves correctly. Indeed, from the air-sea interface to the turbulent mixing of water masses and the water-sediment interaction, integrated numerical modelling has to face a series of scientific and practical challenges still open. Examples include the non-linear interaction of waves and currents, the problem of turbulence, the modelling of resuspension and sediment-transport processes, the role of longperiod waves in generating beach and dune erosion. Dealing with these using numerical models is necessary for a variety of reasons, from protecting the coast to search-and-rescue activities and support for marine construction work of all types.
      314  290
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Climatology of the Central-Northern Adriatic Sea
    (InTech, 2012) ; ; ; ;
    Russo, Aniello
    Carniel, Sandro
    Sclavo, Mauro
    Krzelj, Maja
    It is well know that the ocean processes exert a great influence on global climate as well as affect the local climate of coastal areas (Russo et al., 2002). Within the Mediterranean region (see Fig. 1a), the presence of the Adriatic Sea influences the atmospheric properties of the surrounding regions over long and short time-scales, and has obviously a relevant influence on human activities and ecosystems (Boldrin et al., 2009).This Chapter will describe the main climatological characteristics of the northern-central Adriatic Sea (see Figure 1b) assessed on a human time-scale, i.e. the last few decades.
      199  301
  • Publication
    Layered structures in the upper Ligurian Sea
    (2010) ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Carniel, S.; CNR-ISMAR
    Kantha, L.; Univ. of Colorado
    Bergamasco, A.; CNR-ISMAR
    Prandke, H.; ISW
    Small, R. J.; NCAR
    Sclavo, M.; CNR-ISMAR
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    During the dedicated sea-truth cruise LIGURE2007, a part of the intensive observational campaign Ligurian Sea Air-Sea Interaction Experiment (LASIE) performed in the eastern Ligurian Sea (Italy) from 16th to 23rd June in 2007, the R/V Urania carried out an intensive microstructure measurement program. Most of these measurements were made between 17th and 20th, in the vicinity of a spar buoy anchored 60 km off the coast in a region with a water column depth of approximately 1500 m; the prevailing light wind conditions and intense solar radiation limited the depth of the upper mixed layer to about 10–15m. We carried out measurements of the structure of the upper water column to a depth exceeding about 200 m. Interestingly, the microstructure measurements revealed multiple layers of relatively elevated dissipation and diffusivity rates around a depth of about 100 m. Since the water column is shown not to be not conducive to double-diffusion, these layered structures must have been produced by small-scale shear due to other processes, such as breaking internal waves. In this paper, we describe the oceanographic conditions prevailing at the time of the measurements, as well as the general turbulent properties in the upper part of the water column. In particular, the layered structures below the mixed layer are discussed in detail, with suggestions as to the likely origin and possible ways of investigating these processes.
      423  118
  • Publication
    Tracking bottom waters in the Southern Adriatic Sea applying seismic oceanography techniques
    (2012) ; ; ; ; ;
    Carniel, S.; CNR-ISMAR
    Bergamasco, A.; CNR-ISMAR
    Book, J. W.; NRL
    Hobbs, R. W.; Univ. of Durham
    Sclavo, M.; CNR-ISMAR
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    We present the first results from the Seismic Oceanography (SO) cruise ADRIASEISMIC where we successfully imaged thermohaline fine structures in the shallow water environment (50-150 m) of the southern Adriatic Sea during March 2009 using a compact two GI-gun seismic source. The SO observations are complemented with traditional oceanographic and micro-structure measurements and show that SO can operate over almost the entire water column except (in our experimental layout) for the uppermost 50 m. After processing to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio, the seismic reflection data have a vertical resolution of ~10 m and a horizontal resolution of ~100 m and provide a laterally continuous map of significant thermohaline boundaries that cannot be achieved with conventional physical oceanography measurements alone. ADRIASEISMIC specifically targeted structures in shallow waters, namely along the western margin of the southern Adriatic Sea, between the Gargano peninsula and the Bari canyon, and imaged the Northern Adriatic Dense Water (NAdDW), a bounded cold and relatively dense water mass flowing from the northern Adriatic Sea. The seismic data acquired in Bari canyon and offshore of the Gargano promontory show many regions of strongly reflecting shallow structures, and the incorporation of XBTs measurements with these data demonstrate that they can be interpreted in terms of temperature structures and gradients. In the Gargano region several warm water intrusive structures are mapped along with the offshore transitional edge of cold waters of strong NAdDW influence. In Bari Canyon, waters with NAdDW influence are further mapped extending over the shelf and off the slope into a 5 km long tongue extending offshore between depths of 200-300 m. More generally, even though neither cascading nor open-ocean deep convection process appeared to be evident during March 2009, the SO approach was able to map details of thermal features not resolved by even closely spaced XBT measurements.
      305  56
  • Publication
    Towards validating a last generation, integrated wave-current-sediment numerical model in coastal regions using video measurements
    (2011) ; ; ;
    Carniel, S.; CNR-ISMAR
    Sclavo, M.; CNR-ISMAR
    Archetti, R.; Univ. of Bologna
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    his paper presents the first steps in the implementation of a morphological numerical model to be applied in the Bevano River region, a shallow water area in the Adriatic Sea, with the aim of helping the identification and assessment of erosional patterns and bottom morphological modifications induced by severe marine storms. The numerical modeling, performed using a fully 3D coupled wave-current-sediment version of the ROMS model, has been complemented with in situ data analysis and observations: a first ...
      193  27
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Sensitivity of a coupled physical–biological model to turbulence: high-frequency simulations in a northern Adriatic station
    (2007-04) ; ; ;
    Carniel, S.; CNR-ISMAR
    Vichi, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Bologna, Bologna, Italia
    Sclavo, M.; CNR-ISMAR
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    This paper investigates the impacts of different turbulence models on the biological state at an ocean station in the northern Adriatic sea, named S3, comparing them with other uncertainties inherent to coupled physical-biological simulations. The numerical tool is a 1-D model resulting from the coupling of two advanced numerical models. The hydrodynamic part is modelled using the General Ocean Turbulence Model (, in a version adopting state-of-the-art second-moment Turbulence Closure Models (TCMs). Marine biogeochemistry is parameterized with the Biogeochemical Flux Model (, which is a direct descendant of ERSEM (European Regional Sea Ecosystem Model). Results, obtained by forcing the model with hourly wind and solar radiation data and assimilating salinity casts, are compared against monthly observations made at the station during 2000-2001. Provided that modern second-moment TCMs are employed, the comparisons indicate that both the physical and the biological dynamics are relatively insensitive to the choice of the particular scheme adopted, suggesting that TCMs have finally 'converged' in recent years. As a further example, the choice of the nutrient boundary conditions has an impact on the system evolution that is more significant than the choice of the specific TCM, therefore representing a possible limitation of the 1-D model applied to stations located in a Region of Freshwater Influence. The 1-D model simulates the onset and intensity of the spring-summer bloom quite well, although the duration of the bloom is not as prolonged as in the data. Since local dynamics appears unable to sustain the bloom conditions well into summer, phytoplankton at the station was most likely influenced by river input or advection processes, an aspect that was not found when the S3 behaviour was adequately modelled using climatological forcings. When the focus is in predicting high-frequency dynamics, it is more likely that lateral advection cannot be neglected. While the physical state can be satisfactorily estimated at these short time scales, the accurate estimation of the biological state in coastal regions still appears as rather elusive.
      161  163
  • Publication
    Investigating the impact of surface wave breaking on modeling the trajectories of drifters in the northern Adriatic Sea during a wind-storm event
    (2009) ; ; ; ;
    Carniel, S.; CNR-ISMAR
    Warner, J. C.; USGS
    Sclavo, M.; CNR-ISMAR
    Chigiato, J.; NURC
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    An accurate numerical prediction of the oceanic upper layer velocity is a demanding requirement for many applications at sea and is a function of several near-surface processes that need to be incorporated in a numerical model. Among them, we assess the effects of vertical resolution, different vertical mixing parameterization (the so-called Generic Length Scale –GLS– set of k–e, k–x, gen, and the Mellor–Yamada), and surface roughness values on turbulent kinetic energy (k) injection from breaking waves. First, we modified the GLS turbulence closure formulation in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to incorporate the surface flux of turbulent kinetic energy due to wave breaking. Then, we applied the model to idealized test cases, exploring the sensitivity to the above mentioned factors. Last, the model was applied to a realistic situation in the Adriatic Sea driven by numerical meteorological forcings and river discharges. In this case, numerical drifters were released during an intense episode of Bora winds that occurred in mid-February 2003, and their trajectories compared to the displacement of satellite- tracked drifters deployed during the ADRIA02-03 sea-truth campaign. Results indicted that the inclusion of the wave breaking process helps improve the accuracy of the numerical simulations, subject to an increase in the typical value of the surface roughness z0. Specifically, the best performance was obtained using aCH = 56,000 in the Charnok formula, the wave breaking parameterization activated, k–e as the turbulence closure model. With these options, the relative error with respect to the average distance of the drifter was about 25% (5.5 km/day). The most sensitive factors in the model were found to be the value of aCH enhanced with respect to a standard value, followed by the adoption of wave breaking parameterization and the particular turbulence closure model selected.
      296  46