Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Interactions between volcanism and tctonics in the western Aeolian sector, southern Tyrrhenian Sea
    (2010) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Bortoluzzi, G.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
    Ligi, M.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
    Romagnoli, C.; Università di Bologna
    Cocchi, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Casalbore, D.; Università di Bologna
    Sgroi, T.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Cuffaro, M.; Università La Sapienza Roma
    Caratori Tontini, F.; GNS Science, New Zealand
    D'Oriano, F.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
    Ferrante, V.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
    Remia, A.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
    Riminucci, F.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
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    New high-resolution bathymetric and magnetic data from the western Aeolian sector, southern Tyrrhenian Sea, provide insights into structural and volcanic development of the area, suggesting a strong interaction between volcanism and tectonics. The analysis of these data combined with relocated earthquake distribution, focal plane solutions and strain rate evaluation indicates that the dextral strike-slip Sisifo-Alicudi shear zone is a complex and wide area of active deformation, representing the superficial expression of the deep seated lithospheric tear fault separating the subduction slab below Sicily and Calabria. Most of the observed volcanic features are aligned along a NW–SE trend, such as the Filicudi island-Alicudi North Seamount and Eolo-Enarete alignments, and are dissected by hundred-metre-high scarps along conjugate NNE–SSW trending fault systems. The magnetic field pattern matches the main trends of volcanic features. Spectral analysis and Euler deconvolution of magnetic anomalies show the existence of both deep and shallow sources. High-amplitude, high-frequency anomalies due to shallow sources are dominant close to the volcanic edifices of Alicudi and Filicudi, while the main contribution on the surrounding Eolo, Enarete, Alicudi North and Filicudi North seamounts is given by low-amplitude anomalies and/or deeper magnetic sources. This is probably related to different ages of the volcanic rocks, although hydrothermal processes may have played an important role in blanketing magnetic anomalies, in particular at Enarete and Eolo seamounts. Relative chronology of the eruptive centres and the inferred deformation pattern outline the Quaternary evolution of the western Aeolian Arc: Sisifo, Alicudi North and Filicudi North seamounts might have developed in an early stage, following the Late Pliocene–Early Pleistocene SE-ward migration of arc-related volcanism due to the Ionian subduction hinge retreat; Eolo, Enarete and Filicudi represent later manifestations that led volcanoes to develop duringMid-Late Pleistocene, when the stress regime in the area changed, due to the SSE-ward propagation of the subduction slab tear fault and the consequent reorientation and decrease of trench migration velocity. Finally, volcanic activity occurred in a very short time span at Alicudi, where an almost conical volcanic edifice emerged, suggesting negligible interactions with regional fault systems.
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  • Publication
    Slope Failures Induced by the December 2002 Eruption at Stromboli Volcano
    (2008) ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Tommasi, P.; Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geo-Ingegneria, National Research Council, Rome, Italy
    Baldi, P.; DipartimentoDipartimento di Fisica, Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
    Chiocci, F. L.; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
    Coltelli, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia
    Marsella, M.; Dipartimento di Idraulica, Trasporti e Strade, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
    Romagnoli, C.; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico Ambientali, Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
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    Calvari, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia
    Inguaggiato, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Puglisi, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Catania, Catania, Italia
    Ripepe, M.; rra, Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy
    Rosi, M.; Diparimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
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    We reconstruct the sequence of landslides that occurred soon after the beginning of the December 2002 eruption on the NW flank of Stromboli volcano. Landslides involved the northeastern part of the Sciara del Fuoco (SdF) slope, an old collapse scar filled by products of volcanic activity, producing tsunami waves that severely damaged the coast of the island of Stromboli. Volumes of the mass detached from the subaerial and submarine slope were quantified by comparing preslide and postslide slope surfaces obtained by aerophotogrammetric and bathymetric data, which also allowed, in conjunction with field observations and helicopter surveys, the reconstruction of geometry and kinematics of landslides. According to the reconstructed sequence, 2 d after the beginning of the eruption, the upper part of the NE sector of the SdF slope experienced major displacements (few tens of meters). Movements propagated downslope and affected the nearshore portion of the submerged slope without a rapid sliding of the displaced mass into the sea. The following hours were characterized by a progressive increase of deformations, localized along shear zones extending over two thirds of the subaerial slope. This phase proceeded until a submarine slide about 6 ´ 106 m3 in volume occurred, causing a first tsunami wave. The subaerial mass delimited by the shear zones and unbuttressed at its foot, then slipped into the sea producing a second tsunami wave. The main landslide event (and the minor slumps which followed) removed a volume of about 10 ´ 106 m3 of the infilling deposit, to a thickness of at least 65 m. Hypotheses were formulated on the mechanisms that controlled the different phases of the instability sequence. Since hydraulic and stress/strain conditions progressively changed during the slope evolution, the formulated mechanisms are also based on geotechnical analyses and considerations on the mechanical behavior of volcaniclastic materials. The process that led to the landslide events was initiated by forces exerted by magma intruded into the slope, while further steps of the evolution of slope stability conditions (especially the submarine failure) were controlled by the particular shear behavior of the volcaniclastic material, mainly influenced by grain crushability. In fact, strength progressively decreased as shear strains proceeded, and the intensely sheared saturated material forming the submarine slope may have become susceptible of failure when sudden strain/ stress increments occurred.
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