Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Open Access
    (2010-06-27) ; ; ; ; ;
    Salvi, Stefano; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT, Roma, Italia
    Vignoli, Stefano; ACS
    Serra, Marco; ASI
    Zoffoli, Simona; ASI
    Bosi, Vittorio; DPC
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    In the framework of the National Space Programme, and of the European GMES Programme, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) has funded several pilot projects aimed at demonstrating the full potential of Earth Observation data in the monitoring and management of natural hazards. The SIGRIS (Earth Observation System for Seismic Risk Management) pilot project has developed a hardware/software infrastructure for the generation of decision support products for the seismic risk management. A pre-operational demonstration of the SIGRIS system is being carried out since June 2009 and various products to be used by civil protection authorities in either the Knowledge & Prevention or Crisis Management phases of seismic risk management, have been generated. SIGRIS products to support the Knowledge & Prevention activities are based on the integration of satellite and ground-based observations to constrain analytical and numerical models of the tectonic strain accumulation and of its long-term effects on the earthquake source. They include crustal deformation maps from time series DInSAR and GPS, and fault models to improve the seismic hazard assessment. SIGRIS products for the Crisis Management phase are instead focused on the quick generation of value added information needed to devise damage or event scenarios, and typically consist of damage assessment maps from high resolution optical and SAR data, co-seismic displacements maps from DInSAR analysis, seismic source models, maps of earthquake-induced environmental effects (landslides, surface fractures, ecc.). For these products a near-real time capability is required and new constellations, as COSMO-SkyMed , can now provide the necessary temporal revisit to fulfil this need. The SIGRIS system is also depending on other SAR satellites to ensure a faster and better coverage of the disaster areas: ENVISAT, Radarsat, TerraSar X, ALOS. We will present examples of the SIGRIS decision support products based on the integration of Earth Observation and ground data and discuss important issues related to disaster applications, as EO data programming, fast data access, data archival.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    An experimental aeromagnetic survey in the Volturno valley area (South-Eastern Latium)
    (1998-08) ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Chiappini, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Roma, Italy
    Ferraccioli, F.; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universitá di Genova, Italy
    Bosi, V.; Servizio Sismico Nazionale, Roma
    Bozzo, E.; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universitá di Genova, Italy
    Caneva, G.; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universitá di Genova, Italy
    Funiciello, R.; Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Universitá "Roma Tre", Roma, Italy
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    A helicopter-borne experimental aeromagnetic survey, covering an area of 200 km2, was performed in the Volturno valley area north of the Roccamonfina volcano and south of Venafro in November 1994. Although severe logistical, instrumental and meteorological conditions significantly reduced the planned coverage, the processed magnetic image still shows a remarkable improvement in the description of the geological and structural features of the area in comparison with previous regional aeromagnetic data. A multi-directional shaded relief anomaly map displays two moderately positive NW magnetic bands associated with lavas, pyroclastics and dykes of the Roccamonfina volcanic district together with N-S, NNE-SSW and NE-SW lineations. A comparative magnetic-geologic map allows correlation with known Pleistocene faults and reveals the existence, especially in the area between Sesto Campano and Presenzano, of a larger presence of high susceptibility dykes than seen in the outcrop, which is dominated by non-magnetic carbonatic rocks. We interpret the curvilinear and intricate pattern of magnetic lineaments as suggestive of an extensional setting along the main NW structures with previous strike slip components and of tectonic activity along a N-S fabric; the latter has no superficial evidence and has also been used for magma upwelling. Overall, this local scale investigation shows both the utility and the need for further efforts in high resolution aeromagnetics in Italy both for geological and environmental purposes similar to those successfully carried out in many other countries throughout the world.
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