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  • Publication
    H2O and CO2 in minerals of the hauyne-sodalite group: an FTIR spectroscopy study
    (2009-07-06) ; ; ; ; ;
    Bellatreccia, F.; Università Roma Tre
    Della Ventura, G.; Università Roma Tre
    Piccinini, M.; Università Roma Tre
    Cavallo, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Brilli, M.; I.N.F.N.
    ; ; ; ;
    This paper reports an infrared spectroscopic study of a set of sodalite-group minerals. The specimens have been identified using a combination of X-ray diffraction and microchemical analysis. As expected, the Si/Al ratio is ~1; the extra framework cation content is characterized by a well-defined Na -(Ca+K) substitution. The lattice parameters of the studied samples range from sodalite (sample LM11) with a = 8.889(2) A , to hauyne (sample HR3S) with a = 9.1265(2) A. The specimens, having the SO4-- group as a dominant anion, show a clear correlation between the a cell edge and the K content. Single-crystal FTIR spectroscopy shows that hauyne and nosean typically contain enclathrated CO2 molecules,in addition to H2O and minor carbonate, while sodalite is virtually CO2-free. Detailed microspectrometric mappings show a non-homogeneous distribution of volatile constituents across the crystals, which may be related to the presence of fractures in the crystals. Because of such zoning, a relatively wide variation is observed when calibrating extinction coefficients on the basis of a bulk analytical method such as CHN elemental analysis.
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