Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Methane seepage in an urban development area (Bacau, Romania): origin, extent, and hazard
    (2008-11) ; ; ; ;
    Baciu, C.; Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Etiope, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Cuna, S.; National Research and Development Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Spulber, L.; Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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    The paper describes a case of a natural emission of methane from soil in an urban development area, generating a significant risk for the local population and buildings, due to gas explosiveness and asphyxiation potential. The site is located on the south-western margin of the East-European Platform in eastern Romania, in a hydrocarbon-prone area crossed by the Pericarpathian lineament and regional faults. Molecular composition of gas and stable isotopic analyses of methane (CH4>90%, δ to the power of 13 C1: -49.4‰, δD1: -173.4‰) indicate a dominant thermogenic origin, with significant amounts of C2-C5 alkanes (~5%), likely migrating through faults from a deep reservoir. Possible candidates are the Saucesti and Secuieni gas fields, located in the same petroleum system. Two surface geochemical surveys, based on closed-chamber flux measurements, were performed to assess the degassing intensity and the extent of the affected area. Methane fluxes from soil reach orders of 10 to the power of 4 mg m to the power of -2 day to the power of -1. Gas seepage mainly occurs in one zone 30 000 m2 wide, and it is likely controlled by channeling along a fault and gas accumulation in permeable sediments and shallow subsoil. The estimated total CH4 emission is about 40 t year to the power of -1 CH4, of which 8–9 t year to the power of -1 are naturally released from soil and 30–35 t year to the power of -1 are emitted from shallow boreholes. These wells have likely channeled the gas accumulated in shallow alluvial sediment but gas flux from soil is still high and mitigation measures are needed to reduce the risk for humans and buildings.
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  • Publication
    Methane emission from natural gas seeps and mud volcanoes in Transylvania (Romania)
    (2010) ; ; ; ; ;
    Spulber, L.; Faculty of Environmental Science, Babes¸ -Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Etiope, G; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Baciu, C.; Faculty of Environmental Science, Babes¸ -Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Malos, C.; Faculty of Environmental Science, Babes¸ -Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Vlad, S.N.; Faculty of Environmental Science, Babes¸ -Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Ecological University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
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    Gas seepage from petroleum basins is the second largest natural source of methane to the atmosphere, after wetlands. The uncertainty in global emission estimates should be reduced by extending the flux database which is fundamental for defining the emission factors and the actual area of seepage adopted for up-scaling. As a contribution to this goal, we report a new seepage data-set for the Transylvanian Basin, one of the largest natural gas producing regions of Europe, that is characterized by the widespread occurrence of natural leakages of gas at the surface, including at least 73 mud volcanoes and gas seeps. In this study, methane flux was measured using closed-chambers, from 12 seepage sites, in correspondence with focused gas vents (mud volcano craters, bubbling pools, and flammable gas leaks), in the soil surrounding the vents, and at 15 sites located far from macroseep zones but close to gas fields. Fluxes from individual vents (macro-seeps) were found to reach orders of kg CH4 m)2 day)1 (up to 12 kg m)2 day)1) and diffuse fluxes from soils (miniseepage) were found to be up to a few g CH4 m)2 day)1. Far from seep zones, positive CH4 fluxes (microseepage) may occur locally, typically on the order of tens to hundreds of mg m)2 day)1. The values, as well as the occurrence of seepage even far from vent zones and in mud volcanoes that are apparently extinct, are coherent with results obtained in other countries. Gas fluxes from macro-seeps and soils may change seasonally, but the interannual variation of the average emission factor was found to be minimal. The total CH4 output for Transylvania macro-seeps is estimated conservatively to be around 680 t year)1; the total geo-CH4 seepage emission from the Transylvania petroleum system could be approximately 40 · 103 t year)1, and at least 100 · 103 t year)1 for all Romanian petroleum systems, that is roughly 10% of the total anthropogenic CH4 emission in the country.
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