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  • Publication
    Pressure dependence of viscosity of rhyolitic melts
    (2009-06-15) ; ; ; ; ;
    Hui, H.; Lunar and Planetary Institute, USRA-Houston, Houston (TX) USA
    Zhang, Y.; Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (MI) USA
    Xu, Z.; Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (MI) USA
    Del Gaudio, P.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Behrens, H.; Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Hannover, Hannover Germany
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    Viscosity of silicate melts is a critical property for understanding volcanic and igneous processes in the Earth. We investigate the pressure effect on the viscosity of rhyolitic melts using two methods: indirect viscosity inference from hydrous species reaction in melts using a piston cylinder at pressures up to 2.8 GPa and direct viscosity measurement by parallel-plate creep viscometer in an internally-heated pressure vessel at pressures up to 0.4 GPa. Comparison of viscosities of a rhyolitic melt with 0.8 wt% water at 0.4 GPa shows that both methods give consistent results. In the indirect method, viscosities of hydrous rhyolitic melts were inferred based on the kinetics of hydrous species reaction in the melt upon cooling (i.e., the equivalence of rheologically defined glass transition temperature and chemically defined apparent equilibrium temperature). The cooling experiments were carried out in a piston-cylinder apparatus using hydrous rhyolitic samples with 0.8–4 wt% water. Cooling rates of the kinetic experiments varied from 0.1 K/s to 100 K/s; hence the range of viscosity inferred from this method covers 3 orders of magnitude. The data from this method show that viscosity increases with increasing pressure from 1 GPa to 3 GPa for hydrous rhyolitic melts with water content 0.8 wt% in the high viscosity range. We also measured viscosity of rhyolitic melt with 0.13 wt% water using the parallel-plate viscometer at pressures 0.2 and 0.4 GPa in an internally-heated pressure vessel. The data show that viscosity of rhyolitic melt with 0.13 wt% water decreases with increasing pressure. Combining our new data with literature data, we develop a viscosity model of rhyolitic melts as a function of temperature, pressure and water content.
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