Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Highlights from a seismic broadband array on Stromboli
    (1994-05-01) ; ; ; ;
    Neuberg, J.; University of Leeds
    Luckett, R.; University of Leeds
    Ripepe, M.; University of Florence
    Braun, T.; University of Stuttgart
    ; ; ;
    An array of nine three-component broadband seismometers was deployed in two different configurations on Stromboli volcano. The analysis of the seismic wavefield related to volcanic explosions revealed some observations which offer a completely new insight into the internal dynamics of a volcano. These new observations are restricted to the low-frequency range below 1 Hz and underline, therefore, the superiority of broadband recordings over conventional short-period observations. Surprisingly simple wavelets indicate an initially contracting source mechanism. Gas-jets that could not be seen in a short-period seismic record at all, generate a clear dilatational wavelet in a broadband recording suggesting the same contracting source mechanism. The analysis of particle motion and seismic array techniques permits a location of the seismic source. We find low-frequency signals of 3s and 6s period that are not related to eruptions and do not share a common source with the eruption-related events. A video recording of visible volcanic activity at the crater region allows one to correlate precisely eruptive features with seismic signals.
      156  23
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Seismo-volcanic sources on Stromboli volcano
    (1996-03) ; ;
    Neuberg, J.; Department of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, U.K.
    Luckett, R.; Department of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, U.K.
    A detailed analysis of broadband seismic recordings leads to models of eruption mechanisms for Strombolian activity. The data used comprise signals from arrays of nine three-component seismometers and video recordings of visual eruptive activity with precise time reference. As a major tool particle motion analysis is used to locate the seismo-volcanic sources. Here, a surface correction is employed to account for the effects of the steep slopes of the volcanic edifice. After careful filtering of the data single seismic phases can be separated and linked to corresponding eruptive features.
      190  516