Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Temporal characteristics of some aftershock sequences in Bulgaria
    (1999-10) ; ;
    Simeonova, S.; Geophysical Institute-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
    Solakov, D.; Geophysical Institute-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
    We apply statistical analysis to study the temporal distribution of aftershocks in aftershock sequences of five earthquakes which occurred in Bulgaria. We use the maximum likelihood method to estimate the parameters of the modified Omori formula for aftershock sequences which is directly based on a time series. We find that: the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameter p show a regional variation, with lower values of the decay rate in North Bulgaria; the modified Omori formula provides an appropriate representation of temporal variation of the aftershock activity in North Bulgaria; the aftershock sequences in South Bulgaria are best modeled by the combination of an ordinary aftershock sequence with secondary aftershock activity. A plot of the cumulative number of events versus the frequency-linearized time t clearly demonstrates a transition from aftershock to foreshock activity prior to the second 1986 Strazhitsa (North Bulgaria) earthquake.
      133  221
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Seismic hazard assessment for the Sofia area
    (2001-06) ; ; ;
    Solakov, D.; Geophysical Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
    Simeonova, S.; Geophysical Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
    Christoskov, L.; Geophysical Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
    ; ;
    The capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, is situated in the center of the so-called Sofia area. This is the most populated industrial and cultural region of Bulgaria that faces considerable earthquake risk. We apply a version of machine code EQRISK for hazard assessment of the Sofia area according to the Cornell-McGuire approach. The probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is based on a simplified seismogenic model, which is derived from seismic zoning of Bulgaria. We show, using a Monte Carlo approach, that uncertainties in seismic input have a relatively small effect on the PSHA output, especially when compared with uncertainties associated with the attenuation relationship. Our PSHA map shows that a 10–3 annual probability of the PGA exceeds 0.3 g in much of the Sofia area
      163  897