Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Influence of Atlantic SST anomalies on the atmospheric circulation in the Atlantic-European sector
    (2003) ; ; ;
    Frankignoul, C.; Laboratoire d Océanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie, Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS-IRD-UPMC,Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
    Friederichs, P.; Laboratoire d Océanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie, Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS-IRD-UPMC,Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
    Kestenare, E.; Laboratoire d Océanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie, Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS-IRD-UPMC,Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
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    Recent studies of observational data suggest that Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean have a significant influence on the atmospheric circulation in the Atlantic-European sector in early winter and in spring. After reviewing this work and showing that the spring signal is part of a global air-sea interaction, we analyze for comparison an ensemble of simulations with the ECHAM4 atmospheric general circulation model in T42 resolution forced by the observed distribution of SST and sea ice, and a simulation with the ECHAM4/OPA8 coupled model in T30 resolution. In the two cases, a significant influence of the Atlantic on the atmosphere is detected in the Atlantic-European sector. In the forced mode, ECHAM4 responds to SST anomalies from early spring to late summer, and also in early winter. The forcing involves SST anomalies not only in the tropical Atlantic, but also in the whole tropical band, suggesting a strong ENSO influence. The modeled signal resembles that seen in the observations in spring, but not in early winter. In the coupled mode, the Atlantic SST only has a significant influence on the atmosphere in summer. Although the SST anomaly is confined to the Atlantic, the summer signal shows some similarity with that seen in the forced simulations. However, there is no counterpart in the observations.
      194  2012
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Analysing and combining atmospheric general circulation model simulations forced by prescribed SST: tropical response
    (2001-08) ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Moron, V.; UFR des Sciences Géographiques et de l’Aménagement, Université de Provence and UMR CEREGE, CNRS, Aix en Provence, France
    Navarra, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Bologna, Bologna, Italia
    Ward, M. N.; CIMMS, University of Oklahoma, Norman, U.S.A.
    Folland, C. K.; Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Meteorological Office, Bracknell, England
    Friederichs, P.; Meteorologisches Institut des Universitaet Bonn, Germany
    Maynard, K.; LMD-CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
    Polcher, J.; LMD-CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
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    The ECHAM 3.2 (T21), ECHAM 4 (T30) and LMD (version 6, grid-point resolution with 96 longitudes × 72 latitudes) atmospheric general circulation models were integrated through the period 1961 to 1993 forced with the same observed Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) as compiled at the Hadley Centre. Three runs were made for each model starting from different initial conditions. The large-scale tropical inter-annual variability is analysed to give a picture of the skill of each model and of some sort of combination of the three models. To analyse the similarity of model response averaged over the same key regions, several widely-used indices are calculated: Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), large-scale wind shear indices of the boreal summer monsoon in Asia and West Africa and rainfall indices for NE Brazil, Sahel and India. Even for the indices where internal noise is large, some years are consistent amongst all the runs, suggesting inter-annual variability of the strength of SST forcing. Averaging the ensemble mean of the three models (the super-ensemble mean) yields improved skill. When each run is weighted according to its skill, taking three runs from different models instead of three runs of the same model improves the mean skill. There is also some indication that one run of a given model could be better than another, suggesting that persistent anomalies could change its sensitivity to SST. The index approach lacks flexibility to assess whether a model’s response to SST has been geographically displaced. We focus on the first mode in the global tropics, found through singular value decomposition analysis, which is clearly related to El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in all seasons. The Observed-Model and Model-Model analyses lead to almost the same patterns, suggesting that the dominant pattern of model response is also the most skilful mode. Seasonal modulation of both skill and spatial patterns (both model and observed) clearly exists with highest skill (between tropical Pacific SST and tropical rainfall) and reproducibility amongst the runs in December-February, and least skill/reproducibility in March-May and June-August. The differences between each model suggest that a simple linear regression combination of each GCM’s prediction indices will be improved upon by combination methods that take account of the errors in the spatial teleconnection structures generated by the GCM.
      196  728
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Analysing and combining atmospheric general circulation model simulations forced by prescribed SST: northern extratropical response
    (2001-08) ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Moron, V.; UFR des Sciences Géographiques et de l’Aménagement, Université de Provence and UMR CEREGE, CNRS, Aix en Provence, France
    Navarra, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Bologna, Bologna, Italia
    Ward, M. N.; CIMMS, University of Oklahoma, Norman, U.S.A.
    Folland, C. K.; Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Meteorological Office, Bracknell, England
    Friederichs, P.; Meteorologisches Institut des Universitaet Bonn, Germany
    Maynard, K.; LMD-CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
    Polcher, J.; LMD-CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
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    The ECHAM 3.2 (T21), ECHAM 4 (T30) and LMD (version 6, grid-point resolution with 96 longitudes × 72 latitudes) atmospheric general circulation models were integrated through the period 1961 to 1993 forced with the same observed Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) as compiled at the Hadley Centre. Three runs were made for each model starting from different initial conditions. The mid-latitude circulation pattern which maximises the covariance between the simulation and the observations, i.e. the most skilful mode, and the one which maximises the covariance amongst the runs, i.e. the most reproducible mode, is calculated as the leading mode of a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) analysis of observed and simulated Sea Level Pressure (SLP) and geopotential height at 500 hPa (Z500) seasonal anomalies. A common response amongst the different models, having different resolution and parametrization should be considered as a more robust atmospheric response to SST than the same response obtained with only one model. A robust skilful mode is found mainly in December-February (DJF), and in June-August (JJA). In DJF, this mode is close to the SST-forced pattern found by Straus and Shukla (2000) over the North Pacific and North America with a wavy out-of-phase between the NE Pacific and the SE US on the one hand and the NE North America on the other. This pattern evolves in a NAO-like pattern over the North Atlantic and Europe (SLP) and in a more N-S tripole on the Atlantic and European sector with an out-of-phase between the middle Europe on the one hand and the northern and southern parts on the other (Z500). There are almost no spatial shifts between either field around North America (just a slight eastward shift of the highest absolute heterogeneous correlations for SLP relative to the Z500 ones). The time evolution of the SST-forced mode is moderatly to strongly related to the ENSO/LNSO events but the spread amongst the ensemble of runs is not systematically related at all to the intensity of Niño3.4 SST anomalies. The leading reproducible mode in JJA is clearer and more skilful for SLP than for Z500 and also seems related to the SST time evolution of tropical Pacific. It is characterised by an out-of-phase between the whole North Pacific and a horseshoe shaped area from Eastern Siberia and Gulf of Mexico. The leading OM mode found in MAM and SON, are quite close to the DJF one (at least for the modelled anomalies), but they are less skilful than in DJF. The most skilful mode (i.e. SLP-Z500 mode in DJF and SLP mode in JJA) is almost similar to the most reproducible one during these particular seasons. In MAM and SON, the SST-forced pattern is very close to the wintertime one. The warm episodes in the central and eastern tropical Pacific are then associated with negative pressure anomalies at the sea level and also at 500 hPa over the whole North Pacifkc and from SE US Coast to Western Europe (from SE US Coast to Scandinavia for Z500) and positive pressure anomalies on Central Canada, north of 55°-60°N across the North Atlantic and also over Northern Siberia (in MAM). The variance forced by SST are lower in MAM and SON than in DJF and, as suggested above, the skill of this SST-forced mode is weak in MAM and almost close to zero in SON.
      215  461