Full Name
Gaillard, F.
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Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2008Carbonatite Melts and Electrical Conductivity in the AsthenosphereGaillard, F.* ; Malki, M.* ; Iacono Marziano, G.* ; Pichavant, M.* ; Scaillet, B.* 
21-Oct-2007Limestone assimilation and the origin of CO2 emissions at the Alban Hills (Central Italy): Constraints from experimental petrologyIacono Marziano, G.* ; Gaillard, F.* ; Pichavant, M.* 
313-Dec-2010Noble gas solubilities in silicate melts: New experimental results and a comprehensive model of the effects of liquid composition, temperature and pressureIacono Marziano, G.* ; Paonita, A.* ; Rizzo, A.* ; Scaillet, B.* ; Gaillard, F.* 
42015The Ocean Reanalyses Intercom parison Project (ORA - IP)Balmaseda, M. A.* ; Hernandez, F.* ; Storto, A.* ; Palmer, M. D.* ; Alves, O.* ; Shi, L.* ; Smith, G. C.* ; Toyoda, T.* ; Valdivieso, M.* ; Barnier, B.* ; Behringer, D.* ; Boyer, T.* ; Chang, Y-S.* ; Chepurin, G. A.* ; Ferry, N.* ; Forget, G.* ; Fujii, Y.* ; Good, S.* ; Guinehut, S.* ; Haines, K.* ; Ishikawa, Y.* ; Keeley, S.* ; Köhl, A.* ; Lee, T.* ; Martin, M.* ; Masina, S.* ; Masuda, S.* ; Meyssignac, B.* ; Mogensen, K.* ; Parent, L.* ; Peterson, K. A.* ; Tang, Y. M.* ; Yin, Y.* ; Vernieres, G.* ; Wang, X.* ; Waters, J.* ; Wedd, R.* ; Wang, O.* ; Xue, Y.* ; Chevallier, M.* ; Lemieux, J-F.* ; Dupont, F.* ; Kuragano, T.* ; Kamachi, M.* ; Awaji, T.* ; Caltabiano, A.* ; Wilmer - Becker, K.* ; Gaillard, F.* 
52010Phase transition induced by solid solution: The Ca-Mg substitution in richteritic amphibolesIezzi, G.* ; Della Ventura, G.* ; Tribaudino, M.* ; Nemeth, P.* ; Margiolaki, I.* ; Cavallo, A.* ; Gaillard, F.* ; Beherns, H.* 
6Apr-2009Role of non-mantle CO2 in the dynamics of volcano degassing: The Mount Vesuvius exampleIacono Marziano, G.* ; Gaillard, F.* ; Scaillet, B.* ; Pichavant, M.* ; Chiodini, G.*