Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Postseismic deformation following the 1997 Umbria-Marche (Italy) moderate normal faulting earthquakes
    We combine aftershock strain mapping, GPS measurements and leveling profiles with forward modeling of viscoelastic relaxation to study the postseismic deformation of the 1997 Umbria-Marche (Central Apennines) earthquake sequence. We explore the feasibility of GPS monitoring of postseismic transients, for the first time in Italy, generated by shallow and moderate sources. Our data allow us to distinguish a preferred coseismic faulting model as well as insight into the rheology of the Central Apennines Earth’s crust. The faulting model requires a listric geometry with most of the energy released in the lower half part of the elastic crust. The rheological model consists of an elastic thin upper crust, a transition zone of about 10 18 Pa s underlain by a low-viscosity lower crust, ranging from 10 17 to 10 18 Pa s. The postseismic deformation is, both distributed in the transition zone - lower crust and confined to the fault zone.
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  • Publication
    Relative sea level variations caused by subduction
    (1997) ; ; ; ;
    Piromallo, C.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Spada, G.; Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Bologna
    Sabadini, R.; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita' di Milano
    Ricard, Y.; Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre, ENS-Lyon
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    By means of a stratified Earth model with viscoelastic rheology, we have studied the long-term global fluctuations of Relative Sea Level (RSL) induced by subducting slabs. We have computed RSL variations for both a single subduction and a realistic distribution of slabs by a numerical simulation based on a simplified model of the subduction process. RSL is determined by the offset between the geoid and the dynamic topography; our analysis demonstrates that the latter provides the prevailing contribution. We have studied, in addition, the effects of rheological stratification upon the amplitude and time-evolution of these two quantities and, consequently, of RSL fluctuations. According to our results, an upper bound for the rate of RSL associated with subduction is of the order of 0.1 mm/yr, in agreement with previous studies. This rate of sea level variation is comparable with that attributed to changes in the tectonic regime on a large scale. This preliminary result corroborates the suggestion by other authors to include subduction in the list of geophysical mechanisms which contribute to long-term RSL fluctuations.
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  • Publication
    Sea-level fluctuations due to subduction: The role of mantle rheology
    (1997) ; ; ; ;
    Piromallo, C.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Spada, G.; Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Bologna
    Sabadini, R.; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita' di Milano
    Ricard, Y.; Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre, ENS-Lyon
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    By means of a stratified viscoelastic Earth model we study the effect of sinking slabs on the dynamic topography, the non-hydrostatic geoid and the long-term sea level variations. Sea level fluctuations due to subduction are found to be sensitive to the nature of the 670 km seismic discontinuity and to the rheological layering of the mantle. The response of our model to both a single subduction and a realistic distribution of slabs is studied by a numerical simulation based on a simplified approach. Consistent with previous results, we find that an upper bound to relative sea level time variations associated with the initiation of a new subduction in the upper mantle is ∼0.1 mm/yr. Relative sea level changes driven by the dynamic readjustment of internal mass heterogeneities may thus be comparable with those attributed to other changes in the tectonic regime on a large scale. This confirms the relevance of subduction as an important contributor to long-term sea level fluctuations.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    A possible relationship between the Arctic Oscillation Index and atmosphere-triggered interannual long-wavelength
    (2006) ; ; ; ; ;
    Lentini, G.; Universit`a di Milano - Milan, Italy
    Maugeri, M.; Universit`a di Milano - Milan, Italy
    Devoti, R.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT, Roma, Italia
    Albertella, A.; Politecnico di Milano - Milan, Italy
    Sabadini, R.; Universit`a di Milano - Milan, Italy
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    A host of geophysical processes contribute to temporal variations in the low-degree zonal harmonics of the Earth’s gravity field. The present paper focuses on atmosphere-based mass redistributions using global surface pressure data from the NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center for the period 1980-2002. We computed atmosphere-triggered temporal variations of the Earth’s low-degree zonal gravitational coefficients Jl (l = 2 : 4). Such atmosphere-triggered ΔJl(t) are compared with the Arctic Oscillation Index (AOI) and with the observed ΔJl(t) computed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) so as to investigate a possible coupling. We show that there is a significant agreement between the AOI and atmosphere-triggered ΔJl(t), as well as a particularly interesting correlation between the winter ΔJl(t) series and the AOI active season series.
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  • Publication
    Lithospheric rheology in southern Italy inferred from postseismic viscoelastic relaxation following the 1980 Irpinia earthquake
    (2005) ; ; ; ;
    Dalla Via, G.; Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, sezione di Geofisica
    Sabadini, R.; Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, sezione di Geofisica
    De Natale, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione OV, Napoli, Italia
    Pingue, F.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione OV, Napoli, Italia
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    Postseismic relaxation is modeled for the Irpinia earthquake, which struck southern Italy in 1980. Our goal is to understand the mechanism of surface deformation due to stress relaxation in the deep portion of the crust-lithosphere system for a shallow normal fault source and to infer the rheological properties of the lithosphere in the extensional environment of peninsular Italy. The modeling is carried out within the framework of our normal mode viscoelastic theory at high spatial resolution in order to accurately resolve the vertical surface displacements for a seismic source. The slip distribution over the faults is first inverted from coseismic leveling data, the misfit between observed and modeled vertical displacements being minimized by means of the L2 norm. Slip distribution is then used within the viscoelastic model to invert for the viscosities of the lower crust and generally of the lithosphere. Inversion is based on leveling data sampled along three lines crossing the epicentral area. Postseismic deformation in the Irpinia area is characterized by a broad region of crust upwarping in the footwall of the major fault and downwarping in the hanging wall that is responsible for the long-wavelength features of the vertical displacement pattern. The c2 analysis indicates that the Irpinia earthquake cannot constrain the rheology of the upper mantle but only of the crust; a full search in the viscosity spaces makes it possible to constrain the crustal viscosity to values of the order of 1019 Pa s, in agreement with previous studies carried out in different tectonic environments.
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  • Publication
    The SISMA prototype system: integrating Geophysical Modeling and Earth Observation for time-dependent seismic hazard assessment
    An innovative approach to seismic hazard assessment is illustrated that, based on the available knowledge of the physical properties of the Earth structure and of seismic sources, on geodetic observations, as well as on the geophysical forward modeling, allows for a time-dependent definition of the seismic input. According to the proposed approach, a fully formalized system integrating Earth Observation data and new advanced methods in seismological and geophysical data analysis is currently under development in the framework of the Pilot Project SISMA, funded by the Italian Space Agency. The synergic use of geodetic Earth Observation data (EO) and Geophysical Forward Modeling deformation maps at the national scale complements the space- and time-dependent information provided by real-time monitoring of seismic flow (performed by means of the earthquake prediction algorithms CN and M8S) and permits the identification and routine updating of alerted areas. At the local spatial scale (tens of km) of the seismogenic nodes identified by pattern-recognition analysis, both GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) techniques, coupled with expressly developed models for interseismic phase, allow us to retrieve the deformation style and stress evolution within the seismogenic areas. The displacement fields obtained from EO data provide the input for the geophysical modeling, which eventually permits to indicate whether a specific fault is in a “critical state.” The scenarios of expected ground motion (shakemaps) associated with the alerted areas are then defined by means of full waveforms modeling, based on the possibility to compute synthetic seismograms by the modal summation technique (neo-deterministic hazard assessment). In this way, a set of deterministic scenarios of ground motion, which refer to the time interval when a strong event is likely to occur within the alerted area, can be defined both at national and at local scale. The considered integrated approach opens new routes in understanding the dynamics of fault zones as well as in modeling the expected ground motion. The SISMA system, in fact, provides tools for establishing warning criteria based on deterministic and rigorous forward geophysical models and hence allows for a well-controlled real-time prospective testing and validation of the proposed methodology over the Italian territory. The proposed approach complements the traditional probabilistic approach for seismic hazard estimates, since it supplies routinely updated information useful in assigning priorities for timely mitigation actions and hence it is particularly relevant to Civil Defense purposes.
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