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Giorgetta, M. A.
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Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12006Assessment of temperature, trace species, and ozone in chemistry-climate model simulations of the recent pastEyring, V.* ; Butchart, N.* ; Waugh, D. W.* ; Akiyoshi, H.* ; Austin, J.* ; Bekki, S.* ; Bodeker, G. E.* ; Boville, B.* ; Brühl, C.* ; Chipperfield, M.* ; Cordero, E.* ; Dameris, M.* ; Frith, S. M.* ; Garcia, R. R.* ; Gettelman, A.* ; Giorgetta, M.* ; Grewe, V.* ; Jourdain, L.* ; Kinnison, D. E.* ; Manzini, E.* 
22006The HAMMONIA chemistry climate model: Sensitivity of the mesopause region to the 11-year solar cycle and CO2 doubling,Schmidt, H.* ; Brasseur, G.* ; Charron, M.* ; Manzini, E.* ; Giorgetta, M.* ; Diehl, T.* ; Fomichev, V.* ; Kinnison, D.* ; Marsh, D.* ; Walters, S.* 
32006Impact of an improved radiation scheme in the MAECHAM5 General Circulation ModelCagnazzo, C.* ; Manzini, E.* ; Giorgetta, M. A.* ; Forster, P. M. F.* 
42006Interannual variation patterns of total ozone and lower stratospheric temperature in observations and model simulationsSteinbrecht, W.* ; Haßler, B.* ; Bruhl, C.* ; Dameris, C.* ; Giorgetta, M.* ; Grewe, V.* ; Manzini, E.* ; Matthes, S.* ; Schnadt, C.* ; Steil, B.* ; Winkler, P.* 
52006Long-term evolution of upper stratospheric ozone at selected stations of the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC)Steinbrecht, W.* ; Claude, H.* ; Schönenborn, F.* ; McDermid, I.* ; Leblanc, T.* ; Godin, S.* ; Song, T.* ; Swart, D.* ; Meijer, Y.* ; Bodeker, G.* ; Connor, B.* ; Kämpfer, N.* ; Hocke, K.* ; Calisesi, Y.* ; Schneider, N.* ; de la Nöe, J.* ; Parrish, A.* ; Boyd, I.* ; Brühl, C.* ; Steil, B.* ; Giorgetta, M.* ; Manzini, E.* ; Thomason, L.* ; Zawodny, J.* ; McCormick, M.* ; Russell, J.* ; Bharti, P.* ; Stolarski, R.* ; Hollandsworth-Frith, S.*