Now showing 1 - 10 of 12
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Characteristics of high frequency ground motions in the Maule region (Chile), obtained from aftershocks of the 2010 Mw 8.8 earthquake
    (2013-11-19) ; ; ;
    Munafò, I.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Malagnini, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Herrmann, R. B.; Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, United States
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    The Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake occurred off the coast of central Chile on 2010 February 27, and was followed by thousands of aftershocks. In this study, we modeled 172 aftershocks recorded by more than 100 temporary broadband stations deployed between March 2010 and January 2011. Each of these earthquakes is characterized by a well-determined hypocentral location and well-constrained focal mechanism and moment magnitudes in the range M 3.7 to 6.2. Most of these earthquakes are characterized by shallow, eastward-dipping, thrust-type focal mechanisms consistent with faulting at or near the plate interface, where the Nazca plate is subducting beneath the South America plate at approximately 74 mm/yr. This study provides a unique opportunity to quantify high-frequency earthquake ground motion in a subduction zone due to the quality and quantity of observations in the frequency and distance range of 0.2-30 Hz and 40-500 km, respectively. The analysis was done using a two-step modeling procedure. A regression is performed to characterize source duration and excitation, source-receiver distance dependence, and station site effects. A point source forward model is then constructed in terms of geometrical spreading, duration, site effects and source scaling to match the regression results. This procedure provides the necessary point source parameters for stochastic finite-fault modeling of peak ground motions for future earthquakes in this subduction zone.
      127  276
  • Publication
    Evaluation of Deep Sediment Velocity Structure in the New Madrid
    (2004) ; ; ; ;
    Julia, J.; 0
    Herrmann, R. B.; 0
    Ammon, C.; 0
    Akinci, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Detailed knowledge of the physical properties of the sediments filling the Mississippi Embayment has proven critical to both unravel the tectonic framework operating in the region and assess the seismic hazards posed by the New Madrid Seismic Zone. In this article we show that independent geotechnical estimates for Pand S-wave velocities are compatible with a sedimentary model of K-feldspar clasts embeded in water, and we test its validity by modeling receiver functions at a number of broadband stations. By constraining the bulk sediment thicknesses beneath each station from independent reflection profiling estimates, we have been able to recover the depth to the top of the Cretaceous from the receiver function data at individual stations. Our receiver function modeling thus provides confidence in the velocity and density structures extrapolated from in situ geotechnical measurements in the Upper Mississippi Embayment.
      173  25
  • Publication
    Ground motion scaling in the Marmara region, Turkey
    (2006) ; ; ; ; ;
    Akinci, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Malagnini, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Herrmann, R. B.; Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University
    Gok, R.; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division
    Sorensen, M. B.; Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen,
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    Predictive relationships for the ground motion in the Marmara region (northwestern Turkey) are parametrized after regressing three-component waveforms from regional earthquakes, in the frequency range: 0.4–15.0 Hz, and in the distance range: 10–200 km. The data set consists of 2400 three-component recordings from 462 earthquakes, recorded at 53 stations. Moment magnitudes, Mw, range between 2.5 and 7.2. The largest event for which we have waveforms available (Mw 7.2) occurred in Duzce on 1999 November 12. The aftershocks of that earthquake, together with the aftershocks of the 1999 August 17 Izmit event (Mw = 7.4), are included in the dataset. Regressions are performed, independently, on Fourier velocity spectra and on peak ground velocities, for a large number of sampling frequencies. A simple model is used to relate the logarithm of the measured ground motion to excitation, site, and propagation terms. Results obtained for peak velocities are used to define a piecewise continuous geometrical spreading function, g(r), a frequency-dependent Q(f ), and a distance-dependent duration function. The latter is used, through random vibration theory (RVT), in order to predict time-domain characteristics (i.e. peak values) of the ground motion. The complete model obtained for the peak ground motion was used to match the results of the regressions on the Fourier amplitudes. Fourier velocity spectra for the combined horizontal motion are best fit by a hinged quadrilinear geometrical spreading function for observations in the 10–200 km hypocentral distance ranges as a function of frequency: f < 1.0 Hz, r−1.2 for r ≤ 30 km; r−0.7 for 30 < r ≤ 60 km; r−1.4 for 60100, f ≥1.0 Hz, r−1.0 for r ≤30 km; r−0.6 for 30100 km. The frequency-dependent crustal shearwave quality factor Q (f ) coefficient Q( f )=180 f 0.45. The T (5–75 per cent) duration window provides good agreement between observed and predicted peak values. By modelling the behaviour of the small earthquakes at high frequency, we also quantified a regional parameter κ = 0.055 s. Spectral models with one single-corner frequency (Brune), and with two-corner frequencies (Atkinson and Silva) fit the observed high-frequency excitation levels equallywell, whereas the model by Atkinson and Silva fits the low-frequency observations slightly better than Brune’s. RVT is used to predict the absolute levels of ground shaking, following Boore’s implementation of the stochastic ground motion model (Boore’s SMSIM codes). Our regional empirical predictive relationships are compared to the ones adopted in several regions of the world, from California to Western United States.
      231  30
  • Publication
    Imaging the rupture of the Mw 6.3 April 6, 2009 L’Aquila, Italy earthquake using back‐projection of teleseismic P‐waves
    (2010-02) ; ; ; ; ;
    D'Amico, S.
    Koper, K.; Saint Louis Uni. MO,USA
    Herrmann, R. B.; Saint Louis Uni. MO, USA
    Akinci, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Malagnini, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
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    We present rupture details of the Mw 6.3 April 6, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake derived by back‐projecting teleseismic P waves. This technique has previously been applied to large magnitude earthquakes, but this is the first application to a moderate size event. We processed vertical‐component seismograms for 60 broadband stations obtained from the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) data center. The traces were aligned and normalized using a multi‐channel cross‐correlation algorithm and 4th root stacking was used to image the rupture. We found that the L’Aquila earthquake ruptured towards the south and that a second discrete pulse of energy occurred 20–25 km east of the epicenter about 17–18 s after the nominal origin time. The spatial extent of the rupture image correlates well with a post‐seismic survey of damage in the region. Because the technique is potentially very fast (images can be produced within 20–30 minutes of the origin time), it may be useful to governmental agencies tasked with emergency response and rescue.
      182  26
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Regional Moment Tensors of the 2009 L'Aquila Earthquake Sequence
    (2011) ; ; ;
    Herrmann, R.; Saint Louis University
    Malagnini, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Munafo, I.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Broadband waveform inversion of ground velocities in the 0.02 0.10 Hz frequency band is successfully applied to 181 earthquakes with ML ≥ 3 of the April, 2009, L'Aquila, Italy, earthquake sequence. This was made possible by the development of a new regional crustal velocity model constrained by deep crustal profiles, surfacewave dispersion and teleseismic Pwave receiver functions and tested through waveform fit. Although all earthquakes exhibit normal faulting, with the fault plane dipping southwest at about 55º for the majority of events, a subset of events had much shallower dips. The issue of confidence in the derived parameters was investigated by applying the same inversion procedure by two groups who subjectively selected different traces for inversion. The unexpected difficulty in modeling the regional broadband waveforms of the mainshock as a point source was investigated through an extensive finitefault modeling of broadband velocity and accelerometer data, which placed the location of major moment release updip and about 47 seconds after the initial firstarrival hypocentral parameters.
      285  2221
  • Publication
    Characterization of earthquake-induced ground motion from the L’Aquila seismic sequence of 2009, Italy
    (2011-01) ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Malagnini, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Akinci, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Mayeda, K.; Berkeley Seismological Observatory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
    Munafo, I.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Herrmann, R. B.; Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences of Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, USA
    Mercuri, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
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    Based only on weak-motion data, we carried out a combined study on region-specific source scaling and crustal attenuation in the Central Apennines (Italy). Our goal was to obtain a reappraisal of the existing predictive relationships for the ground motion, and to test them against the strong-motion data [peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV) and spectral acceleration (SA)] gathered during the Mw 6.15 L’Aquila earthquake (2009 April 6, 01:32 UTC). The L’Aquila main shockwas not part of the predictive study, and the validation test was an extrapolation to one magnitude unit above the largest earthquake of the calibration data set. The regional attenuation was determined through a set of regressions on a data set of 12 777 high-quality, high-gain waveforms with excellent S/N ratios (4259 vertical and 8518 horizontal time histories). Seismograms were selected from the recordings of 170 foreshocks and aftershocks of the sequence (the complete set of all earthquakes with ML ≥ 3.0, from 2008 October 1 to 2010 May 10). All waveforms were downloaded from the ISIDe web page (, a web site maintained by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). Weak-motion data were used to obtain a moment tensor solution, as well as a coda-based moment-rate source spectrum, for each one of the 170 events of the L’Aquila sequence (2.8 ≤ Mw ≤ 6.15). Source spectra were used to verify the good agreement with the source scaling of the Colfiorito seismic sequence of 1997–1998 recently described by Malagnini et al. (2008). Finally, results on source excitation and crustal attenuationwere used to produce the absolute site terms for the 23 stations located within ∼80 km of the epicentral area. The complete set of spectral corrections (crustal attenuation and absolute site effects) was used to implement a fast and accurate tool for the automatic computation of moment magnitudes in the Central Apennines.
      413  39
  • Publication
    Open Access
    The 2012 Ferrara seismic sequence: from a 1D reliable crustal structure for moment tensor solutions to strong implications for seismic hazard
    (2013-09-25) ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Munafò, Irene; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Malagnini, Luca; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Buttinelli, Mauro; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Herrmann, R. B.; Saint Louis University
    Anselmi, Mario; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Akinci, Aybige; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Boschi, Enzo; Università di Bologna
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    On May 20 2012, an event of Ml 5.9 (Mw 5.6) stuck the southem edge of the Po river plain (Pianura Padana). The earthquake was preceded by a foreshock of Ml 4.1 (Mw 3.8), less than 3 hours before the Mw 5.6 main. Hypocentral depths were 6.3 km for both events. Centroid depths were 5 and 6 km, respectively. The activated fault was a reverse one, dipping to the south. Then a complex seismic sequence started, in which more than six earthquakes with Ml greater than 5 stuck the area, the last one on June 3, 2012. Aftershocks delineated a 50 km long and 10-15 km wide zone, approximately elongated in the WE direction. More than 2100 events were located between May 19 and June 25 2012 by the INGV National Seismic Network, 80 of them with Ml greater than 3.5. The damage due to the Ml 5+ earthquakes was widespread, as they severely hit historical towns and industrial infrastructures. However, a striking inconsistency exists between the relatively small moment magnitudes and the corrisponding high level of damage. In order to define a velocity structure for the crust beneath the Pianura Padana, to be used for waveform inversion of moment tensors, we gathered all the geophysical and geological information available for the area. The model is characterized by very thick and shallow Quaternary sediments, to be used for the inversion of broadband waveforms for moment tensor (MT) solutions, in the frequency band between 0.02-0.1 Hz. We calculated moment tensors for 20 events down to Mw~3.2. We demonstrate how surface waves dominate the seismograms in the region, which may have played a major role in enhancing the damage to industrial structures observed in the epicentral area. Synthetic seismograms computed using the developed model well reproduced the anomalous durations of the ground motion observed in Pianura Padana, also highlighting important implications for the seismic hazard in the entire area. The present seismic hazard assessment as well as the size of the historical earthquakes in the region (and so their recurrence times), may need to be re-evaluated in the light of this new results.
      233  342
  • Publication
    Open Access
    The 2012 Ferrara seismic sequence: Regional crustal structure, earthquake sources, and seismic hazard
    (2012) ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Malagnini, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Herrmann, R. B.; Saint Louis University
    Munafò, I.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Buttinelli, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Anselmi, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Akinci, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Boschi, E.; Università di Bologna
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    Inadequate seismic design codes can be dangerous, particularly when they underestimate the true hazard. In this study we use data from a sequence of moderate-sized earthquakes in northeast Italy to validate and test a regional wave propagation model which, in turn, is used to under- stand some weaknesses of the current design spectra. Our velocity model, while regionalized and somewhat ad hoc, is consistent with geophysical observations and the local geology. In the 0.02–0.1 Hz band, this model is validated by using it to calculate moment tensor solutions of 20 earth- quakes (5.6 MW 3.2) in the 2012 Ferrara, Italy, seismic sequence. The seismic spectra observed for the relatively small main shock significantly exceeded the design spectra to be used in the area for critical structures. Observations and synthetics reveal that the ground motions are dominated by long-duration surface waves, which, apparently, the design codes do not adequately anticipate. In light of our results, the present seismic hazard assessment in the entire Pianura Padana, including the city of Milan, needs to be re-evaluated. Citation: Malagnini, L., R. B. Herrmann, I. Munafò, M. Buttinelli, M. Anselmi, A. Akinci, and E. Boschi (2012), The 2012 Ferrara seismic sequence: Regional crustal structure, earthquake sources, and seismic hazard, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L19302, doi:10.1029/ 2012GL053214.
      943  184
  • Publication
    Ground-motion scaling in the Western Alps
    (2006) ; ; ; ; ;
    Morasca, P.; DIPTERIS, Universita’ di Genova,
    Malagnini, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Akinci, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Spallarossa, D.; DIPTERIS, Universita’ di Genova,
    Herrmann, R. B.; Dept. of Earth and Atmo. Scie. of Saint Louis University
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    In order to empirically obtain the scaling relationships for the high-frequency ground motion in the Western Alps (NW Italy), regressions are carried out on more than 7500 seismograms from 957 regional earthquakes. The waveforms were selected from the database of 6 three-component stations of the RSNI (Regional Seismic network of Northwestern Italy). The events,MW ranging between 1.2 and 4.8, were recorded within a hypocentral distance of 200 km during the time period: 1996–2001. The peak ground velocities are measured in selected narrow-frequency bands, between 0.5 and 14 Hz. Results are presented in terms of a regional attenuation function for the vertical ground motion, a set of vertical excitation terms at the reference station STV2 (hard-rock), and a set of site terms (vertical and horizontal), all relative to the vertical component of station STV2. The regional propagation of the ground motion is modeled after quantifying the expected duration of the seismic motion as a function of frequency and hypocentral distance. A simple functional form is used to take into account both the geometrical and the anelastic attenuation: a multi-variable grid search yielded a quality factor Q( f ) = 310 f 0.20, together with a quadri-linear geometrical spreading at low frequency. A simpler, bilinear geometrical spreading seems to be more appropriate at higher frequencies (f > 1.0 Hz). Excitation terms are matched by using a Brune spectral model with variable, magnitude-dependent stress drop: at Mw 4.8, we used σ = 50MPa. A regional distanceindependent attenuation parameter is obtained (κ0 = 0.012 s) by modelling the average spectral decay at high frequency of small earthquakes. In order to predict the absolute levels of ground shaking in the region, the excitation/attenuation model is used through the Random Vibration Theory (RVT) with a stochastic point-source model. The expected peak-ground accelerations (PGA) are compared with the ones derived by Ambraseys et al. (1996) for the Mediterranean region and by Sabetta and Pugliese (1996) for the Italian territory.
      333  37
  • Publication
    Open Access
    A regional ground motion excitation/attenuation model for the San Francisco region
    (2007-06) ; ; ; ; ;
    Malagnini, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Mayeda, K.; Weston Geophysical Corporation
    Uhrhammer, R.; University of California Berkeley
    Akinci, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Herrmann, R. B.; Saint Louis University
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    By using small-to-moderate-sized earthquakes located within ~200 km of San Francisco, we characterize the scaling of the ground motions for frequencies ranging between 0.25 and 20 Hz, obtaining results for geometric spreading, Q(f), and site parameters using the methods of Mayeda et al. (2005) and Malagnini et al. (2004). The results of the analysis show that, throughout the Bay Area, the average regional attenuation of the ground motion can be modeled with a bilinear geometric spreading function with a 30 km crossover distance, coupled to an anelastic function exp(-pi*f*r/V*Q(f)) , where: Q(f)=180f^0.42. A body-wave geometric spreading, g(r)= r^-1.0, is used at short hypocentral distances (r < 30 km), whereas g(r)= r^-0.6 fits the attenuation of the spectral amplitudes at hypocentral distances beyond the crossover. The frequency-dependent site effects at 12 of the Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN) stations were evaluated in an absolute sense using coda-derived source spectra. Our results show: i) the absolute site response for frequencies ranging between 0.3 Hz and 2.0 Hz correlate with independent estimates of the local magnitude residuals (dML) for each of the stations; ii) moment-magnitudes (MW) derived from our path and site-corrected spectra are in excellent agreement with those independently derived using full-waveform modeling as well as coda-derived source spectra; iii) we use our weak-motion-based relationships to predict motions region wide for the Loma Prieta earthquake, well above the maximum magnitude spanned by our data set, on a completely different set of stations. Results compare well with measurements taken at specific NEHRP site classes; iv) an empirical, magnitude-dependent scaling was necessary for the Brune stress parameter in order to match the large magnitude spectral accelerations and peak ground velocities with our weak-motion-based model.
      188  706